Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump has been in Business for a long time. I am sure he companies or hotels in many countries. Where is the conflict of interest? It is not me or any of the non leftists on this thread that are the idiots. You have no idea how to operate big businesses that have interests in many countries around the world. Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean his companies are still not thriving.
If you have to ask this question, you aren't competent enough to comprehend the answer.
Trump has been in Business for a long time. I am sure he companies or hotels in many countries. Where is the conflict of interest? It is not me or any of the non leftists on this thread that are the idiots. You have no idea how to operate big businesses that have interests in many countries around the world. Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean his companies are still not thriving.

Hmmm yes good point, if only the Constitution had a clause dealing with the idea that someone could make money for their personal foreign-country businesses using elected office. Oh wait, there is! It's called the "emoluments clause"!

Maybe that's why all those other presidents divested their businesses.
Trump has been in Business for a long time. I am sure he companies or hotels in many countries. Where is the conflict of interest? It is not me or any of the non leftists on this thread that are the idiots. You have no idea how to operate big businesses that have interests in many countries around the world. Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean his companies are still not thriving.

We just turned Syria over to Russia..air base and all...for what reason.....we abandoned the kurds and let Turkey slaughter them...for what reason......we let the Saudis ******* a reporting and said nothing ...for what reason....the whole world knows Russia poisened the competition and no reply ...for what reason...and you don't see a tie...(hotels or ?)​

Trump Family Has Gotten Much Richer Since President Moved ...

Jun 14, 2018 · President Donald Trump's family appears to have grown richer since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump, unlike past presidents

How the Trump ******* Have Profited Off Their Dad's ... - GQ​*******-profit-presidency
Oct 14, 2019 · While the company was still active, Ivanka wasn’t shy about using the spotlight that comes with being the president’s ******* to goose sales of Ivanka-branded apparel and accessories.
Trump has been in Business for a long time. I am sure he companies or hotels in many countries. Where is the conflict of interest?

What did China get in exchange for Ivanka's business being allowed to run in China?

Also, remember when the White House was advertising canned beans? I mean, it's hilarious, but also sad. Our White House was advertising canned beans. SMDH
As Far as the ******* go, how many were sold by their parents to let criminals to cross the border. Romney is a traitor and a disgusting human being, If Trump is reelected, all your bragging and name calling will come back to bite you guys. Win or lose we elected him to defeat that witch Hillary and it was glorious to watch the democrats cry, scream and ANNA on the Young Turks ranted how stupid the democrats were. Win or lose, Trump has made it through his 4 years against attacks from his enemies.
As Far as the ******* go, how many were sold by their parents to let criminals to cross the border. Romney is a traitor and a disgusting human being, If Trump is reelected, all your bragging and name calling will come back to bite you guys. Win or lose we elected him to defeat that witch Hillary and it was glorious to watch the democrats cry, scream and ANNA on the Young Turks ranted how stupid the democrats were. Win or lose, Trump has made it through his 4 years against attacks from his enemies.

you really are fucking twisted...where in the hell do you come up with this *******>
Not A Romney lover but will say I think he follows his religion …

oh or lose on the election will not change some from being an asshole....that part won't change....not saying you are....but....
Appears the 2020 Presidential Election is going down as the nastiest in history. Each side trying to break open NEWS just before election day to sway voters.
If nothing else comes out of this election, maybe de-polarization and term limits in congress can happen. Its becoming almost barbaric again.
As Far as the ******* go, how many were sold by their parents to let criminals to cross the border. Romney is a traitor and a disgusting human being, If Trump is reelected, all your bragging and name calling will come back to bite you guys. Win or lose we elected him to defeat that witch Hillary and it was glorious to watch the democrats cry, scream and ANNA on the Young Turks ranted how stupid the democrats were. Win or lose, Trump has made it through his 4 years against attacks from his enemies.
Lol, "made it through" lmao... so encouraging, 😂...

12 Days...🤫
As Far as the ******* go, how many were sold by their parents to let criminals to cross the border. Romney is a traitor and a disgusting human being, If Trump is reelected, all your bragging and name calling will come back to bite you guys. Win or lose we elected him to defeat that witch Hillary and it was glorious to watch the democrats cry, scream and ANNA on the Young Turks ranted how stupid the democrats were. Win or lose, Trump has made it through his 4 years against attacks from his enemies.

This is a guy here who hates America. He'd have been fighting to keep the Jewish refugees out of American soil during the Holocaust.