Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I'll call you boys if I want. Don't like it? Leave.
You come on an interracial site, and use racist terms?
It's not new. You think you own everything here too so you feel no restraints or accountability to the rules.
Save the bullshit about what you 'meant'. You've been here long enough and know what your doing.
Too bad white on white porn doesn't pull your trigger. You kind of a disgrace here.
Pathetic too.
Last time I checked, "boys" was a term for younger males.
You fuckers turn everything racist.
"You fuckers"? Who?
You're on an interracial site. You don't call black men boys. Especially when the debate has devolved into name calling. Yet, in defiance you do it anyway, knowing you can fall back on a literal definition as opposed to the racial slight that it's been for 300 years.
I never once mentioned the color of your skin, your race, or your heritage.
I responded that are no boys here- clearly lifting out of the back and forth name calling. You doubled down. It's just what you are.
What must it be like to be so uber sensitive to the words people use that you get offended at the use of a term like "boys". My god you're a pussy.
No words on the planet could offend me. I'm not a pathetic loser who is affected by words. Grow a sack. Get thicker skin. And stop seeing race in things that have nothing racial in them.
"You fuckers"? Who?
You're on an interracial site. You don't call black men boys. Especially when the debate has devolved into name calling. Yet, in defiance you do it anyway, knowing you can fall back on a literal definition as opposed to the racial slight that it's been for 300 years.

I responded that are no boys here- clearly lifting out of the back and forth name calling. You doubled down. It's just what you are.
You're boys compared to me in terms of age.
And by "you fuckers", it's those of you who support BLM. All wimpy leftists, regardless of race. It's nothing but a power grab. You want to defund police because it gives you more power. You want to own words because it gives you power. Sorry, neither of those things will happen.
Police will remain funded, even if they get cut a bit. You can't own words. Sorry. Better grow thicker skin. Being affected so deeply by words, especially those expressed without racial intent, will lead to a miserable life.
You're boys compared to me in terms of age.
And by "you fuckers", it's those of you who support BLM. All wimpy leftists, regardless of race. It's nothing but a power grab. You want to defund police because it gives you more power. You want to own words because it gives you power. Sorry, neither of those things will happen.
Police will remain funded, even if they get cut a bit. You can't own words. Sorry. Better grow thicker skin. Being affected so deeply by words, especially those expressed without racial intent, will lead to a miserable life.
What the fuck, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Why don't you stop being a pussy and coming up with excuses. You wrote it. You knew what you wrote. So what?
Come on you wussy fuck, say it! Keyboard tough guy my ass.
I know what I wrote and how I intended it. You inaccurately read race into it. Doesn't surprise me. You're a bunch of young idiots who think you know so much, but you're just *******-talking before an election. I don't talk ******* about my guy winning before an election. I have no idea who is going to win. Polls prove nothing. Trends prove nothing. Billboards, Photoshopped or not, prove nothing. The only thing that proves it is the election tally and the Electoral College's decisions on who their votes will go toward. You all learned nothing in 2016.

Again, stop being such a pussy and stop reading race into everything people say. You clearly aren't good at seeing the meaning behind people's words.
2.5 million people die in this country every year. The leading cause of death is heart disease. I don't see you or other leftists fighting hard against smoking or other heart disease causing factors. You couldn't care less about deaths.
Why are you scared to tell me where you live? Are you a little bitch, or a confident man?

Ah yes, killing grandma to own the libs. Great choice.

Here to tell us that 215,000 dead Americans is no big deal really, while also ready to shed the greatest of tears over every precious life lost to crime as long as the crime was done by a person with dark skin, especially an immigrant.
What must it be like to be so uber sensitive to the words people use that you get offended at the use of a term like "boys". My god you're a pussy.
No words on the planet could offend me. I'm not a pathetic loser who is affected by words. Grow a sack. Get thicker skin. And stop seeing race in things that have nothing racial in them.

Behold, the empty rage of the impotent white man.

Sorry you can't fuck your wife properly and your ******* hate your pathetic ass, lmao
Look bitch, you don't answer my questions, I don't answer yours. Grow a sack, and then I'll continue talking to you.
That's because your question is GAY. You are obsessed about another man's residence, in addition to spewing falsehoods. Lol, go find a woman fuckboy.

Oh & bitchboy, don't respond until you find that example of a "candidate winning the popular vote by 10 million votes, and losing the election"

#KeepLooking, #FuckBoyTendencies
I know what I wrote and how I intended it. You inaccurately read race into it. Doesn't surprise me. You're a bunch of young idiots who think you know so much, but you're just *******-talking before an election. I don't talk ******* about my guy winning before an election. I have no idea who is going to win. Polls prove nothing. Trends prove nothing. Billboards, Photoshopped or not, prove nothing. The only thing that proves it is the election tally and the Electoral College's decisions on who their votes will go toward. You all learned nothing in 2016.

Again, stop being such a pussy and stop reading race into everything people say. You clearly aren't good at seeing the meaning behind people's words.
Just like I thought. Hide behind your bullshit. Coward.

Back to the point- if, as you say, the Leftist state leaders are the ones to blame for holding the economy back, why are the Red states without leftist leaders swirling in the toilet with their economies too?
Do the Blue states hold that much sway over the national economy (yes)? So that goes to say, Blue states, where more Americans live, are the important states in the country if we want to a good economy. Red states are dependent on the success of blue states. Got it!

Or is like me, Goldman Sachs, Moody's, and every other person with a brain says? Trump fucked up the economy and has no answer for getting it started back up. Democrats, as usual, have a solid plan that breeds confidence and will have to come in and clean up the mess.

You're having a bad night. Get out the dildo, insert in your mouth, and suck it until you fall asleep. Tomorrow is new day for you to fuck up.
That's because your question is GAY. You are obsessed about another man's residence, in addition to spewing falsehoods. Lol, go find a woman fuckboy.

Oh & bitchboy, don't respond until you find that example of a "candidate winning the popular vote by 10 million votes, and losing the election"

#KeepLooking, #FuckBoyTendencies
You're not only an idiot, you're homophobic.
I'm curious if you're even from the United States. Because many foreigners have opinions on our political system when they have no business sticking their nose in it. But you're too much of a coward to reply.

You fucking moron, I didn't say there was an example of it. I'm saying it's possible.
I'll break it down to a third grade level so you can understand it. California has been a Democrat state since 1992. All 55 electoral college votes went to Hillary, despite Trump getting 4.4 million votes there in 2016.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, all Republicans in CA decided not to cast a vote in 2016.
Trump would have had 4.4 million fewer popular votes, but the electoral college votes wouldn't change at all. CA is still only worth 55, no matter how big the margin of victory is in that state.
So if I took ALL blue states from 2016 and threw away their Republican votes altogether, the Electoral College numbers would be the exact same.
Trump could have lost by a margin of 25 million (and even more) popular votes, but still won the election via the Electoral College.

StateVotes for Trump in blue states where Hillary won all Electoral College votes

So I take his 2016 total popular votes of 62,984,828, and subtract 22,173,314, and we get 40,811,514 popular votes that Trump had across all red states, and he still would have won the Electoral College 304 to 227.

It's a pretty simple concept. Maybe you'll understand it this time, but I'm not holding my breath.
Just like I thought. Hide behind your bullshit. Coward.

Back to the point- if, as you say, the Leftist state leaders are the ones to blame for holding the economy back, why are the Red states without leftist leaders swirling in the toilet with their economies too?
Do the Blue states hold that much sway over the national economy (yes)? So that goes to say, Blue states, where more Americans live, are the important states in the country if we want to a good economy. Red states are dependent on the success of blue states. Got it!

Or is like me, Goldman Sachs, Moody's, and every other person with a brain says? Trump fucked up the economy and has no answer for getting it started back up. Democrats, as usual, have a solid plan that breeds confidence and will have to come in and clean up the mess.

You're having a bad night. Get out the dildo, insert in your mouth, and suck it until you fall asleep. Tomorrow is new day for you to fuck up.
It's only a bad night for you because you think you're being a big bad ass. But you're showing the world how big of a pussy you are because you can neither understand nor tolerate words. You're a fragile piece of glass, princess.
Still no answers???
Look, princess, the majority of the poor economy is due to leftist leaders shutting down businesses unnecessarily. End of story.
It's no mystery that it all happened in an election year where Donald Trump is your president. None of their other schemes worked to remove him, so they attack their own in an effort to sink him. Again, no cost is too high to leftists in an effort to regain power.
Look, princess, the majority of the poor economy is due to leftist leaders shutting down businesses unnecessarily. End of story.
It's no mystery that it all happened in an election year where Donald Trump is your president. None of their other schemes worked to remove him, so they attack their own in an effort to sink him. Again, no cost is too high to leftists in an effort to regain power.
Yes, immigrants should be ****** to risk death so you can get your nails done.

Exactly the mentality I should expect from a sad degenerate who fetishizes black men but has no regard for them as human beings.
Riddle me this, submission52, what do South Korea, Japan, Finland, Denmark, and New Zealand have in common?

hint: they were able to make it through Covid with minimal death and minimal impact on their economy, because of competent ~~socialist~~ leadership. The countries that have suffered the most (Brazil, the US, and the UK) were the ones cursed with right-wing reactionary leadership