Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you are the one that is blind as a bat.... a dingbat do you think is going on around the country....check facebook and twitter....last night was trump's call to arms.....he is Hitler re-incarnated.....View attachment 3639364
You simply ignored almost all of what I wrote. Trump is not and will never be a Hitler. We have three branches in our government, four really as your Party is now the Socialist Democrat Party, it won't be split in half much longer, it will be the Socialist Party of the once United States of America, the Democratic Party will be gone followed by the Republican Party.
Words of real wisdom I came upon this morning,

Last night's debate did nothing to ensure me life will better. Biden again answered no questions. It was all about how bad Trump is , I guess Biden will get a pass , and the lies and deceit of the Obama Presidency , The fraud of the FBI, and the deceit and lies of the Dept of Justice, The complete fraud, deceit, lies of the CIA under Brennan, and the scope of made up documents under the Obama Administration. The secret information and deceit under the Clinton State Department , that were sent over open lines ,any other American would have been charged with Treason. All these fakes frauds, and liars are not and it appears will never be held accountable. They pulled off the biggest lie in the history of this nation, and got away with it . It is sickening to me and shown me as of today I shall no longer trust or help, or invest in the American Government. I am greatly disappointed in the American people ,who should be screaming for accountability, and punishment for all these involved. Instead, thy bow their heads and fall in line like the sheep Americans have become. I feel I am watching a Nation in retreat .
You're like a dog, when he sees a dog on the tv screen.
He doesn't understand electronics, cameras, transmitters, signals or anything. He sees it, and assumes there is a dog in that box.
You don't understand *******, so you come with all this conspiracy theory, and settle with it, because it fits in your box.
You never think about how or why, just that it's in the box so it must be.
🐶 Woof! Deep state! Woof! Clintons! Woof! Obama! Woof! Hunter Biden! Woof! AntiFa!
You simply ignored almost all of what I wrote. Trump is not and will never be a Hitler. We have three branches in our government, four really as your Party is now the Socialist Democrat Party, it won't be split in half much longer, it will be the Socialist Party of the once United States of America, the Democratic Party will be gone followed by the Republican Party.
once again just more proof you have been mind fucked....trump owns about everybranch of gov.....

26 (6).jpg
You're like a dog, when he sees a dog on the tv screen.
He doesn't understand electronics, cameras, transmitters, signals or anything. He sees it, and assumes there is a dog in that box.
You don't understand *******, so you come with all this conspiracy theory, and settle with it, because it fits in your box.
You never think about how or why, just that it's in the box so it must be.
🐶 Woof! Deep state! Woof! Clintons! Woof! Obama! Woof! Hunter Biden! Woof! AntiFa!

Trouble is Ed - dogs generally don’t bark for nothing - just because you guys OWN the media and they don’t report what doesn’t fit the Dem narrative - doesn’t mean those Woofs don’t have merit.
Doesn't say ******* about forestry plans in California

well there dipshit......why don't you take a look and see how much of that is federal forestry....since I know you do not have the ability nor even care to look at the are like trump....just talk out your ass with no facts at all

California wildfire history shows federal land often burns
Nov 11, 2018 · In November, nine of the state's largest fires burned in the past 20 years and all of those within large sections of federal land, according to Cal Fire records. Most of those large fires included ...

Fact Check: Federal government manages 57 percent of ...
15 hours ago · More than 3.6 million acres have burned in California so far this year, more than half of the total 7 million acres that burned between 2001 and 2010. Eight of the 10 largest fires in California ...
In view of Trumps calling out the proud boys this might be of interest not a proud boy but a white nationalist Same ******* different toilet a real upstanding citizen View attachment 3639406
Hate Crime, so it is illegal to hate someone is it. Well I don't like many people but I don't hate them.

When you start punishing someone for their thoughts or beliefs in the name of political correctness and in an effort to make society feel better about itself, there is simply nothing to stop that model from ultimately effectively ending free speech. Hate crime laws are the “loophole” in the First Amendment which will eventually render it powerless.

In order for freedom of speech/thought to have any real meaning we must be willing to endure all expression, no matter how repugnant, and not give in to the tempting siren song of those who think that we can somehow end racism by simply increasing the punishment for crimes which appear to be racially motivated. Hate crime laws are simply the vehicle through which liberals who naively think the world can be a perfect place, have sold out one of our most cherished rights, all in the name of feeling better about ourselves when faced with the most horrific acts of humanity.
Actually, your dear innocent PAPA JOE is just as guilty of bad behavior as President Trump, Trumps only mistake was timing that made him look bad. Someone had to have gotten to Chris Wallace because all he did was throw soft balls to Biden to Protect this sorry excuse of a man. After farther review, Wallace ruined any hope of getting Biden to Answer the questions, Trump was right to keep asking Joe to answer the question. I know I am about to receive a whole litany of insults and negative come backs. Go for it.

Please 🤡, Temper-Tantrum Trump looked like a CRAZED, BABBLING FOOL out there! We cannot wait until another performance from "the Trump Circus Act!!!!!!!!!"

"Mr. President,.. Mr. President.... sir, no-no.. please, Mr. President.. Mr. President!!!!"

Hate Crime, so it is illegal to hate someone is it. Well I don't like many people but I don't hate them.

When you start punishing someone for their thoughts or beliefs in the name of political correctness and in an effort to make society feel better about itself, there is simply nothing to stop that model from ultimately effectively ending free speech. Hate crime laws are the “loophole” in the First Amendment which will eventually render it powerless.

In order for freedom of speech/thought to have any real meaning we must be willing to endure all expression, no matter how repugnant, and not give in to the tempting siren song of those who think that we can somehow end racism by simply increasing the punishment for crimes which appear to be racially motivated. Hate crime laws are simply the vehicle through which liberals who naively think the world can be a perfect place, have sold out one of our most cherished rights, all in the name of feeling better about ourselves when faced with the most horrific acts of humanity.

It's not illegal to hate . . . but is is illegal to hurt . . . and when that hating translates over to hurting (as it too often does), therein lies the problem.
It’s the fault of the corrupt and BIASED Main Street Media - the REAL story remains untold - doesn’t fit their Dem narrative.
Just after I commended you on not condoning Trump's temper tantrums & degeneracy last you you find a way (instead of OWNING it, and simply saying Trump was out of line, you want to blame the media for Trump's behavior!?!???..

You and Trump, act like 5one-year-old spoiled reprobate brats! GO CRY, YELL & THROW TOYS at a wall you baby!😂
Trouble is Ed - dogs generally don’t bark for nothing - just because you guys OWN the media and they don’t report what doesn’t fit the Dem narrative - doesn’t mean those Woofs don’t have merit.

"Mr. President,.. Mr. President.... sir, no-no.. please, Mr. President.. .....Mister President!!!!"

Hate is never the actual crime so why do we need it? We don't, assault is assault , ******* is ******* and so on.

Oh geez you are impossible . . . it's about hate inspired crimes . . . like driving your fucking car into a crowd of protestors with beliefs you find repugnant for example or mowing down people with a weapon at a black church Bible study because you hate black people. You're so fucking stupid man . . . no you're not stubid . . . you're fucking stupid!!! Get out of my life . . . nooooooow :mad: See ya and wouldn't want to be ya 👋
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Hate is never the actual crime so why do we need it? We don't, assault is assault , ******* is ******* and so on.

In criminal law there is the concept of "mens rea", which is why you can do an action that is a crime, but not be held responsible if e.g. you were not in your right mind, or if you were doing something for good reasons. This is why you can assault someone in self-defense and not go to prison for it.

Similarly, there are some criminal motivations we consider especially bad. Stealing cigarettes is bad. Stealing cigarettes with the intent (thought) to move them across state lines and sell them without paying taxes is worse. Doing all that as part of an organized and planned conspiracy is even worse than that, and our court system treats is at worse.

Motivations matter, which is why we have special rules around organized crime, hate crimes, and so on.
well there dipshit......why don't you take a look and see how much of that is federal forestry....since I know you do not have the ability nor even care to look at the are like trump....just talk out your ass with no facts at all

California wildfire history shows federal land often burns
Nov 11, 2018 · In November, nine of the state's largest fires burned in the past 20 years and all of those within large sections of federal land, according to Cal Fire records. Most of those large fires included ...

Fact Check: Federal government manages 57 percent of ...
15 hours ago · More than 3.6 million acres have burned in California so far this year, more than half of the total 7 million acres that burned between 2001 and 2010. Eight of the 10 largest fires in California ...
That's why I posted link this morning of 104 engineer battalion being deployed. You automatically twisted it into me changing subject from debate
Which is what
I guess you'll have to watch Part II of the debates IF Trump agrees to do one. Maybe THIS TIME Trump will agree to act more gentlemanly, if that's possible. Town Meeting style, I think they said ... now that should be interesting. I imagine Trump will try to stock the attendees (if there are some) with biased, pre-rehearsed questions for Biden & Trump.
I guess you'll have to watch Part II of the debates IF Trump agrees to do one. Maybe THIS TIME Trump will agree to act more gentlemanly, if that's possible. Town Meeting style, I think they said ... now that should be interesting. I imagine Trump will try to stock the attendees (if there are some) with biased, pre-rehearsed questions for Biden & Trump.
Look forward to 2 more