Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Who Won the Final Presidential Debate Between Trump and Biden? Analysis and Highlights

President Donald Trump stayed relatively cool and collected, which was probably Job #1 for him at Thursday night's debate. But he largely failed on Job #1.5—to talk about the economy, the economy, the economy. It's the issue on which Trump ranks highest with voters, and 56 percent of people in Gallup's recent survey say they're better off than they were four years ago.

But while the president's demeanor was focused, his message was not
. Throughout the debate, he failed to redirect the conversation to his economic achievements, and it wasn't until his final statement that he highlighted the low unemployment numbers achieved before the pandemic. Instead, he spent precious minutes retailing allegations of corruption against Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden's *******,which Biden parried calmly if not particularly convincingly—and repeating the charge that Biden had eight years as vice president and didn't get anything done.

The big question is whether the debate changed any voters' minds. The percentage of undecideds this year is small, and more than 47 million votes have already been cast in any case. Voters who were leaning towards Trump but were disconcerted by his jumpy, aggressive behavior at the first debate were probably comforted Thursday night, as were voters who wanted one more dose of reassurance that Biden has the energy for the job.

(One new thing viewers may have learned is that two minutes—the time allowed to each candidate to hold forth on questions—can feel very long. If you complained after the first debate about all the interruptions, you may want to take that back after having to listen to Trump and Biden without interruption.)

The first topic covered was the pandemic, with Biden attacking Trump's handling of the crisis and the president emphasizing that the death toll could have been higher. Trump said Biden would close down the whole country, while Biden worked to sell a nuanced response about the need to open the economy safely. The president insisted that a vaccine was coming very soon (sooner than experts have said). He also denied having criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

A person with 200,000 deaths on his hands should "not remain president of the United States of America," Biden said. He said he would encourage mask-wearing, move toward rapid testing and set up a national standard and funding for reopening schools and businesses.

Although it was not an officially listed topic, Trump spent part of the debate hitting Biden over reports about his *******'s international business deals. Recent emails and text messages published in a New York Post story alleged Hunter used his *******'s role as vice president to leverage his position arranging deals in Ukraine and China. Messages also purport to say a percentage of a deal was going to "the big man," which has largely been taken to be a reference to Biden. Trump couldn't resist using the phrase against him. He also accused the Biden family of "getting rich [off their connections]. They're like vacuum cleaners," he said.
"That's not true," Biden responded.

The Biden campaign has denied one of the alleged meetings took place, citing the former vice president's official schedule, and chalked the report up to a smear campaign. However, going into the debate, Biden had yet to outright deny the allegations, instead offering "no response" to a reporter when asked.

Nothing was unethical," Biden told debate viewers on Thursday night with regard to his *******'s role on Burisma's board. The vice president used the moment to remind voters of Trump's impeachment. He noted during the hearings people testified under oath that Biden carried out American policy and did his job "impeccably" and that no one said his ******* did anything wrong in Ukraine.
"This is a Russian plant," Biden said. "Five former heads of the CIA say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage, nobody believes it except him and his good friend Rudy Giuliani."

Biden rejected the report as a Russian plant, but he never outright denied the allegation. His failure to do so left the issue unresolved, but it's not clear that voters really care.

Trump faced a China issue of his own this week when the New York Times reported tax documents showed he held a bank account in China. Controlled by Trump Internationals Hotels Management L.L.C., the New York Times reported it paid $188,561 in taxes in China between 2013 and 2015. Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, told the Times the bank account was opened to "pay the local taxes" while the company explored "the potential for hotel deals in Asia."

Ahead of the debate, the Trump campaign complained that it wasn't focused enough on foreign policy and the president said he was on top of reports that China, Russia and Iran were interfering with the election, telling voters "I knew all about that." Biden vowed to make them "pay a price" if he's elected, while Trump credited himself with being the president who's been toughest on Russia.

In a rare appearance, climate change was an official topic of Thursday's debate and while Trump had little to offer voters in the way of future plans, it may not have made any difference. Critics of the Trump administration have regularly hit the president for not acknowledging the science behind climate change and doing little, if anything, to fight against it. Undecided voters whose top issue is climate change likely weren't seriously considering voting for Trump in any case. For his part, Biden walked a careful line on fracking—a key issue in Pennsylvania.

Thanks to moderator Kristen Welker's firm hand, the mute button and the candidates' largely adhering to the rules, the final debate may have given undecided voters somewhat more information than the first debate. But it's unlikely that voters on either side ended the low-energy evening overflowing with enthusiasm for their chosen man.

Still: if the polls are right, it was Joe Biden's debate to lose, and it doesn't look like he did.

Trump was his own worst nightmare at the final debate: low energy and boring

  • After all the debates, we know Trump's technique by now: He struts, makes rubber-faced sarcastic smirks, and heckles his rivals.
  • But faced with a competent moderator and the threat of a mute button, he was as neutered as any untalented bully would be. All he could do was resort to his well-worn act of pat insults that barely landed.
  • Unable to once again heckle his way to a dishonorable draw in the last debate of his political life, Trump looked gassed.
  • In the 2020 campaign's final days, Trump's debate performance reveals him as tired, boring, low energy.
Lincoln Project Runs Video of 'Mourning' Republicans Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham

The Lincoln Project has shared an advert describing "mourning in the Republican Party," suggesting GOP lawmakers are fearful of losing seats due to President Donald Trump

The video consists of a monologue spoken over clips of Trump and a reel of GOP lawmakers, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who the group targeted in another recent ad.

There's mourning in the Republican Party," the voiceover begins.

"Today, Senators and Congressmen are waking up to the reality that Donald Trump has broken their party.

"They praised his mistakes, instead of heeding the warnings, then blamed others to cover up their president's failures."

It then goes on to describe lawmakers as being concerned they will not win their bids for re-election while Trump is also running for President.

"With the economy in shambles, people across America are still unemployed, one of the worst economies in decades," it continues.

"This November, hundreds of Republicans are up for re-election and with their goodwill run out, many have given up hope.

"Republicans worry their re-elections won't survive Trump's presidency."

Looping back to the mourning theme, it concludes: "There's mourning in the Republican Party, and under the leadership of Donald Trump their party is weak and scared and powerless.

"And now, many are asking: If we have another four years of Donald Trump, will there even be a Republican party?"

There is mourning in the Republican Party.
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) October 23, 2020​
Newsweek has contacted the Trump campaign and the Lincoln Project for comment on the latest advert.

The new mourning-themed ad comes after the group, made up largely of former Republicans but who do not want to see another Trump term in the White House, released a previous attack on the President titled "Mourning in America" earlier this year.

This highlighted American deaths due to COVID-19, a point the group has continued to target the president over.

The title was a reworking of an ad from former Republican President Ronald Reagan's successful 1984 re-election campaign "Morning in America." In this, it was said under his leadership the country was "prouder, and stronger, and better."

Trump previously lashed out at this branding members of The Lincoln Project "loser types."

"A group of RINO [Republican in name only] Republicans who failed badly 12 years ago, then again 8 years ago, and then got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer, 4 years ago, have copied (no imagination) the concept of an ad from Ronald Reagan, 'Morning in America', doing everything possible to get even for all of their many failures," Trump tweeted, in response to the "Mourning in America" ad.

He added that he felt "their so-called Lincoln Project is a disgrace to Honest Abe."

The Lincoln Project has frequently used videos and messaging on social media to criticize Trump, insisting it will continue doing so. The group describes its mission as being to "defeat President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box."

It has gained a major following, surpassing the GOP's official account in terms of Twitter followers.

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Poor trump’s supporters. Thinks he’s brilliant but trump’s real challenge is sentence structure 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Poor trump’s supporters, not able to understand why the rest of the world is interested in a 19 trillion dollars economy.

I’d explain but you’d just get distracted by your sisters boobs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡

You're a venture communist.
I can't help that you are highly uneducated. I can't help that when you are explained something, you aren't able to grasp it.

Yes, your country was on fire because of poor forest management. You should make sure your house is clean before you disparage others.
And why the fuck are you even sticking your ignorant nose in our politics? Fuck off. No one here cares about your communist opinion.
Yes, cling to the Hunter Biden e-mail conspiracy. I love it, because nobody gives a *******. Even if that hard drive was actually Hunter's, and the e-mails were totally real, and Hunter was selling access to Joe to whoever and whatever the worst possible case scenario is (Joe talked to an ex-politician I guess?), still nobody gives a *******.

Trump has blown out the basement on blatant corruption. It no longer even registers for people.

Remember when Hillary emails was the distraction and she was going to be locked up and trump appointed 200
Poor trump’s supporters. Thinks he’s brilliant but trump’s real challenge is sentence structure 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Poor trump’s supporters, not able to understand why the rest of the world is interested in a 19 trillion dollars economy.

I’d explain but you’d just get distracted by your sisters boobs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡

Remember when Hillary emails was the distraction and she was going to be locked up and trump appointed 200
All anyone has to do is watch the 3rd Debate in its entirety, and you can clearly discern the integrity & character of a Biden supporter vs. a Trump supporter.

Polls already showing that Biden won the debate (again), but no shock there...
There's a pandemic raging on in America that's killing a thousand people a day. Nearly 8.5 million Americans have been infected and over 223,000 people have died from this disease. The unemployment rate is about 8 percent. I just don't believe the majority of Americans are concerned about this arcane, old, issue of dubious credibility.

I BELIEVE the REAL story here is how the media has shown themselves to be way BEYOND biased. Not reporting the Tony Bobulinski story is openly protecting Joe Biden. It is their job to report the news whether they like it or NOT. It’s up to the American population to decide the merits of a story. Not exposing Joe Biden and trying to protect him is NOT the job of the media. This country is going down the poop shoot when the media won’t report on a HUGE story like this to protect THEIR candidate - people that don’t see this are just plainly daft.
You me and the rest of America see it except a daft few can't wait for November 3rd get ready for a melt down

Somehow I don't think you're actually going to have a meltdown after the election. I think you'll whine for a bit about how the media wouldn't report on Rudy's fanciful Hunter e-mails for a day or two then go on with whatever you live that passes for a life.