Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Still mostly Dems in here trying to convince themselves they’re winning.

Can only imagine the HOWLING if they lose again.

Wonder if it’ll still be all Russia’s fault - cause having an ole senile corrupt career politician for a candidate certainly couldn’t have anything to do with it. 😆
why is it you are so determined to back a loser and a killer

Fox News poll sees Trump's popularity drop to new low as ...

Jun 19, 2020 · Donald Trump ’s popularity has dropped to another low, as Fox News ’ latest poll shows 12 percentage points between the US president and Democratic candidate Joe …

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Trump needs to STFU about Fauci . . . he needs to STFU about a LOT of things . . . of course, we know he can't!!!
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just a few things this country should be focusing on.....but your party keeps cutting

They criticize Democrats for taxing and spending. Well what Republicans do is cut taxes for the rich and keep spending like mad on their pet projects (especially the military) without requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share. And at the same time, they cut spending on social programs for the needy and ignore the problems they face. It’s the absolute worst all the way around, it drives the country right into the ground, and takes a Democratic administration or two to fix! In the meantime, poor whites keep right on voting Republican! Hey, I may not have any money, but at least I’m white! And the Republicans are for the white folks!
Christie making an issue of being wrong and telling people to wear a mask...… late for cain to speak up...…..and trump did not even flinch or say a word about these...…….do you really think hr cares about our children or the general public..

most fucking dictators don't...the public is expendable as long as they stay in power
What an infusion of complete and total BS being pushed on here today. One way to achieve the coveted prize of power in todays wonderful modern world of social media is to drown everyone in as much informational rubbish as humanly possible, whether it be false propaganda, truthful reporting or the most common, distortion by taking the true meaning of someone's words or actions and twisting them to change the outcome. Common sense has become lost in our world. I have already voted for Trump to be reelected, will he? Common sense tells me that if China had not infected the world with the covid 19 pandemic Trump would win by a landslide despite the pounding this man has fought through his whole Presidential term. FACT America used to be the most educated country in the world but not today. There are millions of Americans out there that can't answer the simplest questions and get them correct. We are on a slippery slope sliding into total disaster, we will crash in the end, the democrats will not save the country, neither could Trump but at least he could give us 4 more years of fighting against Socialism while the left is embracing big government overwhelmed with social programs.
Fauci is a snake

Seems to me that Trump is the snake 🐍 He uses the man's words in a political ad without his consent, uses those words out of context to make it seem as if Fauci supports what he's doing (trying to use Fauci's credibility to help him get re-elected), and then turns around and talks ******* about Fauci, but you call Fauci a snake :unsure:??? You mean-spirited Trumptards are full of ******* is what!
No idea how this election will go - but still say it’s weird how the Dems are trying sooooooo hard to convince themselves that they are winning. Wonder why 🤔

We're not trying to convince ourselves of anything. NO, you Trumptards are trying to convince yourselves that you aren't about to get seriously trounced. We KNOW we're winning . . . and so do you . . . you just refuse to accept it.
Seems to me that Trump is the snake. He uses the man's word in a political ad without his consent, uses those words out of context to make it seem as if Fauci supports what he's doing (trying to use Fauci's credibility to help him get re-elected), and then turns around and talks ******* about Fauci, but you call Fauci a snake :unsure:??? You mean-spirited Trumptards are full of ******* is what!
He wrote playbook for pandemic before it happened.
I don't want government to hold my hand Go Trump 2020
apparently you do!

the right likes big gov and always creates it contrary to the republican myth! to guess againb?

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute

Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans.

Big-government conservatives mount takeover of GOP - POLITICO

Apr 27, 2020 · Politics. Big-government conservatives mount takeover of GOP. But there are good reasons to believe it will end as soon as the next Democrat wins the presidency.
apparently you do!

the right likes big gov and always creates it contrary to the republican myth! to guess againb?

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute

Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans.

Big-government conservatives mount takeover of GOP - POLITICO

Apr 27, 2020 · Politics. Big-government conservatives mount takeover of GOP. But there are good reasons to believe it will end as soon as the next Democrat wins the presidency.