Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It doesn't bother you that Trump keeps hiring people that he throws under the bus to avoid responsibility?

He's gone through, what, four Chiefs of Staff? All of whom he shat on, one of which was a respected former General. Same story with Mattis (another respected former General), and he's on his fourth Secretary of State now.

Same goes with his personal life -- his "personal lawyer" testified against him after being arrested for crimes Trump pushed him into committing.

This is the guy who is supposed to hire the "best people", but instead he just tells Kushner to solve everything and complains about the staff that he himself hired when ******* inevitably falls apart on him.
Look Donald Trump is the president of the United States. He has the right to hire and fire any employee that he is not pleased with, whether it is the Chief of Staff or Secretary of State if he feels that they are failing and not accomplishing his goal of course he has fired a great deal of staff. Donald Trump was elected to attempt to clean up the out of control political corruption and once they are given a chance and failed he needed to replace many of them. Barack Obama should have fired Hillary Clinton, but nooo he allowed her failures to be covered up he dared not to rock the Democrat Elite Boat.
The Beatles would ... lol Ringo & Paul are still alive. Released in 1964, I think it was.

I'm a loser

I'm a loser

And I'm not what I appear to be

Of all the love I have won or have lost

There is one love I should never have crossed

She was a girl in a million, my friend

I should have known she would win in the end

I like this one better :p He's a LOSER baaaaabyyyyyyy 😜

Look Donald Trump is the president of the United States. He has the right to hire and fire any employee that he is not pleased with, whether it is the Chief of Staff or Secretary of State if he feels that they are failing and not accomplishing his goal of course he has fired a great deal of staff. Donald Trump was elected to attempt to clean up the out of control political corruption and once they are given a chance and failed he needed to replace many of them. Barack Obama should have fired Hillary Clinton, but nooo he allowed her failures to be covered up he dared not to rock the Democrat Elite Boat.

And they all have the right to say that it was an honor to be fired by Donald Chump ;)
He wrote playbook for pandemic before it happened.
Trump's never written a thing in his life other than signing his name onto everything. Who told you TRUMP wrote the playbook on pandemics ... playbook about WHAT? Surely not controlling it. Because if he DID, he failed miserably at THAT TOO.
Trump's "attention span" isn't capable of him writing a book. Maybe a 2-3 page letter.

Your only legit source, and you clearly have not read it, or have a severe reading comprehension problem.
It's calling out all of your bullshit for us. Basically, if you believe Fauci is not honorable and one of the world's experts on diseases and viral infections, you're a dipshit.
This is typical of you, and Trumptards. You cannot comprehend that Trump is the lying, racist, incompetent boob that he is, so you search hi and lo for headlines that support the opposite. But, your ignorance stunts your comprehension to only headlines.
From the article:
  • So why is the doctor facing so much criticism from the political right? The answer is likely grounded in another pandemic sweeping the nation: conspiracy theories. The is a growing sentiment that Fauci, who has served every President since Reagan and is a Presidential Medal of Freedom award, is part of the “Deep State,” a term used by many of the President’s supports and other anti-government groups to represent what they see as a bias against Trump in the federal government.
  • By accusing America’s top experts of being liars, and continuing to promote theories of a “Deep State,” of which Dr. Fauci is a member, the risks of the accelerating coronavirus pandemic are being compounded by those who claim to care about it. Even more so, shaking Americans’ trust in expertise, and encouraging them to question the motivations behind medial experts, critics are playing a deadly game not only with America’s health and economy, but the very nature of the country itself. And that is not the hallmark of a healthy democracy.
Thanks for helping Joe out a little bit more today.
Look Donald Trump is the president of the United States. He has the right to hire and fire any employee that he is not pleased with, whether it is the Chief of Staff or Secretary of State if he feels that they are failing and not accomplishing his goal of course he has fired a great deal of staff. Donald Trump was elected to attempt to clean up the out of control political corruption and once they are given a chance and failed he needed to replace many of them. Barack Obama should have fired Hillary Clinton, but nooo he allowed her failures to be covered up he dared not to rock the Democrat Elite Boat.

Her "failures" -- I guess you mean Benghazi? How many millions of dollars did we waste on that farce of an investigation. And Donald Trump has the audacity to claim that he has had to endure "witch hunts".

The difference between someone like Obama and Trump is that Obama had some clue what he was doing. So he didn't have 30-odd indictments of his campaign and cabinet, with criminal convictions that I have to count on two hands.

Trump has always been a con man, and putting him in office didn't change that, it just let him con even more people.