Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Did you miss the 500 golf carts in FLA. While those TRUMPIES were cruising streets The seniors in the golf carts were voting for BIDEN At the largest retirement community in FLA. where Trump won most of the votes last time. It appears he can't count on that landslide like before.
Biden is a liar... the Dems are liars... they are keeping the truth away from y'all (too blind to see?..)... well it's true... omitting the truths from you... and Omission is Betrayal. And, the only way they're all voting for the crook Biden is if they had a gun to their heads. The Dems do that too. Corrupt.
Biden is a liar... the Dems are liars... they are keeping the truth away from y'all (too blind to see?..)... well it's true... omitting the truths from you... and Omission is Betrayal. And, the only way they're all voting for the crook Biden is if they had a gun to their heads. The Dems do that too. Corrupt.
Mmmmmm this is so support a man that hates Blacks....and yet you are here.....wanting describe your hate for blacks also?

you don't need to go into a lot of detail most can see with your support of racism...….and your name is just a cover to start ******* like a lot of those white supremist do at rallies....and with the fake facebook accounts
As Trump stumbles, voters finalize their choices, and Biden’s lead grows

Peg Bohnert, an Arizona retiree, voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because she thought the businessman would transform the White House into “a well-run machine.”

Ruth Mierzwa, a Pennsylvania business owner, was turned off by both main contenders and opted for a third-party candidate.
Roman Uglehus, a North Carolina college student, has never bothered to cast a ballot.

All have decided they will vote for Democratic nominee Joe Biden this time, choices they say were either made or reinforced in recent weeks as Trump has stumbled through a disastrous stretch that has included embarrassing leaks about his comments disparaging military members, a ridiculed debate performance and a Rose Garden ceremony that some describe as a superspreader for a deadly virus

One of the most accurate (and best) videos... something you'll NEVER hear on the MSM (who really are nothing more than political assault weapons for an ugly, corrupt n' lying Demm Party). Sadly, the dems are "master manipulators" of people - they laugh at how "easy" it is to brainwash dumb people. Truth. he Dems think y'all are stupid... they count on your vote to give them $million homes then - once they have your vote - they do nothing... the proof is how the A/A community has been far worse under ugly Dem party leadership. Vote Trump!

The Dems are perennial losers, and can't manipulate anything or anyone. Have you forgotten they lost to a reality show personality in 2016? They've been dysfunctional for a long time.

It's too bad that guy didn't challenge him with that BS in Charlottesville, The Trump inspired birther movement, the coddling of white supremacist groups, and so on. Biden is no prize, but Trump is a deranged, sociopath with so many personality disorders it's not even funny. And to top it off, he raised my taxes. WTF. That SALT tax deduction cap costs me thousands annually. He fucks us over, and you people ask for more. He's the master manipulator in developing this cult of his. It's akin to a jedi mind trick. Pathetic.
The Dems are perennial losers, and can't manipulate anything or anyone. Have you forgotten they lost to a reality show personality in 2016? They've been dysfunctional for a long time.

It's too bad that guy didn't challenge him with that BS in Charlottesville, The Trump inspired birther movement, the coddling of white supremacist groups, and so on. Biden is no prize, but Trump is a deranged, sociopath with so many personality disorders it's not even funny. And to top it off, he raised my taxes. WTF. That SALT tax deduction cap costs me thousands annually. He fucks us over, and you people ask for more. He's the master manipulator in developing this cult of his. It's akin to a jedi mind trick. Pathetic.

do you have a point in your rant...…..or just wanting to leave some kind of mumbling mark on the page
I'd like to bring our troops home. Afganistan can't be held they are in it for the long haul . they will continue to ******* us slow.
I will a point....we should never have gotten involved in a religious war to begin with...Bush Sr. did it right...cleared them out of Kuwait and came home......Bush Jr fucked it up....Obama tried to stop the ******* but listened to Iraq and a few others...….since when have we gone into a war torn country and worked to bring peace and NOT built a base with permanent troop just as a security *******...had we done that on Iraq's border with afghan simply because we need to keep an eye on those nukes with the way things are....and stayed out of most of it.....we could have maybe used less troops and still served the purpose...we go into settle a war....they don't get a fucking choice about us building a base...we had a small one in Syria...…with and airbase/strip....but your man just pulled out and gave that to the russians
... It will be a sad day if they do... as they are truly crooks, creeps n' liars... the Democrat party should be ashamed of their lies, cheating and deceiving Americans for so long - they should be jailed for using the A/A as political pawns for all these years too. Saying there are more democrats in this country is like saying there are that many "stupid" or "brainwashed" people in America - same thing!... the Dems have their "game-plan" in place for decades... some are just "too dumb" to see how "evil" they are... lying manipulators. But, Trump will win - and that statement will be made (once again)... the people (who are not brainwashed or brain-dead) will speak... the silent majority will make a statement - and someday - whenever that it... you WILL (also) see the corrupt ugliness and lies of your "gods" aka the ugly dems. You'll realize you were wrong n' deceived ALL this time.
Why are there more registered Democrats in America than Republicans? 🇺🇸

Democratic Party Membership (March 2020)

Republican Party Membership (March 2020)
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