Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

President Trump really is a god man, btw... and he's DEFINITELY "for" the black people 100%... just not many people can see this cu's of the MSM liars that give him bad press... they "omit" the truth from all of us... and omission is betrayal... and the Dem party "is" lying!

Nice troll. You can't even believe that. A birther by definition is a white supremacist. GTFO
Sure, how do you think all the free programs, Obama phones and all the other free things get payed? Do you think there is a money tree orchard behind the White House.
Make sure you aren't biting the hand that feeds you.
Yeah, we know ... on the backs of the very ones who can least afford it. Its for sure the likes of Donald Trump and his crony millionaire & billionaire friends aren't paying their fair share. Obviously you've been intentionally ignoring the news of what Trump's been paying (rather not paying) in federal income taxes. You know he's not the only one ... and the thing is, they're finding that Turmp hasn't been doing it "legally", which has been suspected for years. Don't think he's the ONLY ONE doing that, either.
They're NOT FEEDING US ... they're robbing us blind and in broad daylight, too, 'cause they can pay the legal system to simply look the other way.
So, go dump your BS somewhere else. At least in this forum, you're fooling no one but yourself.

Check THIS OUT ... these are Republicans wishing to FIRE your President Trump, and they're advertising to do it.

Obama phones: Good god, man, old news & so trivial to what's going on in Washington DC now. And as usual, you Trumptards can't seem to get the stories straight .... Go get psychic help & D-programed, today!.

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I'm in Arizona, and Martha McSally is a pro-Trump Republican.
Cindy McCain isn't a politician. She's a RINO like her husband.
So you've brought up a handful of people who aren't for Trump. Big deal.
How about researching the #WalkAway campaign and see how many tens of thousands have left the Democrat party.
She was asked THREE TIMES did she support Donald Trump, and she refused to answer kid. You call that "pro-Trump"...?😂

Is Cindy McCain a Republican???

Is GEORGE BUSH, JR a Republican? 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️
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you do know that area is heavy into the KKK and white supremists….so no surprise....friend of mine and a couple others we all went to look at a couple old cars for sale...…...rednecks....heavy on the red necks....they didn't hide it either you could see things around the town....we just got the hell out of there

I bought a 57 chev from up in that area....and paid a guy to haul it here for me
Did you miss the 500 golf carts in FLA. While those TRUMPIES were cruising streets The seniors in the golf carts were voting for BIDEN At the largest retirement community in FLA. where Trump won most of the votes last time. It appears he can't count on that landslide like before.
Did you miss the 500 golf carts in FLA. While those TRUMPIES were cruising streets The seniors in the golf carts were voting for BIDEN At the largest retirement community in FLA. where Trump won most of the votes last time. It appears he can't count on that landslide like before.
Don't need a landslide. Just need a win.
There are more Democrats in the United States than there are Republicans, and it has been this way for decades. You are the minority political party, the last two Republican presidents both lost the popular vote and it is expected that Trump will also once again lose the popular vote to Biden. It is clear you are not mainstream Americana 🇺🇸, and will continue to suffer in American society because you are out of tune and deattached from the majority American populace.

There is a good chance the Democrats will take over the Presidential Office, House & Senate November 3rd.
... It will be a sad day if they do... as they are truly crooks, creeps n' liars... the Democrat party should be ashamed of their lies, cheating and deceiving Americans for so long - they should be jailed for using the A/A as political pawns for all these years too. Saying there are more democrats in this country is like saying there are that many "stupid" or "brainwashed" people in America - same thing!... the Dems have their "game-plan" in place for decades... some are just "too dumb" to see how "evil" they are... lying manipulators. But, Trump will win - and that statement will be made (once again)... the people (who are not brainwashed or brain-dead) will speak... the silent majority will make a statement - and someday - whenever that it... you WILL (also) see the corrupt ugliness and lies of your "gods" aka the ugly dems. You'll realize you were wrong n' deceived ALL this time.
One of the most accurate (and best) videos... something you'll NEVER hear on the MSM (who really are nothing more than political assault weapons for an ugly, corrupt n' lying Demm Party). Sadly, the dems are "master manipulators" of people - they laugh at how "easy" it is to brainwash dumb people. Truth. he Dems think y'all are stupid... they count on your vote to give them $million homes then - once they have your vote - they do nothing... the proof is how the A/A community has been far worse under ugly Dem party leadership. Vote Trump!