Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Is he trying to lose? I don't think he could have run this campaign any worse if it was his intention. I mean, damn.

Dude's about to lose bigly to Joe "Brain Worms" "ran for president 3 trillion times before and didn't make it through Iowa" Biden
Then put one of these on, 'cause we have NO intention of letting up until Trump is GONE from Washington DC.

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"Come on Man" You have Joe Biden as your candidate running for President of the United States. Anyone that sees this as a viable option needs to come back to reality. All of you should really study more about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Because all of you have this pure hatred of Trump. You have helped to do great damage to the Democratic Party because of emotion instead of common sense. If elected there is absolutely no chance Joe Biden can rescue your sinking ship. It is clear that this mentally challenged shell of the man he once was lacks the ability to take care of himself without assistance. How can he possibly run a country.