Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

... and we QUOTE from Donald Trump ... "Proud Boys, stand down and stand by!" word_OPPS.jpg

Proud Boys
Far-Right Neo-Fascist Organization
Proud Boys
The Proud Boys is a far-right and neo-fascist organization that admits only men as members and promotes and engages in political violence. It is based in the United States and has a presence in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

I think we've seen the LAST DEBATE by Donald Trump ...
As I've been saying all along ... Trump's a fascist PIG and he's relying on his neo-nazi groups to keep him in office.
I guess the Trumptards are gonna start scattering like fleas now. Surely go god they're not gonna try to stick up to Trump now.
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We will not go anywhere, I assure you all. We know Trump always wants the last word that is what makes him tick. Enjoy your day in the sun. Undecided voters are strange people.

I don't like either of these groups, Antifa is Satanic and the Proud Boys are over the top Christian right wingers. Violence will happen, I can't see it not happening.

... and we QUOTE from Donald Trump ... "Prould Boys, stand down and stand by!" View attachment 3638420

Proud Boys
Far-Right Neo-Fascist Organization
Proud Boys
The Proud Boys is a far-right and neo-fascist organization that admits only men as members and promotes and engages in political violence. It is based in the United States and has a presence in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

I think we've seen the LAST DEBATE by Donald Trump ...
As I've been saying all along ... Trump's a fascist PIG and he's relying on his neo-nazi groups to keep him in office.
I guess the Trumptards are gonna start scattering like fleas now. Surely go god they're not gonna try to stick up to Trump now.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters know what he's about, and they love it. That's how that birther got elected.
Triggered...? If you love this country so much why didn't you take the time to read the Constitution of United States...? 🇺🇸

Officially, the "Iraq War" is called a *conflict*. The Congress declares War pal, the United States has not been in war (legally) since WWII buddy.

I encourage you to actually READ the U.S. Constitution.
Some things are worth being triggered over. You are disparaging a war veteran, which is a pretty low act. Your view that the war was illegal is not the issue since servicemen do not make those decisions on what conflicts their nations engage in. I was opposed to the Iraq war too, but I wouldn't disparage anyone who served. They were doing their duty.
I think the last 63 pages of this thread could be distilled down to about 5 posts of worthy content. Yawn.

I support Trump.

As long as the Dems are anywhere near the BLM, Antifa, the egregious excesses of feminism, open borders, critical race theory, intersectionality, diversity hiring, anti-democracy, social division etc, it shall remain so. I also think Trump is only free world leader to honestly face the fact that we are in a trade and culture war with China. God help us all if he loses this election - and I say that from Australia.
As long as the Dems are anywhere near the BLM, Antifa
Do you even KNOW what antifa stands for, asian_fever? I bet NOT! Anti-Fascism. So if you're against antifa, you're FOR fascism. Is THAT what you're telling us, HERE, that you're for fascism and nazism? Trump just admitted in the first debate he likes & favors Proud Boys. He just told the ProudBoys to "stand down" ... do you realize what happens when he calls them to protect HIS presidency? Innocent men, women, and children will be killed with THEIR terrorism. Why don't you do a bit of research on fascism and this group that Trump favors. Do you really think Nazism has a place in this world again? Yet it lines right up, as I've been saying over 2 years, with Trump's fascism beliefs.
Damn, I thought you Aussies were a bit sharper than this.
I don't like either of these groups, Antifa is Satanic and the Proud Boys
Well, they're on the opposite ends of the spectrum, Hottobe. They certainly don't stand for the same thing. If you're against antifa, you're for fascism and the Proud Boys; pretty simple.
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As long as the Dems are anywhere near the BLM, Antifa, the egregious excesses of feminism, open borders, critical race theory, intersectionality, diversity hiring, anti-democracy, social division etc, it shall remain so.
word-WRONG-smallSIZE.jpg That's sooooooo FALSE it has Trump's odor to it. Where did you get that, meathead? Source? You a white supremist?
Antifa — short for “anti-fascist” — the name for loosely affiliated, left-leaning anti-racist groups that monitor and track the activities of local neo-Nazis of which Proud Boys is one.
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We will not go anywhere, I assure you all. We know Trump always wants the last word that is what makes him tick. Enjoy your day in the sun. Undecided voters are strange people.

I don't like either of these groups, Antifa is Satanic and the Proud Boys are over the top Christian right wingers. Violence will happen, I can't see it not happening.

We will not go anywhere, I assure you all. We know Trump always wants the last word that is what makes him tick. Enjoy your day in the sun. Undecided voters are strange people.

I don't like either of these groups, Antifa is Satanic and the Proud Boys are over the top Christian right wingers. Violence will happen, I can't see it not happening.

more of your racist attitude showing again...……………………...Antifa is Satonic…...proud boys Christian...……………….if you run real hard....head down...….you might get your entire head up trumps ass!
I think the last 63 pages of this thread could be distilled down to about 5 posts of worthy content. Yawn.

I support Trump.

As long as the Dems are anywhere near the BLM, Antifa, the egregious excesses of feminism, open borders, critical race theory, intersectionality, diversity hiring, anti-democracy, social division etc, it shall remain so. I also think Trump is only free world leader to honestly face the fact that we are in a trade and culture war with China. God help us all if he loses this election - and I say that from Australia.

opinions are like asshole...everyone has one...and in your case you are speaking out yours...….but then morons support morons and that is world wide I guess...………….you might want to listen to your own countrymen

Why do many Australians dislike Donald Trump? - Quora
Apr 18, 2020 · Australians don’t particularly care about the Democrat or Republican parties in the USA, neither reflects or aligns with our local political parties, the reason so many Australian’s dislike Donald Trump is that we don't like fakes and bullshit artists, and that's what Donald Trump is, he lies and spins, and can never take responsibility or admit he made a mistake or could have done things better - he’s …