Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

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People are Voting Sadly for the first time Our votes getting counted has become in doubt. Barr has changed voting laws ? I remember when laws could only be changed by congress? The Vote.jpg
I am going to be prepared emotionally if Trump loses. If Biden wins America is going to be screwed. It will be like Sanders has won.
Comparing Biden to Trump, check the one with the higher of the following 10 characteristics of being a good leader:

Stanley, the Democrats, should they sweep the trifecta in Washington this election, are really in no position to implement far-left strategies. By the time Biden & company get in control, Trump's national debt will have rocketed over $25 trillion. Just since Reagan, the Republicans have added over $17 trillion of that national debt .... or approx. 70% of the national debt. This from the supposedly party of fiscal responsible.
I totally expect more people than those earning over $250,000 will end up being taxed, but I don't expect the bottom 1/3 wage earners to get taxed.
Hopefully, unlike the first 2 years under Obama, Biden & his administration will have a clear vision to fix a lot of Trump's fuckups and get back on track to solid GDP growth. Currently Trump & his "drain the swamp" professionals have increased the spending deficit to $1 trillion+. What you listen to on Fox News & Rush Limbaugh is BS scare tactics.
Comparing Biden to Trump, check the one with the higher of the following 10 characteristics of being a good leader:

Stanley, the Democrats, should they sweep the trifecta in Washington this election, are really in no position to implement far-left strategies. By the time Biden & company get in control, Trump's national debt will have rocketed over $25 trillion. Just since Reagan, the Republicans have added over $17 trillion of that national debt .... or approx. 70% of the national debt. This from the supposedly party of fiscal responsible.
I totally expect more people than those earning over $250,000 will end up being taxed, but I don't expect the bottom 1/3 wage earners to get taxed.
Hopefully, unlike the first 2 years under Obama, Biden & his administration will have a clear vision to fix a lot of Trump's fuckups and get back on track to solid GDP growth. Currently Trump & his "drain the swamp" professionals have increased the spending deficit to $1 trillion+. What you listen to on Fox News & Rush Limbaugh is BS scare tactics.
Deep sippin the koolaid
Deep sippin the koolaid
Afraid to compare personal qualities of the two candidates, huh? Afraid of what you'll find?
You know Trump's getting desperate now ... suggestive calls to the militias, refusing to reveal his morning covid-19 testing today, planning campaign rallies without following CDC protocol, already calling the election a scam, wanting an investigation of Obama & Biden started, etc ... you really have to almost make this stuff UP if it was anyone other than TRUMP.