Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

***BREAKING*** Chief Justice Robert's SIDES with the LIBERALS!!!
Major BLOW to Republicans' Hope's for Pennsylvania!!!!!!

How come no one of the leftist fake media or Joe Biden himself along with his campaign representatives and the Democratic Party are even talking about this??
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How come no one of the leftist fake media or Joe Biden himself along with his campaign representatives and the Democratic Party are even taking about this??

Because nobody cares. Biden could be a pimple on your ass named Dr Sebacious and it would still win against Trump
No because nobody but you desperate Trumptards care about or pretend to believe that BullSHYit is why!
No that isn't true at all. With the bias media holding hands with the left, nothing appears as it really is. Cover up anything negative about the left and escalate everything about the Trump administration fake news is exactly what they spread. It is you Left-tards that are deceived not Trump supporters. You on the left are wrong period, so go blow your horns at those that will listen.
No that isn't true at all. With the bias media holding hands with the left, nothing appears as it really is. Cover up anything negative about the left and escalate everything about the Trump administration fake news is exactly what they spread. It is you Left-tards that are deceived not Trump supporters. You on the left are wrong period, so go blow your horns at those that will listen.
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