Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You dumb fuck.
Trump said, "They tell me the noise from windmills cause cancer." Clearly he was in the middle of a speech talking about energy independence and trying to recall what someone else told him. And he made the noise of a turbine making noise, which is what can potentially cause cancer.
But windmills generate electricity, and they make noise when doing so. That process produces an electromagnetic field (EMF) as a result. All energy-producing things do.
For decades, there has been a suspected link between dense electromagnetic fields (low to mid-frequency) around power lines and cancer in humans. And if you know anything about light waves (electromagnetic waves), they go from the lowest radio frequency all the way up to the most powerful gamma rays, with visible light somewhere in the middle of that range. We know x-rays can cause cancer. Visible light rays can cause melanoma cancer. And it hasn't been completely ruled out that extended exposure to high volumes of lower frequency EMFs can cause cancer, even though a direct link hasn't been established yet.
So the only thing Trump is guilty of is lacking eloquence.

Our US Department of the Interior is involved in clearing of underbrush. And wait, didn't you Australians go though your entire country being on fire? Who the hell are you to talk to us about that??

You dumb fuck. The recent coronavirus caused our STATE leaders to shut down businesses. If you actually did research, you'd see that California, New York, and Illinois were the hardest hit in terms of job losses. That wasn't Trump. That was Democrat governors controlling what businesses opened or closed, and to what capacity they were closed. Our unemployment skyrocketed as a result. Prior to COVID, Trump's changes with trade deals and rolling back of regulations had added hundreds of thousands of jobs. We had an all-time low in unemployment in this country. Only ignorant people like you would blame a virus that came from China, and the resulting economic impact, on Trump.

Record dead Americans? Not even close. The Spanish Flu killed an estimated 2 million Americans. And our CDC has said that of the 210,000 deaths from COVID, that only 6% are actually due to the virus. The other 94% are due to comorbidities. You really should get educated, because you clearly are as dumb as a box of door knobs.

He is brilliant. Negotiated trade deals. Brought hundreds of billions of dollars back into the United States from China tariffs. Negotiated three peace deals in the middle, getting him 3 nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. He got Germany and other countries to finally pay more of their fair share of NATO dues. He has stomped out the majority of ISIS with his decisions. He has been able to bring troops back home.
You wouldn't know brilliance if it slapped you upside the head.

Lol look at you! I’m proud when retards can cut and paste. Did you do it prior to eating your crayon and ******* matter!

Look at you, explaining EMF. Clap ! Clap! I thought you’d post a Brietbart link but seriously “ windmill noise cause cancer!”

Yes australia has bush fires yes we have many methods to keep fuel low but we never never suggest Finland told us to rake the forest floor! Lol

Comorbidities ? Like diabetes or high ******* pressure or obesity or asthma . Like all of the above. Like I said record deaths , you believe you’ve turned the corner 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Where is the federal covid plan?

Funny how trump’s supporters talk about “ I elected him because he speaks his mind but then spends 1000 words explaining and crying “ that he didn’t mean that “
You trump’s supporters get so worked up when anyone quotes your Orange brain dead oxygen thief simply because he’s stupid !
He’s ill tempered and a cry baby! He’s meant to be the most powerful man in the world and he’s pathetic and sad . He loves a good cry on twitter about being the victim. Sad !

Also as a venture capitalist, none of us thinks trump is brilliant . He talks about the high highs but not the manic behaviour of the market that worries wholesale investors. He’s an isolated nationalist in a globalised environment...
I’d go on and on but look... most of your information is from your kkk rallies and mine from reports prepared by experts...

And Of course you think he’s brilliant he’s smarter than you ...
Funny how trump’s supporters talk about “ I elected him because he speaks his mind but then spends 1000 words explaining and crying “ that he didn’t mean that “
You trump’s supporters get so worked up when anyone quotes your Orange brain dead oxygen thief simply because he’s stupid !
He’s ill tempered and a cry baby! He’s meant to be the most powerful man in the world and he’s pathetic and sad . He loves a good cry on twitter about being the victim. Sad !

This is so spot on. The number of MAGA-heads crying about how "unfair" the media is for publishing direct quotes from the guy is both sad and hilarious. "No he didn't mean that about injecting lysol or bleach into the lungs, he was saying... uh... something else, you dumbocrat!!"

Yes, cling to the Hunter Biden e-mail conspiracy. I love it, because nobody gives a *******. Even if that hard drive was actually Hunter's, and the e-mails were totally real, and Hunter was selling access to Joe to whoever and whatever the worst possible case scenario is (Joe talked to an ex-politician I guess?), still nobody gives a *******.

Trump has blown out the basement on blatant corruption. It no longer even registers for people.
Yes, cling to the Hunter Biden e-mail conspiracy. I love it, because nobody gives a *******. Even if that hard drive was actually Hunter's, and the e-mails were totally real, and Hunter was selling access to Joe to whoever and whatever the worst possible case scenario is (Joe talked to an ex-politician I guess?), still nobody gives a *******.

Trump has blown out the basement on blatant corruption. It no longer even registers for people.
Extortion by vice-president in office
Yeah let’s sell America to China

Way better strategy if you’re a Dem 😆

How about we engage in a ruinous trade war with China that takes more money out of American bank accounts and that leaves midwestern farmers with their hands out needing welfare . . . oh excuse me! That would be “subsidies” :rolleyes: It’s “welfare” if “they” get it, but a “subsidy” if I get it!