Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

There is a major difference between Trump being more out of shape than Biden while Biden has mental health issues of some kind , chances are it is Dementia. You insult America's intelligence by standing up for the Democrat parties plot to regain the White House by allowing Biden to continue because that party knows exactly what is wrong with his mind but continues to drag that man along and pamper his every move.
There is a major difference between Trump being more out of shape than Biden while Biden has mental health issues of some kind , chances are it is Dementia. You insult America's intelligence by standing up for the Democrat parties plot to regain the White House by allowing Biden to continue because that party knows exactly what is wrong with his mind but continues to drag that man along and pamper his every move.
You're talking about "mental health issues" ...? I take it that you didn't watch or observe the 1st Debate. 🤦‍♂️

#Dimwitted #DoTheyChooseToBeSimple???
Done. And wrong.
Clinton spent $565mil Trump spent $322mil in 2016. Here's a shocker, he paid his companies millions.
This year, Trump's campaign is practically broke after having over a Billion in March. Six month later he shad spent $800 million, one month later, they are throwing fundraisers while he is infected with COVID-19.
And you're wrong.
The number I had heard in 2017 was about a billion. Turns out, it was about $800 million. But still twice what Trump spent.
And let me remind you, Trump won.

Who cares if he has COVID. It's like saying he had the flu, but a really mild one.
He's already not contagious anymore. Or did you not do the research to find out how long someone is contagious after they've had it. OF COURSE you didn't. You don't research anything.
Done. And wrong.
Clinton spent $565mil Trump spent $322mil in 2016. Here's a shocker, he paid his companies millions.
This year, Trump's campaign is practically broke after having over a Billion in March. Six month later he shad spent $800 million, one month later, they are throwing fundraisers while he is infected with COVID-19.
Trust the experts, right?
You're absolutely clueless if you think Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump.
Taliban Endorses Trump Re-Election Campaign, Hopes for Total US Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan

The Taliban offered its endorsement for President Donald Trump's re-election campaign Saturday, with the Islamic fundamentalist group expressing its hope his administration pulls all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

There is no one on this board needing to be de-programmed MORE than you. You've been completely brainwashed and don't even know it. You're really a sad situation which only get worse as Trump's own situation worsens. It is Trump who has said (documented), on more than one occasion that he may not participate in the debates, and with the fact that the covid virus is getting stronger, its very likely Trump will lose the one thing he needs and depends on to be aggressive ... an audience. Its very likely now that at least the first couple debates will not include an audience and he'll be as insecure as a 5 year old kid. Imagine Trump going toe to toe with Biden and no one applauds when Trump delivers his smart remarks and lies. Expect him to fall back to criticizing Hillary Clinton yet AGAIN as he'll have little or no dirt to deliver on Biden.
Trump's been video/voice recorded documented over 20,000 times for lies and exaggerations of what he says ... even his own Senate Republicans are starting to break away from him as they see how Trump's re-election is crumbling. They anticipate Trumps loss will take down a lot of established Republicans as well, such as Mitch McConnell. Trump's only chance now is that the economy will pick up some, and the virus worsens, OR he creates total chaos within the government. NOW, as of today, he's not saying this covid virus will "blow over", he's now saying it will worsen before it gets better. Yet STILL, he and his administration have no PLANS to address it, and in fact wish to ******* people back into groups again.
Pull your head out of your posterior ... Trump's a totalitarian, do you understand what that means?
: of or relating to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life. exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others; authoritarian; autocratic.​
You need to "get a grip" on what's going on.
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Sorry, Mac w/ fries... unfortunately, you really are indoctrinated by a corrupt political party and the MSM, who act (and are) nothing but political weapons for "your" democrat party - and there's totally nothing "democratic" about them, the dem party. My posterior, as you say, is doing just fine... doesn't need anything else... haha... :D and while we ALL know that President Trump can/ maybe does "exaggerate"... he is still the most patriotic man for the job (and smart). His policies n' ideas "are" very good - they work! That's what it's all about, really...

... it's IMO sure - but also I share the same opinions as like 95% of the Vets... nearly 90% of the police and military people... the healthcare workers, like me... and millions upon millions of others in the "silent majority!"... are you saying we ALL have our heads up our butts, or what? - I mean, really... the democrat-party-minded person is really sad... like living in their own bizarro-world.
I can tell you this... we are not constantly n' relentlessly spoon-fed a bunch of BS and lies by social n' MS media. Our truths come from deeper sources n' research, also experiences... not from the mouths of corrupt dem party politicians and their allies.

You have your one-sided opinions, sure... and you won't want to hear anything else - or do your own research to find out the real truth... and if you ever do... there's not even the slightest chance that you'd disagree w/ me... if you "really" knew.

You hear your truths from CNN or MSNBC - cus' they are the assault weapons for "your" party/ aka your gods! ... But, the one thing I can tell you is this... with 100% the truth, I promise... can't explain all of it... but I actually work as a nurse in government-funded and led programs, mostly for Vets. I have worked "with" these people... been to their little dog-n-pony shows n' fundraisers, etc etc... and I've worked with more than 4 dozen (current) democrat politicians w/ all this... been to their stupid lil' wine n' cheese events n' even their private homes... several times... they're all Congressmen-women, Senators, Governors n' Mayors... all of them, many more.

They really are "liars!"... they are biased beyond anything you would believe... corrupt n' have the worst policies n' ideas... and worst of all they LAUGH about people all the time. These dem politicians literally laugh how "easy it is" to persuade their constitutes. They really laugh!
... Seriously, IF you were able to hear 10% of what I've heard over 4 years... seen only 10%... and experienced only 10%... you would Never, Ever vote for democrat politicians again!... more than just a promise, it's a guarantee. These people are flat-out liars, cheaters & manipulators. Really. They care more about their political power n' careers than the people... n' they're not afraid to laugh about it in their private moments. I've been there!

And, tho' I may never convince you or others... this is the truth!... I am not brainwashed. I see w/ my own eyes n' hear w/ my own ears... they are criminal and corrupt. The worst people you can imagine - your party! The republicans are telling you the truth. Still politicians but Trump is not a career politician/ aka a paid actor. So... it's not so much President Trump... it's more against the ugly, lying democrat regime n' plantation. Really, is there anything they (the dems) have been right about?... no, there isn't - they are hate-filled liars. Republicans (us who know the real truth) are not bad people - we believe in the truth, and as a mom I do not want my sons growing up in a world where the ugly, rotten liars in the democrat party are running things. Their policies are the dumbest, too.
You're black and love Trump. I'm sure he would be delighted to make you into a token for photo ops
President Trump really is a god man, btw... and he's DEFINITELY "for" the black people 100%... just not many people can see this cu's of the MSM liars that give him bad press... they "omit" the truth from all of us... and omission is betrayal... and the Dem party "is" lying!
You're absolutely clueless if you think Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump.
George Bush, Jr isn't a Republican fool? Arizona Senator Martha McSally isn't a Republican? Cindy McCain isn't a Republican? Texas Senator John Cornyn isn't a Republican? Ed Rollins isn't a Republican? Former White House Communications Manager Anthony Scaramucci isn't a Republican?

Stop drinking bleach pal,.. wake up & smell the coffee.
President Trump really is a god man, btw... and he's DEFINITELY "for" the black people 100%... just not many people can see this cu's of the MSM liars that give him bad press... they "omit" the truth from all of us... and omission is betrayal... and the Dem party "is" lying!
The American people will decide who they want November 3rd. Right now Trump's approval ratings are very low.

⏳...⌛, his time to try to change the narrative is running out.
Sorry, Mac w/ fries... unfortunately, you really are indoctrinated by a corrupt political party and the MSM, who act (and are) nothing but political weapons for "your" democrat party - and there's totally nothing "democratic" about them, the dem party. My posterior, as you say, is doing just fine... doesn't need anything else... haha... :D and while we ALL know that President Trump can/ maybe does "exaggerate"... he is still the most patriotic man for the job (and smart). His policies n' ideas "are" very good - they work! That's what it's all about, really...

... it's IMO sure - but also I share the same opinions as like 95% of the Vets... nearly 90% of the police and military people... the healthcare workers, like me... and millions upon millions of others in the "silent majority!"... are you saying we ALL have our heads up our butts, or what? - I mean, really... the democrat-party-minded person is really sad... like living in their own bizarro-world.
I can tell you this... we are not constantly n' relentlessly spoon-fed a bunch of BS and lies by social n' MS media. Our truths come from deeper sources n' research, also experiences... not from the mouths of corrupt dem party politicians and their allies.

You have your one-sided opinions, sure... and you won't want to hear anything else - or do your own research to find out the real truth... and if you ever do... there's not even the slightest chance that you'd disagree w/ me... if you "really" knew.

You hear your truths from CNN or MSNBC - cus' they are the assault weapons for "your" party/ aka your gods! ... But, the one thing I can tell you is this... with 100% the truth, I promise... can't explain all of it... but I actually work as a nurse in government-funded and led programs, mostly for Vets. I have worked "with" these people... been to their little dog-n-pony shows n' fundraisers, etc etc... and I've worked with more than 4 dozen (current) democrat politicians w/ all this... been to their stupid lil' wine n' cheese events n' even their private homes... several times... they're all Congressmen-women, Senators, Governors n' Mayors... all of them, many more.

They really are "liars!"... they are biased beyond anything you would believe... corrupt n' have the worst policies n' ideas... and worst of all they LAUGH about people all the time. These dem politicians literally laugh how "easy it is" to persuade their constitutes. They really laugh!
... Seriously, IF you were able to hear 10% of what I've heard over 4 years... seen only 10%... and experienced only 10%... you would Never, Ever vote for democrat politicians again!... more than just a promise, it's a guarantee. These people are flat-out liars, cheaters & manipulators. Really. They care more about their political power n' careers than the people... n' they're not afraid to laugh about it in their private moments. I've been there!

And, tho' I may never convince you or others... this is the truth!... I am not brainwashed. I see w/ my own eyes n' hear w/ my own ears... they are criminal and corrupt. The worst people you can imagine - your party! The republicans are telling you the truth. Still politicians but Trump is not a career politician/ aka a paid actor. So... it's not so much President Trump... it's more against the ugly, lying democrat regime n' plantation. Really, is there anything they (the dems) have been right about?... no, there isn't - they are hate-filled liars. Republicans (us who know the real truth) are not bad people - we believe in the truth, and as a mom I do not want my sons growing up in a world where the ugly, rotten liars in the democrat party are running things. Their policies are the dumbest, too.
There are more Democrats in the United States than there are Republicans, and it has been this way for decades. You are the minority political party, the last two Republican presidents both lost the popular vote and it is expected that Trump will also once again lose the popular vote to Biden. It is clear you are not mainstream Americana 🇺🇸, and will continue to suffer in American society because you are out of tune and deattached from the majority American populace.

There is a good chance the Democrats will take over the Presidential Office, House & Senate November 3rd.
Trust the experts, right?
If Donald did, maybe he wouldn't have caught coronavirus and been hospitalized which appears to have thrown a monkey wrench in his campaign.