Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

'Promises kept'? Not entirely. Here are five pocketbook ...

    • Universal health coverage. CLAIM: Speaking to CBS' "60 Minutes" in September 2015, Trump vowed …
    • No tax cuts for the rich. CLAIM: Candidate Trump said in 2015 he wanted to cut taxes for the middle …
    • Pay off the national debt. CLAIM: Trump told the Washington Post in March 2016, “We've got to get …
    • $1 trillion infrastructure boost. CLAIM: When Democrat Hillary Clinton released a $500 billion …

These are Donald Trump’s 40 biggest broken promises – Raw ...

    1. He said coronavirus would “go away without a vaccine.” You bought it. But it didn’t. While other …
    2. He said he won’t have time to play golf if elected president. But he has made more than 250 visits to …
    3. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with something “beautiful.” It didn’t …
    4. He said he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. He did the opposite. By …

naturally...she is looking for a job...…..she lost it at fox partly because of a argument with trump....shot off her mouth on another network and paid to leave.....very reliable
not according to CBS and others....Biden had a 14point win....trump looked...lackluster at best....but if he can't be rude and disrupt any facts...he aint *******!...come to think of it he aint ******* anyway

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I could care what CBS and others said. I watched it myself, He won because Biden lied through his teeth, his biggest lie was that no one lost their private health care under Obama care, oh really. My ******* and *******-In- Law went without insurance for years and were penalized every year by taking their income tax.
I BELIEVE the REAL story here is how the media has shown themselves to be way BEYOND biased. Not reporting the Tony Bobulinski story is openly protecting Joe Biden. It is their job to report the news whether they like it or NOT. It’s up to the American population to decide the merits of a story. Not exposing Joe Biden and trying to protect him is NOT the job of the media. This country is going down the poop shoot when the media won’t report on a HUGE story like this to protect THEIR candidate - people that don’t see this are just plainly daft.
The media make decisions every day on whether a story is worth reporting and/or the merits of a story. They frequently don't report stories that are old news or very complicated. From what I've gathered, the Hunter Biden story is a five-year-old nonevent and not a huge story.