Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Then I guess I missed it. What argument did Pence win over Harris? What I saw & heard was a VP that refused to answer ANY question, and instead, opened up his own comments on an entirely different topic, told several lies regarding health care, covid-19, etc, and had a total disregard of the debate time limits agreement that both parties agreed to. So, please point out exactly what & how he won?
What I did see was Kamila Harris holding back on attacking him on several comments Pence made. I was surprised ... he left himself open for embarrassment so many times and she just bit her lips.
Well, what I'm seeing as far as mail-in ballots is Democrats returning about 2/3 to 3/4 of ALL the mail-in ballots so far. So, what Trump will do is declare the mail-in ballots fraudulent and turn to his buddies on the Supreme Court.
This election is NOT going to go down easily.
I agree, but believe mail-in ballots will remain namely due to the large number of senior citizens who tend vote by mail, but also because of this year's coronavirus pandemic many more people are voting by mail. I expect mail-in ballots to be higher than previous elections & I also expect a high overall voter turnout altogether. They're not going to throw away literally millions of votes cast by Americans. I think Trump is hoping for a close loss, maybe he can challenge a particular state if it is a close election.

I don't see him conceding, even in a blowout loss which is also very possible. Biden is basically guaranteed to win the American popular vote (99% chance), and likely to reach 270 electoral votes.
Are you sure, Democrats colleced 12 million within hours of that debate, 15 million by end of 36 hours
They raised 360 million after the first debate with trump while republicans raised only 210 million
Trump raised 5 x what Biden got from CEO's of large corporations but ended up 150million less in total
for August
Ever hear of the old saying" money talks, bullshit walks" Sadly true in America. Every winner in my lifetime
has been the one spending the most money. So to say he won, What your opinion. I doubt she cares the cash
flow in her favor.
Are you sure, Democrats colleced 12 million within hours of that debate, 15 million by end of 36 hours
They raised 360 million after the first debate with trump while republicans raised only 210 million
Trump raised 5 x what Biden got from CEO's of large corporations but ended up 150million less in total
for August
Ever hear of the old saying" money talks, bullshit walks" Sadly true in America. Every winner in my lifetime
has been the one spending the most money. So to say he won, What your opinion. I doubt she cares the cash
flow in her favor.
You might want to do some research. Hillary and the DNC spent over a billion dollars in 2016, Trump spent less than half of that.