Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Biden is dirty and why wouldn't it be wise to shut him down before you elect a criminal and they have to spend a lot of tax payers money to oust him if he wins the office.
You want him to be dirty. There's no evidence he's dirty. It's important to learn the difference.

What was done to Trump concerning the FISA warrants under the Obama administration was illegal. What is happening now with Biden is being done right out in the open.
The POTUS isn't supposed to interfere directly with the DOJ, and isn't supposed to direct the machinery of the FBI to attack a political opponent.

You've decided that Obama's administration tapping phones without the knowledge of Obama, and without people in the administration even knowing who they're tapping is illegal because you like Trump, and you've decided that it's OK for Trump to personally direct the head of the DOJ to investigate his political opponent in the weeks before an election.

You're a hypocritical cultist.
you know the sad part of all that is...… matter how corrupted or how little this guy does for AMERICA his trumptards do not see it on here and on tv.....people swear how great he is...and yet can not name one thing he has done
I know this - the WHINING of Dems knows NO bounds - tis the lot of the sore LOSER!!!!!!
We'll see what YOU have to say after the Nov 3rd election, ok?
Let me be very clear with you blkdlaur, I had issues with Trump from the very start, but my actual "hatred" for the man started when he met with the Russians in "private" on several occasions, with VPutin on at least 3 occasions, and admitted giving them highly classified information regarding our country. Don't say it didn't happen and its fake news ... Trump admitted to it as part of his "presidential privileges". We don't know what he and VPutin discussed in private as the only one who had an interpreter was VPutin.
So, as bad as Trump has been an embarrassment & a bad representative to our country, my ISSUES are with his secrecies and private meetings (that WE know about) with Russia. I can't express my dislike strong enough and still remain a "free man" ... but I'm hoping Trump is removed from office as soon as he loses the election. He holds way too much privileged information about our national security to be left alone aftetwards.
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