Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

If it were about President Trump we’d be sick of hearing about it - you are obviously fulla shite.
Is this what passes for intelligent discourse in your household? Insulting a person because he doesn't agree with you? I stopped that kind of behavior after high school. Feel free to act like an adult and engage in civil discourse at your earliest convenience.
Sit back dems take a chill pill. You pound out your self proclaimed wisdom to each other because like everything else it makes you guys feel good. If it makes you all feel soft and comfortable, to kiss up to each other in attempting to convince yourselves that Joe Biden is going to defeat that evil president Trump, more power to your little hearts. But ! Also realize that we know that all of the opinions and false media hype that you actually believe to be true facts aren't. By the way when someone is a witness to an event like last nights debate, what that person gets out of what he or she heard and had seen are facts.
I agree.

You would think they would have learned their lesson in 2016 about fake polls and the media but then again, if they had enough logic to learn from it, they would not be liberals.

Some of the ones on here are hilarious and have been suffering from TARD for years. (Trump Acceptance Derangement Syndrome). Just wait until November when they'll suffer from RETARD. hahahahaha!

No use talking to them. Too much denial and delusions.

Check back here after the elections so we can rub it in. It will be fun.
Check back here after the elections so we can rub it in. It will be fun.

Hey why just gloat, you could make serious money in the betting markets.

The Dumbocrats think that Trump will win the popular vote, those sheeple. We can get a 4x payout because we know the truth that Trump will win bigly. Everyone I talk to outside my marina in Tampa likes Trump so I now he's definitely going to win. Put down a few ten thousand on Trump -- easy money
Hey why just gloat, you could make serious money in the betting markets.

The Dumbocrats think that Trump will win the popular vote, those sheeple. We can get a 4x payout because we know the truth that Trump will win bigly. Everyone I talk to outside my marina in Tampa likes Trump so I now he's definitely going to win. Put down a few ten thousand on Trump -- easy money
Trump has less than a 1% chance of winning the popular vote. Clinton had 3 million more votes than Trump; with historic early voting trends & turnout Biden will increase that national margin...
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Uh, right. How often do you hear about Jared's unsecured e-mails? Or Trump's national security lapses on Mar a Lago?

Trump fucks up more while taking a single ******* than most politicians can manage in a decade. The media cannot possibly keep up with all of his bullshit. It's kind of his whole strategy.

What's funny is that you see new stories on how bad Trump is fucking up, like continuously, and think "gee the media sure is mean there's no way he can be fucking up so much or as bad as they say", but he's actually fucking up way more than the media has time to report.
On this subject I've had more than one person say they voted Biden just so they didn't have to get up every dam day to news filled with Trumps *******.
Not only his own but the actions of others stirred by his words. We've never had a president that turns Americans against other Americans for political gain. His most avid supporters remind me of the hate filed mob that occurred in Germany under Hitler. Hitler never looted or burned shops he merely told the mob those people should be dealt with. The mob did the dirty work and the party took over the country by intimidation at the national election. They placed armed thugs at poling locations sound familiar. It might shock some if they read a little history and see just how similar that Germany was to today's America.