Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I am interested in the subject since it allows me to revise my English and not to let you speak unfairly against my country/president in your politic campaign. I do not want a preventable war and am reading/learning things to/in argument. They do not like RT and other many medias from russia excepted the western Moscow time, but I think it deserves to see things from a slightly angle.
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Now I am trying to find an article on the connections of Trump with the Russian mafia of New York that I had read but do not think I like Biden. I think I will share it if I have time tomorrow if I find it.
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Now I am trying to find an article on the connections of trump with the Russian mafia of New York that I had read but do not think I like Biden. I think I will share it if I have time tomorrow if I find it.
Any one that does construction project on his level has connections with mafia whether they no it or not
Here is what many past democrats have wised up too.
#WalkAway Campaign has 485,056 members. - The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement. It is a video campaign movement, dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become. Some left long ago
Biden is gonna chew that ass :cool:

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I heard on the news that Trump has put in like just 2 hours preparing for tonight . . . typical Trump and just like he runs his businesses . . . wing it! Is this the kind of person we really want to have access the "nuclear football"??? The thing is, there are guys just like Trump all over this country running big businesses. They overestimate their ability and their intellect, they push all of the real work down onto other people in the company, and hold them accountable for accomplishing things that they themselves cannot do, and at the same time won't take accountability for anything, except cashing in on their next outrageous bonus. I know, because I've worked in organizations run by people just like him . . . never again:mad:!!! I'm done toiling to make somebody else rich 🤬!!!
I've spent the last week going over Trump's previous debates and post debate interviews.
Trump never ever answers tough questions and his go to is personal insults, simple non specific answers or lies about himself.
It's hard to beat that. He entertains. Policy is not entertaining, it's boring and frustration. Talking about someone's appearance, or what 'many people are saying' without a real reference, is his repeated action.

There will be no debate tonight. Joe's job will be to call him out a couple of times, confidently tell people what he will do, and project leadership.
Trump can ******* on the stage and All4, Blkdlaur, HottoBe, HH, and the rest will cheer it on and talk about how only a real American can ******* like that, Joe can't even unbuckle his pants.
In other words, Trumpers are baked in. The undecideds and 2016 Trump voters who are regretful, needs to be reminded, the shitty economy, and rampant virus, and racial tension and violence are all happening today, in Trump's America.

And, starting Monday, he's rounding up hispanics in cities. That should get him a few extra points from- no one nowhere. Can't wait for those pictures of agents handcuffing parents in front of their children.
I've spent the last week going over Trump's previous debates and post debate interviews.
Trump never ever answers tough questions and his go to is personal insults, simple non specific answers or lies about himself.
It's hard to beat that. He entertains. Policy is not entertaining, it's boring and frustration. Talking about someone's appearance, or what 'many people are saying' without a real reference, is his repeated action.

There will be no debate tonight. Joe's job will be to call him out a couple of times, confidently tell people what he will do, and project leadership.
Trump can ******* on the stage and All4, Blkdlaur, HottoBe, HH, and the rest will cheer it on and talk about how only a real American can ******* like that, Joe can't even unbuckle his pants.
In other words, Trumpers are baked in. The undecideds and 2016 Trump voters who are regretful, needs to be reminded, the shitty economy, and rampant virus, and racial tension and violence are all happening today, in Trump's America.

And, starting Monday, he's rounding up hispanics in cities. That should get him a few extra points from- no one nowhere. Can't wait for those pictures of agents handcuffing parents in front of their children.

It's the truth Ed, and its already been said . . . .
