Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

2.5 million people die in this country every year. The leading cause of death is heart disease. I don't see you or other leftists fighting hard against smoking or other heart disease causing factors. You couldn't care less about deaths.
Why are you scared to tell me where you live? Are you a little bitch, or a confident man?
Most of the funding for research from our public universities- where most vaccines and cures come from, are strongly supported and financially increased under Democratic control, and cut to the bone under Republicans. Each and every time. It's their way of sticking it to the Universities for teaching people how to think for themselves.
You're such a Keyboard Tough Guy.
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You are so fucking clueless about how the economy works. The economy encompasses the market. But the market is an indicator of business strength, and its potential to make money in the future. Investors will cut an run as soon as they feel the economy is truly in trouble. This COVID blip is a blip. The market has a V-shaped recovery. The entire economy has bounced back, but is being kept down by leftist state leaders who refuse to let businesses re-open.
you have been listening to trump and fox to much...…...highest unemployment since the great depression....long food lines and food going fast...a sure sign of a great economy......and yes the housing market is booming...….Obama fixed it so those banks couldn't make bad loans...trump removed it...naturally those banks are loaning to those buyers...they don't give a fuck...if the loans fail we will bail them out again...all these sales so is a sugar high and about to come to an end

guess you haven't noticed all the layoffs in the airline industry....and starting in the auto industry.....the last bailout trump sent a lot to companies that are overseas..

you are about to eat a giant up
2.5 million people die in this country every year. The leading cause of death is heart disease. I don't see you or other leftists fighting hard against smoking or other heart disease causing factors. You couldn't care less about deaths.
Why are you scared to tell me where you live? Are you a little bitch, or a confident man?
Why are you worried about the residence of another man...? Are you a closeted, little homosexual.... or a flamboyant fuckboy bitch?
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You are so fucking clueless about how the economy works. The economy encompasses the market. But the market is an indicator of business strength, and its potential to make money in the future. Investors will cut an run as soon as they feel the economy is truly in trouble. This COVID blip is a blip. The market has a V-shaped recovery. The entire economy has bounced back, but is being kept down by leftist state leaders who refuse to let businesses re-open.
So, Red States without Leftist Leaders are booming along with Wall Street? NO. Again, you're full of *******.
You know who knows the economy pretty well, your boys and girls on Wall Street. Let's see what the biggest player in the game has to say:
Oh Snap!!! Must be all of those Leftists there. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Is 10x smaller than a BLM protest, #CutItOut, Clinton had 3 million more votes than your Daddy fuckboy...🤷‍♂️

Haha... only retards bring up the popular vote. You could have 10 million more popular votes and still lose the electoral college. People much brighter than you created it to keep dumbasses like you from winning every election.
Where you live, you little bitch?
So, Red States without Leftist Leaders are booming along with Wall Street? NO. Again, you're full of *******.
You know who knows the economy pretty well, your boys and girls on Wall Street. Let's see what the biggest player in the game has to say:
Oh Snap!!! Must be all of those Leftists there. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well of course it would, stupid. Leftist state leaders shut down businesses. They would open them right back up if Biden gets elected.
The only reason they keep them closed is because it's an election year with Trump in office.
Most of the funding for research from our public universities- where most vaccines and cures come from, are strongly supported and financially increased under Democratic control, and cut to the bone under Republicans. Each and every time. It's their way of sticking it to the Universities for teaching people how to think for themselves.
You're such a Keyboard Tough Guy.
Look at you, having to answer for the little bitch BBCSceptre. I knew he was a little bitch already, but now he has a puppy answering for him.
You boys are all pathetically weak.
So, Red States without Leftist Leaders are booming along with Wall Street? NO. Again, you're full of *******.
You know who knows the economy pretty well, your boys and girls on Wall Street. Let's see what the biggest player in the game has to say:
Oh Snap!!! Must be all of those Leftists there. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
By the way, the WHO just reported that due to leftist lockdowns worldwide, they will have potentially DOUBLED global poverty. Way to go, leftists.

Well of course it would, stupid. Leftist state leaders shut down businesses. They would open them right back up if Biden gets elected.
The only reason they keep them closed is because it's an election year with Trump in office.
You're like a little rabbit, screaming and spitting when cornered.
You've got all the names but, no answers.
1. For the third time, IF what you say is true, and it's in the states hands, then the economies for the Red states should be booming. Are they?
2. Since what you say is dead wrong, what you wrote above is wrong. Wall Street actually does analysis and it has nothing to do with states open or closed, it's about government programs and spending designed to boost the economy, "stupid".

So for those who actually have a clue. It's not just Goldman Sachs, Moody's actually did an analysis too and agree that Biden has a more solid plan for growing the economy. If I have to explain Moody's, skip this conversation.

Moody's: 7.4 million more jobs under Biden's plan
Goldman Sachs isn't the only Wall Street firm to point out the positive benefits of a blue wave.
Moody's Analytics found that Biden's economic proposals, if enacted, would create 7.4 million more jobs than would Trump's. The economy would return to full employment in the second half of 2022, nearly two years earlier than under Trump's plan, Moody's said.
"The economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda," wrote Moody's economists led by Mark Zandi, who advised Senator John McCain during the 2008 presidential race.
Haha... only retards bring up the popular vote. You could have 10 million more popular votes and still lose the electoral college. People much brighter than you created it to keep dumbasses like you from winning every election.
Where you live, you little bitch?
Really fuckboy...?!?? Name one time (just one instance) in United States history where that has happened...?


Let's see who the dumbass really is, we already know you're a closeted, effeminate biotch.
By the way, the WHO just reported that due to leftist lockdowns worldwide, they will have potentially DOUBLED global poverty. Way to go, leftists.

You "care for the world" now? So your not just a homosexual bitch, but your a globalist homosexual bitch???

Lol, a bleach-drinking punkass Homosexual Globalist...😂😂😂

#TheydoThatRoundYourWay, Bitchass.
Really fuckboy...?!?? Name one time (just one instance) in United States history where that has happened...?


Let's see who the dumbass really is, we already know you're a closeted, effeminate biotch.
Look bitch, you don't answer my questions, I don't answer yours. Grow a sack, and then I'll continue talking to you.