Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It’s hard to believe how Dems can rationalize ANYFUCKINTHING 😬

_This_ is the response? After pages and pages and pages of Trump bilking the American taxpayer for millions, trampling over the constitution, and being joined at the hip with Epstein for decades?

Damn man, I'm not even mad. I'm impressed at the level of doublethink you're capable of
Yeah let’s sell America to China

Way better strategy if you’re a Dem 😆
to late....under Reagan the right already did that....china did not tell all those companies to go over there.....big biz wanted the cheap labor and the big buck America be damned...….forsing wages down and forsing people to but at wal mart....and making China a super power now.....thank big biz and American greed and their willingness to fuck America and the American worker
Lol look at you! I’m proud when retards can cut and paste. Did you do it prior to eating your crayon and ******* matter!

Look at you, explaining EMF. Clap ! Clap! I thought you’d post a Brietbart link but seriously “ windmill noise cause cancer!”

Yes australia has bush fires yes we have many methods to keep fuel low but we never never suggest Finland told us to rake the forest floor! Lol

Comorbidities ? Like diabetes or high ******* pressure or obesity or asthma . Like all of the above. Like I said record deaths , you believe you’ve turned the corner 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Where is the federal covid plan?

Funny how trump’s supporters talk about “ I elected him because he speaks his mind but then spends 1000 words explaining and crying “ that he didn’t mean that “
You trump’s supporters get so worked up when anyone quotes your Orange brain dead oxygen thief simply because he’s stupid !
He’s ill tempered and a cry baby! He’s meant to be the most powerful man in the world and he’s pathetic and sad . He loves a good cry on twitter about being the victim. Sad !

Also as a venture capitalist, none of us thinks trump is brilliant . He talks about the high highs but not the manic behaviour of the market that worries wholesale investors. He’s an isolated nationalist in a globalised environment...
I’d go on and on but look... most of your information is from your kkk rallies and mine from reports prepared by experts...

And Of course you think he’s brilliant he’s smarter than you ...
You're a venture communist.
I can't help that you are highly uneducated. I can't help that when you are explained something, you aren't able to grasp it.

Yes, your country was on fire because of poor forest management. You should make sure your house is clean before you disparage others.
And why the fuck are you even sticking your ignorant nose in our politics? Fuck off. No one here cares about your communist opinion.
You're a venture communist.
I can't help that you are highly uneducated. I can't help that when you are explained something, you aren't able to grasp it.

Yes, your country was on fire because of poor forest management. You should make sure your house is clean before you disparage others.
And why the fuck are you even sticking your ignorant nose in our politics? Fuck off. No one here cares about your communist opinion.

feeling triggered? this is one of the weakest, most butt-hurt comments I've seen on these board
Judge for yourselves !

There's a pandemic raging on in America that's killing a thousand people a day. Nearly 8.5 million Americans have been infected and over 223,000 people have died from this disease. The unemployment rate is about 8 percent. I just don't believe the majority of Americans are concerned about this arcane, old, issue of dubious credibility.

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