Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

HOLY SHITE Dems - Tony Bobulinski - an ex Naval officer and Dem himself yet a TRUE American patriot just blew the lid off the Biden’s CORRUPTION - but you wouldn’t know cause your media has a block out on the story - so consider this a PSA for ya :}

What did the dumbocrat say brain worms biden did exactly
Should be ALL over the news - EVERYFUCKINGWHERE - crickets !!!!!!

NOOOOOOOOO - the media has NO bias - this is unfuckinbelievable :|

I was lucky enough to grow up with Walter Chronkite and later on Tim Russert when there was REAL journalism - WTF HAPPENED ???????
Dude you don't even know what this story is supposed to be that should be in the news.

You can't even say what it was Biden supposedly did.

Make sure you take your Warfarin. Don't stroke out

[ ...In 2003, the celebrity real estate mogul told Stern that Ivanka Trump, then 22, has “got the best body,” CNN reported. Trump said, “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka.”

The next year, he told Stern it was fine to refer to Ivanka Trump as “a piece of ass.”

Two years later, in October 2006, Trump addressed Stern’s question about whether Ivanka had ever received breast implants. Trump said she had not but agreed that Ivanka was “voluptuous.” ...]
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He did call his ******* a great piece of ass. I heard that myself. We listened to Howard every day before school. Howard made a comment and Donald ran with it . We looked at each other in total shock. A ******* saying that on a coast to coast broadcast. The man has always been a disgusting ass . Too bad Howard won't release those old recordings of his show because there were also things Donald said about our guys in Vietnam fighting at the time. Don't remember suckers but they were along the same thought. We all knew he was a rich draft dodger. Photos of him all over the tabloids playing golf, tennis and dancing till dawn in NY night spots. A guy who supposedly had serious bone spurs that made it painful to walk. A con artiest even then and the DR. who signed that deferment confessed to his wife she said. Said he didn't even see Donald, he owed the ******* a favor. I'm sure he thinks those who went were suckers it was so easy to avoid the draft if your borne in the right family.
If I were a Dem that would scare the hell outta me!!!!!!
No wonder they’re all in here trying to convince each other they’re winning :}
We're not scared, just baffled that Trump & you Trumptards can continue lying to yourselves. You're certainly not convincing any of us Democrats or liberals. Its not the Democrats that are notoriously known as the "old, rich white man's party".
And "Drain The Swamp"? No administration has had as many of its members, including its own President being indicted and going to jail as Trump's. Its corrupt all the way from the top to the bottom. The entire WORLD see's it yet you fools continue lying and denying. NOW, the Trumpster's calling the militias to stand back & stand down until after the election ... what the fuck does that mean?
If this all blows up into a civil war, I guess I'll be volunteering in the military at 42 ... I won't stand by and watch this fool of a President try to take down our democracy and our country.
"I am not just running against Biden, I am running against the Corrupt Media, the Big Tech Giants, and the Washington Swamp. It is time to send a message to these wealthy liberal hypocrites by delivering Joe Biden a THUNDERING defeat on November 3rd!"
YOU WILL - give the proverbial SHYit - if ya ever get the news 😆
I read the propaganda rags so I can keep up with whatever ******* they've been feeding you.

So far they (the NY Post) don't actually have any real point to what they're claiming. As soon as they start making the outlandish accusations you know they will, it becomes obviously propaganda and looks bad, so it's going to stay in this ambivalent "maybe this e-mail is real and maybe it means something but nobody really knows what it means but ~~~spoooooooky~~~ ~~~supiiiiiiiicion~~~~~"
If you only had a clue - you will someday ;}
We're just a couple weeks from determining who will be the President for the next 4 years. Regardless of which one wins, there's going to be rioting in the streets, probably. If Trump loses, it will involve some well armed militias who've been itching to get into a fray, and regardless of who they *******, those dying will be Americans ... innocent citizens & US military/State guards.
Maybe after a few thousand deaths THIS WAY, you'll start realizing Trump is not only bad for the US, but bad for the WORLD. Obviously his poor handling of the covid virus, and the quarter million who have already died by his stupidity and lack of competency, didn't convince you folks.
Get a grip on reality.
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