Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Mmmmmm this is so support a man that hates Blacks....and yet you are here.....wanting describe your hate for blacks also?

you don't need to go into a lot of detail most can see with your support of racism...….and your name is just a cover to start ******* like a lot of those white supremist do at rallies....and with the fake facebook accounts
Wow - are you ever misinformed and misguided ... not to mention delusional... your hate-filled head is filled w/ lies from the Dem Party and the MSM (aka biased political assault-weapons for the ugly dem party) - not news at all - and anyone can see you've been totally brainwashed if you believe those "lies."

Trump doesn't hate blacks - he loves them - he even won a lifetime achievement award from the BLACK Community, presented to him by Rosa Parks, herself... for his work and generosity in the A/A community --- something you'll never hear the dems admit to (or see on the clown news network - CNN)/ Seriously.. y'all must be idiots to believe their bs lies and youre watching too much CNN.

ps. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU AMERICA... literally lying to y'all. The Dems are corrupt - Trump will win (again) and prove to the world your "brainwashed selves" have been stupid to listen (and obey) them ___ the leftist Socialist-Communist baby-killers in the dem party. WATCH ... WATCH WATCH IT HAPPEN! #WalkAway #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway (from the lying Democrat party plantation)... #LyingCrookedDems ... #BlacksForTrump ... #TurningPointUSA ... #CandaceOwens ... #PragerU... #TheRealTruth ... #MindlessBraindeadDemVoters ... #TrumpUSA... #MAGA ... #WalkAway
Riddle me this, submission52, what do South Korea, Japan, Finland, Denmark, and New Zealand have in common?

hint: they were able to make it through Covid with minimal death and minimal impact on their economy, because of competent ~~socialist~~ leadership. The countries that have suffered the most (Brazil, the US, and the UK) were the ones cursed with right-wing reactionary leadership
... dumb as dumb can be... I work in the healthcare field... if someone is shot in the heart and they rest for covid - it's considered a covid death by the lying, ugly democrats-run fools. Population density n' demographics play a part in getting it too. Plus. as "evil" and "corrupt" as the Dem Party is... truly is... I wouldn't be surprised if they released the virus to ******* others themselves - you don't know these people. I do... yes, they are that "evil" to lie to y'all about everything else - and this too. Seen it first hand... there would be 10 times more cases and deaths if Trump didn't act appropriately ... and if he listened to the liars on the left (fools), the dems and MSM... there would be quadruple the deaths. BUT AGAIN... THEY ARE LYING TO YOU ... you can decide to be a fool and a sheep and a little lackey/wimpBoy for the dem party... or you can stand UP and be a man - and learn the truth - seek it out - and you WILL agree w/ me - 100% guaranteed.
I work in the healthcare field...
What, janitorial? supply room? parking garage?
there would be 10 times more cases and deaths if Trump didn't act appropriately ...
That's just IT ... Trump & his administration DIDN'T ACT, and you know it. Didn't even develop a strategy. If he did, and you know it ... tell us what it was. His only strategy was to keep the real covid-19 information, that medical technology was finding, from the public to "supposedly" keep the public from panicing ... believe that was HIS WORDS. He didn't support ANY CDC protocols to arrest the progression of the disease.
So, here we are in mid-October and not ONLY is the corona virus NOT going away as he's saying on TV, hell, its catching second wind ... 17 states reported the HIGHEST new cases to date, and 32 states are on the increase in new cases and deaths.
The corona-virus isn't going away ... its picking up steam, you dork. WHY would the CDC and other news sources lie about THAT? Only Trump lies so performingly well without a conscious.
It'll be 225,000+ deaths by Christmas and we'll all still be under the covid watch and as far as Christmas ... ruined for millions of people due to Trump's arrogance and stupidity. And that means most of the quarter million corona virus deaths were unnecessary ... they're ALL ON TRUMP.
The only way Trump wins is if he CHEATS, and that is the one thing he IS good at as he's had years, and years of practice.
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Wow - are you ever misinformed and misguided ... not to mention delusional... your hate-filled head is filled w/ lies from the Dem Party and the MSM (aka biased political assault-weapons for the ugly dem party) - not news at all - and anyone can see you've been totally brainwashed if you believe those "lies."

Trump doesn't hate blacks - he loves them - he even won a lifetime achievement award from the BLACK Community, presented to him by Rosa Parks, herself... for his work and generosity in the A/A community --- something you'll never hear the dems admit to (or see on the clown news network - CNN)/ Seriously.. y'all must be idiots to believe their bs lies and youre watching too much CNN.

ps. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU AMERICA... literally lying to y'all. The Dems are corrupt - Trump will win (again) and prove to the world your "brainwashed selves" have been stupid to listen (and obey) them ___ the leftist Socialist-Communist baby-killers in the dem party. WATCH ... WATCH WATCH IT HAPPEN! #WalkAway #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway (from the lying Democrat party plantation)... #LyingCrookedDems ... #BlacksForTrump ... #TurningPointUSA ... #CandaceOwens ... #PragerU... #TheRealTruth ... #MindlessBraindeadDemVoters ... #TrumpUSA... #MAGA ... #WalkAway

You can repeat that garbage that Trump has tried to Jedi mind trick everyone, but you should know better than that. As I said before, A Birther white supremacist who supports those fine Nazis people marching in Charlottesville demonstrates exactly what he is.

And this was covered by ALL media. Wake up.
You can repeat that garbage that Trump has tried to Jedi mind trick everyone, but you should know better than that. As I said before, A Birther white supremacist who supports those fine Nazis people marching in Charlottesville demonstrates exactly what he is.

And this was covered by ALL media. Wake up.
You're too dumb to breathe. No wonder your posts are like that from a braindead person.
Which shows that you and trump are the last two that believe the stock market and unemployment are tied together. Dopes.
40 million unemployed that were employed a year ago, and the market is soaring. You still playing red state blue state.
What about the employment in red states without a "leftist State leader" why are those economies in the garbage?
You've got no answer because your premise was complete bullshit. Like everything you post.
Every state is reporting thousands of fraudulent unemployment claims
Wow - are you ever misinformed and misguided ... not to mention delusional... your hate-filled head is filled w/ lies from the Dem Party and the MSM (aka biased political assault-weapons for the ugly dem party) - not news at all - and anyone can see you've been totally brainwashed if you believe those "lies."

Trump doesn't hate blacks - he loves them - he even won a lifetime achievement award from the BLACK Community, presented to him by Rosa Parks, herself... for his work and generosity in the A/A community --- something you'll never hear the dems admit to (or see on the clown news network - CNN)/ Seriously.. y'all must be idiots to believe their bs lies and youre watching too much CNN.

ps. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU AMERICA... literally lying to y'all. The Dems are corrupt - Trump will win (again) and prove to the world your "brainwashed selves" have been stupid to listen (and obey) them ___ the leftist Socialist-Communist baby-killers in the dem party. WATCH ... WATCH WATCH IT HAPPEN! #WalkAway #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway (from the lying Democrat party plantation)... #LyingCrookedDems ... #BlacksForTrump ... #TurningPointUSA ... #CandaceOwens ... #PragerU... #TheRealTruth ... #MindlessBraindeadDemVoters ... #TrumpUSA... #MAGA ... #WalkAway
talk about mind fucked.....that would be attention....the world knows it....but naturally you trumptards are always in the dark...but then trump likes to keep you that way...keeps you loyal if you buy only what he tells you....didn't he say one time do not beklive what you read or hear only what I tell you....hard to believe THERE ARE THAT MANY RETARDS IN THE WORLD...IT SEEMS HALF OF THEM ARE ON HERE


POLL Most Americans Say Trump Racist & Below Average/Failure

Even a hefty plurality of white voters agreed Trump is a racist, 46-39, while only 14 percent of Republicans said yes to the question. Crucially, among independent voters, the spread was even wider...

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Black Americans deeply pessimistic about country under Trump, whom more than 8 in 10 describe as ‘a racist,’ Post-Ipsos poll finds (Washington Post) Washington Post -Ipsos poll of black ...

Most voters think Trump is a racist -

Aug 02, 2019 · Fifty-one percent of American voters believe Trump is a racist compared to 45 percent who do not, according to the survey from Quinnipiac University.

Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 - Vox

On top of all that history, Trump has repeatedly made racist — often explicitly so — remarks on the campaign trail and as president: Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing... As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on …
right now.....trump is like Bernie sanders...…..has this loyal following believing every word he says.....but the following not enough to get him anywhere

what is really fitting.....right now the more he goes out and campaigns and spreads this trump virus......the better Bidens numbers are
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You're not only an idiot, you're homophobic.
I'm curious if you're even from the United States. Because many foreigners have opinions on our political system when they have no business sticking their nose in it. But you're too much of a coward to reply.

You fucking moron, I didn't say there was an example of it. I'm saying it's possible.
I'll break it down to a third grade level so you can understand it. California has been a Democrat state since 1992. All 55 electoral college votes went to Hillary, despite Trump getting 4.4 million votes there in 2016.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, all Republicans in CA decided not to cast a vote in 2016.
Trump would have had 4.4 million fewer popular votes, but the electoral college votes wouldn't change at all. CA is still only worth 55, no matter how big the margin of victory is in that state.
So if I took ALL blue states from 2016 and threw away their Republican votes altogether, the Electoral College numbers would be the exact same.
Trump could have lost by a margin of 25 million (and even more) popular votes, but still won the election via the Electoral College.

StateVotes for Trump in blue states where Hillary won all Electoral College votes

So I take his 2016 total popular votes of 62,984,828, and subtract 22,173,314, and we get 40,811,514 popular votes that Trump had across all red states, and he still would have won the Electoral College 304 to 227.

It's a pretty simple concept. Maybe you'll understand it this time, but I'm not holding my breath.
CUCKOLD Bitch,.. Trump had a popular vote of 62,984,828 & Clinton had a popular vote of 65,853,514...

65,853,514 - 62,984,828 = 2,868,686

Does 2.8 million look like "10 MILLION" to you DUMBASS...???😂😂😂🤦‍♂️
Wow - are you ever misinformed and misguided ... not to mention delusional... your hate-filled head is filled w/ lies from the Dem Party and the MSM (aka biased political assault-weapons for the ugly dem party) - not news at all - and anyone can see you've been totally brainwashed if you believe those "lies."

Trump doesn't hate blacks - he loves them - he even won a lifetime achievement award from the BLACK Community, presented to him by Rosa Parks, herself... for his work and generosity in the A/A community --- something you'll never hear the dems admit to (or see on the clown news network - CNN)/ Seriously.. y'all must be idiots to believe their bs lies and youre watching too much CNN.

ps. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU AMERICA... literally lying to y'all. The Dems are corrupt - Trump will win (again) and prove to the world your "brainwashed selves" have been stupid to listen (and obey) them ___ the leftist Socialist-Communist baby-killers in the dem party. WATCH ... WATCH WATCH IT HAPPEN! #WalkAway #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway (from the lying Democrat party plantation)... #LyingCrookedDems ... #BlacksForTrump ... #TurningPointUSA ... #CandaceOwens ... #PragerU... #TheRealTruth ... #MindlessBraindeadDemVoters ... #TrumpUSA... #MAGA ... #WalkAway
Good news for you, Trump is coming back in the national polls. He went from trailing behind Biden by 10.6% to a 10.4% deficit... unfortunately the gains weren't in the states where he needs it.20201013_075914.jpg