Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Which party adds more to deficits? | by Taylor White ...
While Republicans often claim that they are the more fiscally responsible party, my research suggests otherwise. Compared to Democratic presidents, Republicans are estimated to add between 0.75% and 1.2% more to the deficit (as a percent of GDP) each year they are in office.

Republican fail: 40 years of tax cuts, record debt and ...
Oct 03, 2019 · Republicans have been slashing the top tax bracket for annual earned income since the early 1980s, and it is now 37% on income above $612,350. ... by some calculations the two tax cuts added
She's dumb as *******, and not fucking either one.
Anyone of you that made more than $15/hr can marry an Eastern Euro for citizenship. Except you.
Not you Lydia. Russian women have expensive taste and expectations- once they get here.
She is from a village in Slovenia, and was here illegally, not getting modeling gigs. In other words, husband hunting.
So here you are pointing out how we should be a moral and religious. country.
Your previous post points out your own immorality and religious short comings by trying to highlight which of your neighbors wife, is more coveted.
You're on a website that celebrates coveting thy neighbor's wife. With a name suggesting you're ready to get off by being demoralized. Also, a check against Christian religion that you profess.
Is it hard being this hypocritical? I mean, do you think about the right way to do things, and then purposely go opposite?
So here you are pointing out how we should be a moral and religious. country.
Your previous post points out your own immorality and religious short comings by trying to highlight which of your neighbors wife, is more coveted.
You're on a website that celebrates coveting thy neighbor's wife. With a name suggesting you're ready to get off by being demoralized. Also, a check against Christian religion that you profess.
Is it hard being this hypocritical? I mean, do you think about the right way to do things, and then purposely go opposite?

It's real easy for a Trumptard to be fat, dumb, and happy :p