Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You might want to do some research. Hillary and the DNC spent over a billion dollars in 2016, Trump spent less than half of that.
Done. And wrong.
Clinton spent $565mil Trump spent $322mil in 2016. Here's a shocker, he paid his companies millions.
This year, Trump's campaign is practically broke after having over a Billion in March. Six month later he shad spent $800 million, one month later, they are throwing fundraisers while he is infected with COVID-19.
Really? You think Biden is a far-left Liberal, do you? Explain why, would you?
No I do not think Biden is a far-left Liberal, I think he is a man with health issues being used by his own party. He friggin can't cut it and my opinion has nothing to do with Trumps ability to lead. Comparing those two men is counter productive, other than age they are nothing alike.
No I do not think Biden is a far-left Liberal, I think he is a man with health issues being used by his own party. He friggin can't cut it and my opinion has nothing to do with Trumps ability to lead. Comparing those two men is counter productive, other than age they are nothing alike.
Why...? Was he hospitalized recently? ...on *******?!??

Irregular breathing patterns or given oxygen by chance...?

Suffering from obesity maybe...?

Mentally DERANGED behavior...?
I simply can not understand these people who continue protecting Trump. Gesh, the guy isn't the least bit bothered by his hypocritical life ... in fact, flaunts it in everyone's faces.
He's the one that's been SICK because of his arrogance in following CDC protocols ... watches his OWN people going down to the virus, but continues to say "don't worry about it" ... as his people continue to get sick & die. Fuck him!
There's NO COMPARISON of these two ... Trump & Biden ... on ANY MEASURE. Thing is the Republicans know it as well, yet do nothing about Trump.
Stanley, your observations make no sense ... you criticize the Democrats for choosing Biden and tolerate the Republicans & Trump.

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I really believe Florida might be the ENDGAME this election. Trump is again underperforming from 2016 this same time four years ago.
I hope he sweeps the south; it'd be reassuring and a good omen to think the South is findly coning around.
Here in NC, however, the Republicans are still charged UP about Trump. And with Cunningham's "chasing pussy stupidity", Tillis has now received a new breath of encouragement to keep his Senate seat.
I'm telling ya, pussy has been the downfall of many a good man. Some are willing to give up a career just to score one piece of pussy. DAMN!
Sad thing about that is women are becoming wiser about it ... and use it more often to their advantage these days.
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I totally agree with that, Allfor ... rare I'd agree with you. Trump's been building the stage on the fraud existing in mail-in voting. Why do you think he's doing that right now? Given that any thought? A known liar & cheat blaming others of lying and cheating ... go figure what he's up to.
Thing is, here in NC, the ones getting caught at it and "going to prison" have BOTH been Republicans hired by the RNC of North Carolina.
Mail-In Absentee voting forms are a matter of public record, here. Republicans hired an individual to go around his district gathering up the forms (against the law), filling out the forms that were not complete (against the law), tossing out the forms with Democrat choices (against the law), assisting people to complete their forms (against the law), agreeing to mail the forms for the recipients (against the law) ... he's in prison now, but no one on the NC-RNC has gone to jail. In fact, THEY denied knowing the guy even though they cut checks to pay him to work.
The other guy ... actually went into the polling locations tossing OUT the Democrat votes ... his case is still pending.
So, YES, there is fraud going on .... and its Republicans doing it on a long scale. Totally different from one individual voting out of district or claiming to be someone else ... totally different.
Even Republicans in Congress are now seeing & admitting to the red herring they have as a President.
If Republicans want to make amends to their stupidity for hanging with Trump the past 4 years, and regaining some respectability, they can deny McConnell & the Senate their victory of choosing another SCOTUS.
Will they DO THAT? LOL What do you think?