Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

"The startling news about Trump's economy that mainstream media ignored."

Considering that the deficit exploded back to almost double what was handed to Trump in 2017 by Obama, and the Nat'l Debt has grown by almost the same amount as household income ... I really see nothing to brag about, Allfor. At this particular time Trump and his "tard" followers grasp at any straws of accomplishments they feel they can credit Trump with ... it only took Trump & Republicans about 15 months to fuck the economy up after Obama and Trump is YET to fulfill his platform promises ... do we need to run through those again? You folks seem so forgetful these days.
Now the news on Trump's TRUE accomplishments are spilling out with his tax returns. "Art Of The Deal" my ass .... what a con this guy has been and yet you fools keep pulling for him. If we don't jerk his ass out of office the day after the election, he's liable to sell off every top secret the US has to clear his "soon to come due" $400+ million personal debt. Trump couldn't sell ICE to a man dying of thirst in 120 degree heat in Death Valley.
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Considering that the deficit exploded back to almost double what was handed to Trump in 2017 by Obama, and the Nat'l Debt has grown by almost the same amount as household income ... I really see nothing to brag about, Allfor. At this particular time Trump and his "tard" followers grasp at any straws of accomplishments they feel they can credit Trump with ... it only took Trump & Republicans about 15 months to fuck the economy up after Obama and Trump is YET to fulfill his platform promises ... do we need to run through those again? You folks seem so forgetful these days.
Now the news on Trump's TRUE accomplishments are spilling out with his tax returns. "Art Of The Deal" my ass .... what a con this guy has been and yet you fools keep pulling for him. If we don't jerk his ass out of office the day after the election, he's liable to sell off every top secret the US has to clear his "soon to come due" $400+ million personal debt. Trump couldn't sell ICE to an a man dying of thirst in 120 degree heat in Death Valley.
How much of debt is continuing previous programs and corona related voted on by Congress.
How much of debt is continuing previous programs and corona related voted on by Congress.

still doesn't matter it is all on trump...…….how much of that given to congress went to big biz...that is overseas!.....who let the trump virus ravage the country while doing nothing...….look where the national debt was before the virus....he already had it out of control

he is killing people as a favor for Russia...….selling out our allies for money....and running for office to cover upcoming debts....what wlse will he give to other countries to cover his debts...nothing to the Saudis for killing...owes them money......nothing about killing the Kurds because he owes turkey money......pulling out of Syria and giving it to Russia because he needs more money....the guy is conning the country and selling us out and people like you are willing to let it happen!

makes me wonder just where your loyalties lie.....apparently not with this country...…...for you it's all about what money you think he might give you at the countries expense......just what has he given you?...….not a fucking thing! are about to go belly up along with a lot of other small biz.....because he runs the economy like a biz.....get what you can and bankrupt it!
still doesn't matter it is all on trump...…….how much of that given to congress went to big biz...that is overseas!.....who let the trump virus ravage the country while doing nothing...….look where the national debt was before the virus....he already had it out of control

he is killing people as a favor for Russia...….selling out our allies for money....and running for office to cover upcoming debts....what wlse will he give to other countries to cover his debts...nothing to the Saudis for killing...owes them money......nothing about killing the Kurds because he owes turkey money......pulling out of Syria and giving it to Russia because he needs more money....the guy is conning the country and selling us out and people like you are willing to let it happen!

makes me wonder just where your loyalties lie.....apparently not with this country...…...for you it's all about what money you think he might give you at the countries expense......just what has he given you?...….not a fucking thing! are about to go belly up along with a lot of other small biz.....because he runs the economy like a biz.....get what you can and bankrupt it!

How much of debt is continuing previous programs and corona related voted on by Congress.
If you're a Republican, you don't want to know the answer to that question, trust me.
Let's put it this way, MOST of the Nat'l Debt was accumulated under 3 prior Republican Presidents.

'He pulled the wool over our eyes': workers blame Trump ...
Jul 10, 2019 · Promises to save US manufacturing and prevent American jobs moving abroad were a key part of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. But since Trump took office in January 2017, nearly 200,000

Trump Is Subsidizing Companies That Send Jobs Overseas ...
This promise to save jobs proved to be nothing more than another of Trump’s false claims. Within 18 months of Trump’s election, U.S. corporations had shipped 140,000 jobs overseas — including 700...

Under Trump, American jobs sent overseas hits five-year ...
Nov 30, 2017 · Almost 100,000 jobs have been lost to overseas competition since Trump took office — a higher rate than at any time in the past five years. A new report shows that American jobs are going overseas at a higher volume than average, disproving Donald Trump's claim that he is bringing jobs

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If you're a Republican, you don't want to know the answer to that question, trust me.
Let's put it this way, MOST of the Nat'l Debt was accumulated under 3 prior Republican Presidents.
The only president to pay off debt was Jackson and that was a long time ago
The only president to pay off debt was Jackson and that was a long time ago

that is because the republicans have run it up so high it takes a dem longer to get it down...…..but even then you are wrong on that

PolitiFact | Here's how the deficit performed under ……

During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. " (George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion." This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.

Here's how the deficit performed under Republican and ...
Claim: "Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back t…

The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud - Forbes
Oct 08, 2017 · Republican-proposed-and-supported budget policies could easily result in a permanent $1 trillion annual budget deficit for the U.S. and dramatically increased …

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy Will Make America’s Debt ...
Jan 29, 2020 · Republicans under Trump haven't just carelessly let deficits rise and debt pile up, they have made it even harder to find a politically possible way of righting the nation's fiscal trajectory....
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