Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You might want to do some research. Hillary and the DNC spent over a billion dollars in 2016, Trump spent less than half of that.

most have come to their senses by now...since they have seen him for what he first it was funny watching him humiliate all the other candidates....but once reality sunk in that the country was stuck with him..not so funny!
the elderly...usually vote republican....not this time
military usually votes republican......up in air this time
lost the women vote
just like with Obama...the minorities will turn out
the working people can see he has done nothing for them

throw in Covid and foreign policy

so that only leaves the retards and the wealthy...…..where do you fall in?

take 2 of these and call us in the morning.....

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Well, what I'm seeing as far as mail-in ballots is Democrats returning about 2/3 to 3/4 of ALL the mail-in ballots so far. So, what Trump will do is declare the mail-in ballots fraudulent and turn to his buddies on the Supreme Court.
This election is NOT going to go down easily.

I think he already knows he has lost...just holding the rallies as an ego boost and to help his cause in court...or incase he wants to use the violence...…...I think the plan started a month or so ago when he saw the handwriting on the wall....fuck it...take it to court...he appointed most of them....he owns the court like all the other gov agencies