Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Explain yourself! You can call people racist all you want. Racism has nothing to do with what is happening and if you think it does then you are blind as a bat. Stop insulting and calling people names, shut your mouth, open up your mind and listen, this country is under attack and it isn't Donald Trump. America is being taken advantage of because of allowing those that really have an agenda to destroy us isn't being understood. Because people have become brain dead fools. When Socialism really gains power, and it will, all these leftist on here and the ignorant people which can't be bothered with learning, common sense and don't follow politics are sheep being led to the slaughter. Ask young people the questions that you and I learned in school growing up and all you will get is a glazed over look in their eyes.

you are the one that is blind as a bat.... a dingbat do you think is going on around the country....check facebook and twitter....last night was trump's call to arms.....he is Hitler re-incarnated.....23 (8).jpg
Actually, your dear innocent PAPA JOE is just as guilty of bad behavior as President Trump, Trumps only mistake was timing that made him look bad. Someone had to have gotten to Chris Wallace because all he did was throw soft balls to Biden to Protect this sorry excuse of a man. After farther review, Wallace ruined any hope of getting Biden to Answer the questions, Trump was right to keep asking Joe to answer the question. I know I am about to receive a whole litany of insults and negative come backs. Go for it.
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No, it wasn't.
OK, we see where you are coming from.
Another white guy who fetishizes interracial sex but, still retains his white superiority complex- and male superiority complex.
You and @Hottobe cucked are really going to argue that women were not treated and accepted as property in history and the bible?
Your support from the dumbest guy in this forum should be enough for you to question your position.
OK, we see where you are coming from.
Another white guy who fetishizes interracial sex but, still retains his white superiority complex- and male superiority complex.
You and @Hottobe cucked are really going to argue that women were not treated and accepted as property in history and the bible?
Your support from the dumbest guy in this forum should be enough for you to question your position.

Hell, original sin starts with a woman (Eve) leading a man (Adam) down the wrong path! Women start off on the wrong foot in the Bible LOL!
Actually, your dear innocent PAPA JOE is just as guilty of bad behavior as President Trump, Trumps only mistake was timing that made him look bad. Someone had to have gotten to Chris Wallace because all he did was throw soft balls to Biden to Protect this sorry excuse of a man. After farther review, Wallace ruined any hope of getting Biden to Answer the questions, Trump was right to keep asking Joe to answer the question. I know I am about to receive a whole litany of insults and negative come backs. Go for it.
We are all dumber, just for reading this.
There is no equivalence of behavior last night. Every metric proves that.
Like a true Trumper, it's all about everyone else' fault.
Trump lied from beginning to end.