Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You have Joe Biden as your candidate running for President of the United States. Anyone that sees this as a viable option needs to come back to reality. All of you should really study more about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Because all of you have this pure hatred of Trump. You have helped to do great damage to the Democratic Party because of emotion instead of common sense. If elected there is absolutely no chance Joe Biden can rescue your sinking ship. It is clear that this mentally challenged shell of the man he once was lacks the ability to take care of himself without assistance. How can he possibly run a country.

1. Learn how to quote properly
2. He only has to survive until November 3rd!
This motherfucker, right here.

After all the bitching and moaning about FISA warrants under the Obama administration, he just openly does this *******. How does anyone support this asshat with a straight face?

The Democratic Party is a sinking ship? Ever since Trump got elected, we've been winning more elections in Congress and States. Not to mention the financial support of people. How else do you measure a political party? By what the opposition says? OK, we've been gaining Republican support every single day. More endorsements from republican operatives and appointees in past administrations than, I don't know when. Oh, and several from the current administration too. Hell, we even got people with the last name Trump.
Who does Trump have besides Trump loyalists?
That ship ain't sinking *******, it's an Ohio-class ballistic submarine baby! Coming right for that cardboard Trump rec boat parade.
Biden is dirty and why wouldn't it be wise to shut him down before you elect a criminal and they have to spend a lot of tax payers money to oust him if he wins the office. What was done to Trump concerning the FISA warrants under the Obama administration was illegal. What is happening now with Biden is being done right out in the open.
1. Learn how to quote properly
2. He only has to survive until November 3rd!
I quoted Biden properly " Come on Man "
Biden is dirty and why wouldn't it be wise to shut him down before you elect a criminal and they have to spend a lot of tax payers money to oust him if he wins the office.
Oh yeah? How so? 47 years in office and no hint of corruption and suddenly he's corrupt? That only makes sense in the mind of someone who supports the most corrupt president in history. The third impeached president, who's entire business has been under criminal investigation and found guilty of multiple crimes over and over. You support the president who does business with our adversaries as he is president. The President who we find out today has checking accounts in China where he's earned millions while being President. This is who you support? Donald j Trump has paid more in taxes in China than America.
What is it you got on Joe Biden? Tell us or are you a fucking phoney?
What was done to Trump concerning the FISA warrants under the Obama administration was illegal. What is happening now with Biden is being done right out in the open.

I quoted Biden properly " Come on Man "
What exactly was done to Trump?
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Say what? CHIna wins if . . . Biden wins :unsure:???

More to come. Debates on Thursday, with mics being mutes while the other speaks. All Jow has to do is wait for the name Hunter to be said then respond by saying, he has used this presidency to sell out America, he paid more taxes to the Chinese Government than he did to his own country- while he was president. This is the guy in charge of protecting us?
I know this - the WHINING of Dems knows NO bounds - tis the lot of the sore LOSER!!!!!!
you people have to win one way or the any means necessary...… first Russia just tried hacking...and then it was the use of different airways to put out lies to deceive people into thinking trump was intelligent....when most of the country knows he is dumb as a fucking rock....and now this.....the right needs to learn how to get a decent candidate...and not this con man....with no regard for America.....middle of a pandemic.....and a recession...according to this fucking retard things are fine vote for him....or else?

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