Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trust me when I say, these boys aren't hillbillies or deep southern trash, Lebain. These guys are true "home grown" terrorists and most probably educated. They're part of the extreme "far-right" and they aren't right in the heads. They're past rehabilitation ... you simply take these kind of dudes to the nearest football stadium and gas them all. End Of Story.
One thing for sure, they don't do anything without Instructions to do so from someone.

I don’t know about the education part. I mean, like I said yesterday, one of these turds was living in the basement of a vacuum cleaner store. Mad because he isn’t making it in life, and the black guys are fuckin’ pretty white girl pussy. And he ain’t gettin’ none. The “coloreds” are keepin’ from his birthright as a white man. It all boils down to the pussy hahaha 😜
I don’t know about the education part. I mean, like I said yesterday, one of these turds was living in the basement of a vacuum cleaner store. Mad because he isn’t making it in life, and the black guys are fuckin’ pretty white girl pussy. And he ain’t gettin’ none. It all boils down to the pussy hahaha 😜
If that strokes your ego ... go to it. I think its way beyond that. This is the bottom of the white trash barrel as far as I'm concerned.
Deliverance .... LOL Man, part of that movie was filmed just 45 miles from my hometown, I swear. Linville River Gorge.
But, that's not the guys that tried to take out the Governor. These hillbillies couldn't afford the guns they had.
Deliverance .... LOL Man, part of that movie was filmed just 45 miles from my hometown, I swear. Linville River Gorge.
But, that's not the guys that tried to take out the Governor. These hillbillies couldn't afford the guns they had.

Boy you better PRAY and you better pray gooooooood!!! Say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :p😜😝!!!

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Yep farting cows no cars no planes all new fed buildings
What the fuck are you doing? You can't debate the actual Green New Deal so you repeat what Trump says?
When are you going to learn, he cannot tell the truth. You will just keep twisting yourself and showing us that you have no values, no integrity, no decency, just devout loyalty in a cult-like manner.
I know, too many words for you to read in a day.
Bud they wrote it here with markey
"They" who?
And you sound like Sarah Palin talking about she knows Russia because it's so close to Alaska.
You haven't read it. Read and state your offense, maybe you won't look so foolish talking about cow farts and no planes.
Fun fact for you non-readers (@hottobe too- under whatever name he is using now): Methane, as a digestive by product from cows get released through belching, not farting.