Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

What exactly did Biden Do ? He did not WIN anything, the debate was confusing for a number of reasons. Trump certainly took the lead in aggression, but they both talked over each other, whether or not Trump interrupted more, he had a lot to interrupt more for because Joe would not answer so many questions. Chris Wallace did a lousy one sided job. If Biden did so well, how come his committee wants to change the format next debate. If debating is physically or mentally to much for Joe, he cannot do the job of President.

You wrote an entire BOOK of excuses on why Trump "didn't lose" the debate last night. Why come there are no Democrats writing excuses on why Biden didn't lose...😁...?
True....what is so irritating is that he really believes a lot of the ******* he spits out and that is just so hard to understand and he comes up with some ******* so last night it is on every about every paper....someone posted an article that Fox n Friends even condemned Trump.....

and hottobe's comment about Wallace picking on Trump...….Wallace is from Fox.....both parties agreed on him and how the debate would go....until trump just ******* all over everyone

I dislike hottobe for a different reason...but am getting over it anymore....

I don't ignore anyone....I like to see the ******* they spit out and try and give back what I can.....and yes there are some real assholes on here...sometimes I just read and move on...not worth the trouble....other times I may give them my opinion
You don't like me?? You don't even know me. I don't try to be a jerk. I do believe what I post, I watched the debate myself and I will not listen to the media, they are all bias, Wallace is a leftist and FOX is not really a right wing news source.
You don't like me?? You don't even know me. I don't try to be a jerk. I do believe what I post, I watched the debate myself and I will not listen to the media, they are all bias, Wallace is a leftist and FOX is not really a right wing news source.
Is THIS your official EXCUSE as to why Trump lost the debate??? You have so many of them we lost count...🤥
#CheckTheBettingOdds #NoNotThePolls #$$$IsInvolved
You wrote an entire BOOK of excuses on why Trump "didn't lose" the debate last night. Why come there are no Democrats writing excuses on why Biden didn't lose...😁...?
Really, that's because he didn't win anything, Trump should have not cut him off so much because that made it hard to follow the debate.
You don't like me?? You don't even know me. I don't try to be a jerk. I do believe what I post, I watched the debate myself and I will not listen to the media, they are all bias, Wallace is a leftist and FOX is not really a right wing news source.

there you go again....proving my are middle class do know trump wants to cut your benefits and etc.....has to pay for these big tax breaks somewhere......and the seniors are on the block....but guess that doesn't bother you at still have your hero worship

Trump might pull from @asian_fever 's profile at his next Kung-Flu Rally.. "CHIIIIINA, It was CHIIIIINA, the ...ASIAN FEVER, folks.. CHINA can KEEP HER...! We won't allow it, I hope China is listening, not on my watch..."

Russia too . . . Russia are you listening??? Help me destroy American democracy from the top down!!! Please interfere in our electoral process and hack my opponent!!! Was anybody really surprised by his perfect phone call with the Ukrainian president :unsure:???

No, a news source reports the news, they still present themselves as right bias. It is all about the money.
WRONG YOU SHOULD EXPAND YOUR LITTLE WORLD The foreign media gives in most cases unbiased reports. They have no ax to grind. Just today they listed the exaggerations, incorrect numbers or details and of course the outright lies Of both men . Trump won hands down he had two to five times more in every category. The truth is out there but sometimes ya got to dig for it. I noticed that in more than one country it was questioned that Democracy is dead in America. Trumps comments on both the validity and peaceful transfer of power I'm sure generated those feelings.
WRONG YOU SHOULD EXPAND YOUR LITTLE WORLD The foreign media gives in most cases unbiased reports. They have no ax to grind. Just today they listed the exaggerations, incorrect numbers or details and of course the outright lies Of both men . Trump won hands down he had two to five times more in every category. The truth is out there but sometimes ya got to dig for it. I noticed that in more than one country it was questioned that Democracy is dead in America. Trumps comments on both the validity and peaceful transfer of power I'm sure generated those feelings.
There is no impartial or trustworthy media in the world right now. One aspect of globalization is that the US election is now everybody's business. Everyone has an axe to grind. Democracy may be dying in the USA, but it is pretty sick everywhere else too.
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You guys are pretty immature, and a little racist? Maybe, I can't tell - since I have no idea what you are saying most of the time. I don't click on your links. Kung Fu fighting? FFS men, get a grip!

There's a lot of anti-Trump sentiment here obviously, but to those who question me as to how i can support Trump I reply by asking how they can support Biden, the Dems, or BLM etc. It comes down to a choice.

I would say that Trump is stylistically and culturally opposed to everything I have ever stood for or believed in, but he is better than the opposition. Also I have a grudging respect for a man who has pushed so hard against a lot of pernicious trends creeping into our culture. He might be an unusual guy, but he had to be unusual to do what he has done. Nobody else was up to it. After the profound disappointment of Obama, he has livened things up!
You guys are pretty immature, and a little racist? Maybe, I can't tell - since I have no idea what you are saying most of the time. I don't click on your links. Kung Fu fighting? FFS men, get a grip!

There's a lot of anti-Trump sentiment here obviously, but to those who question me as to how i can support Trump I reply by asking how they can support Biden, the Dems, or BLM etc. It comes down to a choice.

I would say that Trump is stylistically and culturally opposed to everything I have ever stood for or believed in, but he is better than the opposition. Also I have a grudging respect for a man who has pushed so hard against a lot of pernicious trends creeping into our culture. He might be an unusual guy, but he had to be unusual to do what he has done. Nobody else was up to it. After the profound disappointment of Obama, he has livened things up!

Why?... for quoting Donald Trump...?!?? "KUNG FLU" + "CHINA VIRUS" is magically "racist" when we repeat the exact phrases that Donald Trump created!!!???? You are a certified hypocrite 🤡

🤦‍♂️..."the wisdom of a Trump supporter"

#KungFlu #KungFluFighting #ChinaVirus
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