Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Afraid to compare personal qualities of the two candidates, huh? Afraid of what you'll find?
You know Trump's getting desperate now ... suggestive calls to the militias, refusing to reveal his morning covid-19 testing today, planning campaign rallies without following CDC protocol, already calling the election a scam, wanting an investigation of Obama & Biden started, etc ... you really have to almost make this stuff UP if it was anyone other than TRUMP.
Pompeo on FOX now trying to stir up ******* over Clinton’s emails. Who gives a flip??? Like you said, it’s pure desperation. Pathetic and sad even to see an American president like this. Also quite embarrassing.
Green new deal
Well, if you have your face glued to Fox News and/or conservative talk shows, I can see why you'd be against the Green New Deal. I imagine, however, its because far-left liberal Alexandria Cortez is pushing the GND, along with Ed Markey. You do know that many of the moderate Republicans agree with the Green New Deal, don't ya? Mostly the far-right conservatives who disagree with it.
Thing is, Allfor, your Republicans have NO solutions for moving away from fossil fuels and cleaning up the environment & rectifying the radical climate changes. Also, you know that eventually the world will HAVE to address this, and it'll get more expensive & costly to governments the longer they wait to address it. Personally, I'm for a clean environment, myself ... we can't just pack up and move to a cleaner environment once we crap in our own nest; there'll eventually be no where to go. Sort of like a lake that dries up and the fish keep moving to the deeper puddles until they start dying from a over-crowed population.
Once Republicans can break away from "tax cuts" and "trickle down" and focus on what really matters, I'll listen to them. But, if the Trump health plan (or lack there of) is any example of their great alternatives, I'll stick with what the Democrats have going.
Republicans are like the man who brags to the ladies as to what prowess he has in the bedroom, then when he gets there, just sits on the end of the bed, jerking his dick and talking about how "great its gonna be".
Well, if you have your face glued to Fox News and/or conservative talk shows, I can see why you'd be against the Green New Deal. I imagine, however, its because far-left liberal Alexandria Cortez is pushing the GND, along with Ed Markey. You do know that many of the moderate Republicans agree with the Green New Deal, don't ya? Mostly the far-right conservatives who disagree with it.
Thing is, Allfor, your Republicans have NO solutions for moving away from fossil fuels and cleaning up the environment & rectifying the radical climate changes. Also, you know that eventually the world will HAVE to address this, and it'll get more expensive & costly to governments the longer they wait to address it. Personally, I'm for a clean environment, myself ... we can't just pack up and move to a cleaner environment once we crap in our own nest; there'll eventually be no where to go. Sort of like a lake that dries up and the fish keep moving to the deeper puddles until they start dying from a over-crowed population.
Once Republicans can break away from "tax cuts" and "trickle down" and focus on what really matters, I'll listen to them. But, if the Trump health plan (or lack there of) is any example of their great alternatives, I'll stick with what the Democrats have going.

What climate change :unsure:🤓😁???
Well, if you have your face glued to Fox News and/or conservative talk shows, I can see why you'd be against the Green New Deal. I imagine, however, its because far-left liberal Alexandria Cortez is pushing the GND, along with Ed Markey. You do know that many of the moderate Republicans agree with the Green New Deal, don't ya? Mostly the far-right conservatives who disagree with it.
Thing is, Allfor, your Republicans have NO solutions for moving away from fossil fuels and cleaning up the environment & rectifying the radical climate changes. Also, you know that eventually the world will HAVE to address this, and it'll get more expensive & costly to governments the longer they wait to address it. Personally, I'm for a clean environment, myself ... we can't just pack up and move to a cleaner environment once we crap in our own nest; there'll eventually be no where to go. Sort of like a lake that dries up and the fish keep moving to the deeper puddles until they start dying from a over-crowed population.
Once Republicans can break away from "tax cuts" and "trickle down" and focus on what really matters, I'll listen to them. But, if the Trump health plan (or lack there of) is any example of their great alternatives, I'll stick with what the Democrats have going.
Republicans are like the man who brags to the ladies as to what prowess he has in the bedroom, then when he gets there, just sits on the end of the bed, jerking his dick and talking about how "great its gonna be".
Yep farting cows no cars no planes all new fed buildings
What ONE news source sees the National Debt being by the end of 2028.
The "gravy train" of tax cuts and entitlement increases is about over. We've got to get more people educated to take productive jobs that they can invest back into the country with increased spending.

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Afraid to compare personal qualities of the two candidates, huh? Afraid of what you'll find?
You know Trump's getting desperate now ... suggestive calls to the militias, refusing to reveal his morning covid-19 testing today, planning campaign rallies without following CDC protocol, already calling the election a scam, wanting an investigation of Obama & Biden started, etc ... you really have to almost make this stuff UP if it was anyone other than TRUMPb

Biden's a puppet
What ONE news sorce sees the National Debt being by the end of 2028.
The "gravy train" of tax cuts and entitlement increases is about over. We've got to get more people educated to take productive jobs that they can invest back into the country with spending.

And no one ever pays off debt there all full of *******
That's right, Trumptard, lob your one-liners into a conversation that you very well know are a very serious concerns, and of which Republicans have ignored ALL of them every time they get in control.

"Tax and spend" Democrats? What about "cut and ignore" Republicans :unsure: Well, except for military spending and their other pet projects that contribute to out of control deficit spending . . . .
There will always be debt, and that’s OK. It’s how much debt and how well it’s being serviced that I care about, just like with my personal finances. But even with debt, you can still have a balanced budget, with surpluses even. Bill Clinton accomplished that.
Do you pay minimum on credit cards or as much as you can
We mostly use debit cards, here. Salaries are directly deposited to checking account and bills directly withdrawn a week later.
My credit score on my cards say I have an 817 out of possible 850 as of today.
I have a couple credit cards but little to no balances on them.

I’m at 818 out of 850. I have been as high as 820. I have a friend who had a perfect 850 score! He showed me the proof. Don’t know if his is still perfect now or not, but I know it’s high. I like to use my credit cards because I rack up a hella lotta frequent flyer miles, and I looooove to travel to get at that strange, foreign pussy :D But I keep use to what I know I can comfortably pay off each month.
I Hear Banjos...Run...
Trust me when I say, these boys aren't hillbillies or deep southern trash, Lebain. These guys are true "home grown" terrorists and most probably educated. They're part of the extreme "far-right" and they aren't right in the heads. Nazi want-to-be's, everyone of them. They're past rehabilitation ... you simply take these kind of dudes to the nearest football stadium and gas them all. End Of Story.
One thing for sure, they don't do anything without Instructions to do so from someone.