Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

... But, Trump will win - and that statement will be made (once again)... the people (who are not brainwashed or brain-dead) will speak... the silent majority will make a statement - and someday - whenever that it... you WILL (also) see the corrupt ugliness and lies of your "gods" aka the ugly dems. You'll realize you were wrong n' deceived ALL this time.
Do you want to bet $$$ on that....?🤨🤨🤨
It is not the LEAD Biden has over Trump, but the fact that Biden has more than more than 50% support. 50.01% support is all he needs to win electoral votes. Trump cannot win a state if Biden has 50.01% of the votes. Clinton in 2016, not a single one of those polls had her even touching 50%. In fact, she never got close in the average of polls during the rest of the campaign, averaging 44-45%. 20201012_113922.jpg
I have a liberal friend who kept quoting the FiveThirtyEight polls in 2016, and we saw how that turned out.
So you keep focusing on the polls if it makes you feel better. I'll focus on reality.
Allow me to be a friend, and tell you more.
The polls have been on the money since 2016.
Trump won within the MoE. And, national polls showed Hillary with an edge, which she kept.
You republicans have been pointing at the polls of 2016 but don't understand ******* about the science behind polls and often argue from the point of a survey. It's why you got crushed in 2018 and never saw it coming but, also lost governors in red states like Louisiana, Kansas and Kentucky.
One real measure is to look at the unfavorables. Low unfavorables means you have voters to persuade, high unfavorables mean you need to flip voters who are either voting for the opposition or stuck on you being unworthy.
Trumps unfavorables are higher than even HIllary's. He's had almost four years to show us who is, and what he can do. Americans have rejected that overall. So he is ready to suppress the number of Americans that can vote, based on precincts, focusing mostly on majority minority precincts. This will not work because, he has ******* a lot of support in white suburban precincts, and even surprisingly rural precincts. Hence the polls tightening in Iowa, Georgia, and South Carolina.
Hope you enjoyed the ride.
And we know you don't have friends, let alone liberal ones.
I have a liberal friend who kept quoting the FiveThirtyEight polls in 2016, and we saw how that turned out.
So you keep focusing on the polls if it makes you feel better. I'll focus on reality.
I'm sorry, does this look like a "poll" to you...?
You republicans have been pointing at the polls of 2016 but don't understand ******* about the science behind polls and often argue from the point of a survey.

They don't believe in any aspect of science, not unless it happens to coincide with some "feel good" populist position that they want to take and defend in the face of logic and reality :rolleyes:
I'm sorry, does this look like a "poll" to you...?
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Again, what's your purpose? It's still 3+ weeks away from election day.
If your intent is to try to worry/concern me, I assure you it doesn't. All of this is the equivalent of ******* talking.
******* talking never affects me.
Allow me to be a friend, and tell you more.
The polls have been on the money since 2016.
Trump won within the MoE. And, national polls showed Hillary with an edge, which she kept.
You republicans have been pointing at the polls of 2016 but don't understand ******* about the science behind polls and often argue from the point of a survey. It's why you got crushed in 2018 and never saw it coming but, also lost governors in red states like Louisiana, Kansas and Kentucky.
One real measure is to look at the unfavorables. Low unfavorables means you have voters to persuade, high unfavorables mean you need to flip voters who are either voting for the opposition or stuck on you being unworthy.
Trumps unfavorables are higher than even HIllary's. He's had almost four years to show us who is, and what he can do. Americans have rejected that overall. So he is ready to suppress the number of Americans that can vote, based on precincts, focusing mostly on majority minority precincts. This will not work because, he has ******* a lot of support in white suburban precincts, and even surprisingly rural precincts. Hence the polls tightening in Iowa, Georgia, and South Carolina.
Hope you enjoyed the ride.
And we know you don't have friends, let alone liberal ones.
Ed, you are like a yapping puppy trying to intimidate a wolf.