Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Round 1 Synopsis

I like the sport of boxing, so whenever there is a conflict between two sides, I will often use the sweet science as an analogy to describe how I see things. Now, if the debates between Biden and Trump are like a "fight", then I would have to give round 1 to Biden. Why??? Not necessarily because he did enough to clearly win the round, but because Trump committed just too many fouls. He was clinching. He was holding and hitting. He was hitting on the breaks. He was hitting low. He was throwing rabbit punches. He was throwing kidney punches. He was elbowing and leading with his head. He was throwing punches after the bell. I think he damn near would have tried an MMA kick if he thought it would not lead to immediate disqualification! And further, he would not comply with the referee's commands in the ring. Any "fighter" doing all of that could easily have a point taken away. And if their transgressions are really bad . . . two points deducted . . . Trump loses two points in the 1st round due to repeated fouling and arguing with the referee. Biden did stuff too but Trump's tactics, combined with the ref's inability to maintain control of the action in the ring, justified that. Round 1 goes to team Biden-Harris for this reason.
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We will not go anywhere, I assure you all. We know Trump always wants the last word that is what makes him tick. Enjoy your day in the sun. Undecided voters are strange people.

I don't like either of these groups, Antifa is Satanic and the Proud Boys are over the top Christian right wingers. Violence will happen, I can't see it not happening.

[ "Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias." ]
Some things are worth being triggered over. You are disparaging a war veteran, which is a pretty low act. Your view that the war was illegal is not the issue since servicemen do not make those decisions on what conflicts their nations engage in. I was opposed to the Iraq war too, but I wouldn't disparage anyone who served. They were doing their duty.
Apparently, you didn't learn what war is in your American History classes. "My view"..? No idiot, according to the United States CConstitution he is not a "war" veteran.

Not get triggered with the U.S. Constitution 👀, see how well that works for you birdbrain.😁
If a “debate” is what you want to call it :rolleyes: There should be a way to deduct points for bad behavior, which means Trump would LOSE!
Actually, your dear innocent PAPA JOE is just as guilty of bad behavior as President Trump, Trumps only mistake was timing that made him look bad. Someone had to have gotten to Chris Wallace because all he did was throw soft balls to Biden to Protect this sorry excuse of a man. After farther review, Wallace ruined any hope of getting Biden to Answer the questions, Trump was right to keep asking Joe to answer the question. I know I am about to receive a whole litany of insults and negative come backs. Go for it.
Actually, your dear innocent PAPA JOE is just as guilty of bad behavior as President Trump, Trumps only mistake was timing that made him look bad. Someone had to have gotten to Chris Wallace because all he did was throw soft balls to Biden to Protect this sorry excuse of a man. After farther review, Wallace ruined any hope of getting Biden to Answer the questions, Trump was right to keep asking Joe to answer the question. I know I am about to receive a whole litany of insults and negative come backs. Go for it.

Fuck you buddy . . . the overwhelming consensus is that it was DONALD J. TRUMP who was the problem . . . ask the moderator. Trump is an (_I_) 🤡 . . . ass clown. He could take a ******* smack dead center on the center of your forehead and you would defend him! He was a disgrace and an embarrassment to the office, and he will be gone for good after this election. But you Trumptards will still be here under another name 👎
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more of your racist attitude showing again...……………………...Antifa is Satonic…...proud boys Christian...……………….if you run real hard....head down...….you might get your entire head up trumps ass!
Explain yourself! You can call people racist all you want. Racism has nothing to do with what is happening and if you think it does then you are blind as a bat. Stop insulting and calling people names, shut your mouth, open up your mind and listen, this country is under attack and it isn't Donald Trump. America is being taken advantage of because of allowing those that really have an agenda to destroy us isn't being understood. Because people have become brain dead fools. When Socialism really gains power, and it will, all these leftist on here and the ignorant people which can't be bothered with learning, common sense and don't follow politics are sheep being led to the slaughter. Ask young people the questions that you and I learned in school growing up and all you will get is a glazed over look in their eyes.
Words of real wisdom I came upon this morning,

Last night's debate did nothing to ensure me life will better. Biden again answered no questions. It was all about how bad Trump is , I guess Biden will get a pass , and the lies and deceit of the Obama Presidency , The fraud of the FBI, and the deceit and lies of the Dept of Justice, The complete fraud, deceit, lies of the CIA under Brennan, and the scope of made up documents under the Obama Administration. The secret information and deceit under the Clinton State Department , that were sent over open lines ,any other American would have been charged with Treason. All these fakes frauds, and liars are not and it appears will never be held accountable. They pulled off the biggest lie in the history of this nation, and got away with it . It is sickening to me and shown me as of today I shall no longer trust or help, or invest in the American Government. I am greatly disappointed in the American people ,who should be screaming for accountability, and punishment for all these involved. Instead, thy bow their heads and fall in line like the sheep Americans have become. I feel I am watching a Nation in retreat .