Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You want him to be dirty. There's no evidence he's dirty. It's important to learn the difference.

The POTUS isn't supposed to interfere directly with the DOJ, and isn't supposed to direct the machinery of the FBI to attack a political opponent.

You've decided that Obama's administration tapping phones without the knowledge of Obama, and without people in the administration even knowing who they're tapping is illegal because you like Trump, and you've decided that it's OK for Trump to personally direct the head of the DOJ to investigate his political opponent in the weeks before an election.

You're a hypocritical cultist.
You really are a riot. So I am a hypocritical cultist. Or is your words of great wisdom saying all President supporters are hypocritical cultists ? Speaking only for myself, I am an American, born and raised in a country even with all its flaws since it's conception, I am glad that we have lived in the Greatest Country of my lifetime and in the past. The POTUS is the head of the country, who says he " Isn't suppose to direct or become involved with the operation of the intelligence agencies to do what is right for this country. That one video of Vice President Biden blackmailing the Ukraine into shutting down an investigation of the corrupt company that his ******* just happens to be receiving a huge amount of money from every month, should have been investigated and convictions handed out. Obama did not want Joe Biden to run for president in 2016 or now in 2020, WHY ? Because Obama was corrupt himself and he is smart enough himself to avoid detection, but Biden did not keep his mouth shut.

Biden didn't run in 2016 because his ******* had just died while serving in the military.

If you think Obama didn't want Joe to get the nom in 2020, you're just clueless. Obama called Klob and Buttigieg immediately after the SC primary to get them to pull out and support Biden.

Also, yes, you are a cultist. And if you support Trump, you hate America and all it stands for.
Biden didn't run in 2016 because his ******* had just died while serving in the military. Wrong but it sounds good ! Biden's ******* did not die while serving in the military as a noncombat attorney. From October 2008 to September 2009, he served as a judge advocate general. He died on May 30, 2015 of brain cancer at the age of 46. Joe Biden has suffered more tragedy in his life than most.

If you think Obama didn't want Joe to get the nom in 2020, you're just clueless. Obama called Klob and Buttigieg immediately after the SC primary to get them to pull out and support Biden. Read this carefully.
Also, yes, you are a cultist. And if you support Trump, you hate America and all it stands for. What ever you think or say I am not a cultist. It is a ridiculous statement to make. If I support Trump I hate America and all it stands for. I despised all of the corruption in our Government long before Trump came on the scene. At this time there is no one else that I have any faith in other than certain republicans hopefully not corrupted yet.
I despised all of the corruption in our Government long before Trump came on the scene. At this time there is no one else that I have any faith in other than certain republicans hopefully not corrupted yet.
1. You still don't know how quotes work on this forum?
2. You despised corruption before, but love it now? Trump has been convicted of fraud multiple times -- Trump Foundation, Trump University. He's appointed his family into positions of power and ****** security clearance for Jared when he couldn't pass on his own. He's used his own properties to host foreign heads of state. He's lied publicly tens of thousands of times. He owes hundreds of millions of dollars to God knows who, and has secret bank accounts in China. You love all this because you actually love corruption, you love corrupt authority, and you hate America and democracy.
That's without even starting on the fraud and corruption from everyone Trump is surrounded by, from his family (Jared's dad's in jail) to his campaign (Parscale in a mental institution, Manafort in prison, Cohen in prison, just for starters) to his cabinet (Price using taxpayer money to fly private planes, Shulkin taking his wife shopping in Europe on taxpayer money, Pruitt with 18 different corruption investigations on him, and of course Acosta of "let Trump's friend Epstein walk" fame)
1. You still don't know how quotes work on this forum?
2. You despised corruption before, but love it now? Trump has been convicted of fraud multiple times -- Trump Foundation, Trump University. He's appointed his family into positions of power and ****** security clearance for Jared when he couldn't pass on his own. He's used his own properties to host foreign heads of state. He's lied publicly tens of thousands of times. He owes hundreds of millions of dollars to God knows who, and has secret bank accounts in China. You love all this because you actually love corruption, you love corrupt authority, and you hate America and democracy.
Secret Bank accounts in China you say. Can't be to secret if they are on his tax returns.
You know if I envisaged a trump supporter pantry
There would be a waterproof tea bag they bought from their kkk rally. On the side trump would have written “ the bestest tea bag ever, it’s bigly better because I like invanka

Trump supporters would then try to convince you
It’s cheaper
It’s less calories
It taste better
Windmill noise does cause cancer

When did people become so gullible.
Guess it’s HARD for Americans to understand commies.

it is....and confusing why the right sold out to Russia...…

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How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine

Jul 18, 2017 · To be sure, the Republican Congress, at least on paper, remains hawkish on the Kremlin, as evidenced by the recent 98-2 Senate vote to increase sanctions against Russia for its election meddling …

GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to ...

Aug 03, 2017 · Oleg Deripaska is the founder and majority owner of RUSAL, the world's second largest aluminum company, based in Russia. Len Blavatnik owns a …
You really are a riot. So I am a hypocritical cultist. Or is your words of great wisdom saying all President supporters are hypocritical cultists ? Speaking only for myself, I am an American, born and raised in a country even with all its flaws since it's conception, I am glad that we have lived in the Greatest Country of my lifetime and in the past. The POTUS is the head of the country, who says he " Isn't suppose to direct or become involved with the operation of the intelligence agencies to do what is right for this country. That one video of Vice President Biden blackmailing the Ukraine into shutting down an investigation of the corrupt company that his ******* just happens to be receiving a huge amount of money from every month, should have been investigated and convictions handed out. Obama did not want Joe Biden to run for president in 2016 or now in 2020, WHY ? Because Obama was corrupt himself and he is smart enough himself to avoid detection, but Biden did not keep his mouth shut.

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and you don't think any of his overseas companies or hotels or etc might not be a conflict of interest?....of course not you are a fucking idiot!
Trump has been in Business for a long time. I am sure he companies or hotels in many countries. Where is the conflict of interest? It is not me or any of the non leftists on this thread that are the idiots. You have no idea how to operate big businesses that have interests in many countries around the world. Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean his companies are still not thriving.