Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I could care what CBS and others said. I watched it myself, He won because Biden lied through his teeth, his biggest lie was that no one lost their private health care under Obama care, oh really. My ******* and *******-In- Law went without insurance for years and were penalized every year by taking their income tax.
pay attention now....I know hard for you brainwashed trumptards….. but think about what you read below...they are called facts....pick your source...all say the same

Trump’s Biggest Lies to Virginians At Last Night’s Debate ...

2 hours ago · RICHMOND – Last night, Virginians yet again heard even more lies from Donald Trump on the debate stage in what one fact checker called, “ an absolute avalanche of lying.”While Virginians continue to suffer from an unemployment rate twice as high as it was last year, rising COVID infection numbers, and a threat to their health care from a lawsuit to repeal the ACA Trump is backing, the …

Fact check: Trump unleashes avalanche of repeat lies at ...

Trump used the debate to spread disinformation about mail-in voting and repeated many of the false claims that he has been making all year -- including the lie that mail-in voting leads to massive...

Debate Fact-Checks Show Trump Lied And Lied, But One Group ...

Sep 30, 2020 · Amazingly enough, Donald Trump’s lies were not the main story coming out of Tuesday night’s debate. But that’s only because Trump’s constant interruptions and personal insults sucked up more attention. The fact-checkers had a lot to work with, but, as CNN’s stellar fact-checker Daniel Dale ...

Fact-Checking the Final Presidential Debate - The New York ...

20 hours ago · In their final debate, President Trump unleashed an unrelenting series of false, misleading and exaggerated statements as he sought to distort former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s record …


5 Reasons Joe Biden (Probably) Won the First Debate​

Joe Biden looked old and tired. He repeatedly botched easy answers to predictable questions. Watching the Democratic nominee try to complete a sentence occasionally felt like watching a washed-up, *******-faced acrobat trying to wobble his way across a tightrope one last time.

And Biden won the debate in a rout.

1) Biden did not appear to be suffering from literal dementia.​

2) The president’s strategy for winning over suburban moderates was, apparently, to align himself with the Proud Boys, threaten to disregard election results, and make obscure references to minor events from the Fox News Cinematic Universe.​

3) Trump lost the “law and order” argument.​

4) Trump delivered Biden’s populist, class resentment message for him.​

5) A tie goes to the guy who’s winning by 7 points.​

read full details here

This is the main point. Barring a pro-Trump polling error significantly larger than 2016’s, Biden will win the presidency in November. The 2020 race has been remarkably stable. Biden’s average polling lead hasn’t dropped below 6.6 points since early June. Trump needed to ******* the Democratic nominee into a memorable and devastating gaffe, or pull off an improbable ideological pivot, or do something — anything — to get the mainstream press to call him the evening’s unambiguous winner. Biden just needed to maintain something resembling the status quo ante. As of this writing, CNN anchors are declaring Trump primarily responsible for the debate being “a hot mess inside of a dumpster fire,” while the internet’s gambling addicts are rallying to Biden’s cause. In this instance, there’s little reason to doubt the wisdom of the markets.

Trump looks like a loser’ — and he’s willing to ‘burn ...

Oct 07, 2020 · MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch said he fears the coming weeks as President Donald Trump appears increasingly likely to lose re-election. The president took …

Fearing jail and facing defeat, Trump will not leave ...

Jul 16, 2020 · After the election, if he loses at the polls, Trump would also lose his federal protections against prosecution once a new administration takes over in January 2021.
I BELIEVE the REAL story here is how the media has shown themselves to be way BEYOND biased. Not reporting the Tony Bobulinski story is openly protecting Joe Biden. It is their job to report the news whether they like it or NOT. It’s up to the American population to decide the merits of a story. Not exposing Joe Biden and trying to protect him is NOT the job of the media. This country is going down the poop shoot when the media won’t report on a HUGE story like this to protect THEIR candidate - people that don’t see this are just plainly daft.

Follow me here, I’ll type slowly for the trump supporters.... you are being fed bullshit by trump.
There is no Obamagate, even Barr report confirmed this.
Four years for Benghazi investigation, zero indictments
Three years for Hillary’s emails zero indictments
Trump investigation, six jail sentences. Mueller “ if the president didn’t commit crimes we’d say so”
Trump named as a co conspirator by his long time lawyer

Now hunters emails 🤦‍♀️ I guess it’s a good thing hunter is not running for President.

Fuck me! Honestly haven’t you realised trump just deflects by making ******* up!
Ie you’ve apparently turned the corner with regard to covid 20,000- 50,000 infections per day with up to 1000 Americans dying!

It like having the highest body count and dumbest president is correlated 🤦‍♀️
The media make decisions every day on whether a story is worth reporting and/or the merits of a story. They frequently don't report stories that are old news or very complicated. From what I've gathered, the Hunter Biden story is a five-year-old nonevent and not a huge story.

If it were about President Trump we’d be sick of hearing about it - you are obviously fulla shite.
If it were about President Trump we’d be sick of hearing about it - you are obviously fulla shite.

Uh, right. How often do you hear about Jared's unsecured e-mails? Or Trump's national security lapses on Mar a Lago?

Trump fucks up more while taking a single ******* than most politicians can manage in a decade. The media cannot possibly keep up with all of his bullshit. It's kind of his whole strategy.

What's funny is that you see new stories on how bad Trump is fucking up, like continuously, and think "gee the media sure is mean there's no way he can be fucking up so much or as bad as they say", but he's actually fucking up way more than the media has time to report.
Uh, right. How often do you hear about Jared's unsecured e-mails? Or Trump's national security lapses on Mar a Lago?

Trump fucks up more while taking a single ******* than most politicians can manage in a decade. The media cannot possibly keep up with all of his bullshit. It's kind of his whole strategy.

What's funny is that you see new stories on how bad Trump is fucking up, like continuously, and think "gee the media sure is mean there's no way he can be fucking up so much or as bad as they say", but he's actually fucking up way more than the media has time to report.
Ivanka has been using a private email for a long time now....but this guy is above the law...brought up once and trump blew it off
I swear watching some of these people in voting lines and etc....say the debate helped them decide for trump or biden……...bullshit....kind of like undecideds.....bullshit....everyone has known for a long time who they are voting either love trump and nothing changes that......or you want trump gone...there is no in-between......very hard core.....sad part is I expect some violence after the election from the losing side.....if it is from the Dems it will just be 4 years of frustration taking it out on gloating trump tards…….although don't really think that is how it will be....think it will be the Proud boys and etc...with trumps encouragement

one thing these trumpies have shown...logic facts or etc means nothing...they worship this orange god!

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Sit back dems take a chill pill. You pound out your self proclaimed wisdom to each other because like everything else it makes you guys feel good. If it makes you all feel soft and comfortable, to kiss up to each other in attempting to convince yourselves that Joe Biden is going to defeat that evil president Trump, more power to your little hearts. But ! Also realize that we know that all of the opinions and false media hype that you actually believe to be true facts aren't. By the way when someone is a witness to an event like last nights debate, what that person gets out of what he or she heard and had seen are facts.
Sit back dems take a chill pill. You pound out your self proclaimed wisdom to each other because like everything else it makes you guys feel good. If it makes you all feel soft and comfortable, to kiss up to each other in attempting to convince yourselves that Joe Biden is going to defeat that evil president Trump, more power to your little hearts. But ! Also realize that we know that all of the opinions and false media hype that you actually believe to be true facts aren't. By the way when someone is a witness to an event like last nights debate, what that person gets out of what he or she heard and had seen are facts.