Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Poutin seems to be annoyed by Trump's sentence at the end of the video.
I have no idea what the press is like in Russia but they have become an embarrassment in America. I admit that President Trump doesn't appear as presidential as some might expect a president to be, but that so called media is disgusting and has no decorum in the least. P-outin did look annoyed at the end. We hear that loud rude female reporter scream out after the speakers have ended a press conference all the time and many have commented on how inappropriate the media is. Trump may have had 4 years in office, but he has had to withstand a barrage of attacks and scrutiny from the media and the corrupt politicians ever since he announced he was running for president. If he gets 4 more years, and if they think they hate him now, they will hate him more because he will be on the offence instead of having to defend himself every moment of everyday.
I have no idea what the press is like in Russia but they have become an embarrassment in America. I admit that President Trump doesn't appear as presidential as some might expect a president to be, but that so called media is disgusting and has no decorum in the least. P-outin did look annoyed at the end. We hear that loud rude female reporter scream out after the speakers have ended a press conference all the time and many have commented on how inappropriate the media is. Trump may have had 4 years in office, but he has had to withstand a barrage of attacks and scrutiny from the media and the corrupt politicians ever since he announced he was running for president. If he gets 4 more years, and if they think they hate him now, they will hate him more because he will be on the offence instead of having to defend himself every moment of everyday.

nothing wrong with the media as a whole...….they are doing what they have always done...keep politicians's just that trump does not want his corruption might discourage his idiots from supporting him

now yes......there are some...Limbuagh and O'reilly and others who just make a lot of money stirring the division....they get paid very well telling people what they want to hear....not the truth but what people want to hear

if we had the same laws that France did those assholes would be working in some quick trip somewhere

First of all, I'll match my income and investments with yours anyday.
You'll have to show proof though, you've already lied about some government job you had that paid $200k and your pension is over $100k.
The thing about government work is that it's categorized, ranked and you're able to look up job classifications and salaries.

You can learn a lot through the Office of Personnel Management. Like your alleged salary is a much higher pay cap than the General Schedule calls for. The GS sets the salaries for the vast majority of federal employees and cap annual pay -- before adjusting for locality -- at just less than $130,000.

Not bad, but, what jobs were paying 200k plus in the 2000 teens? Well, highly specialized positions. About 16000 of them on the federal payroll. Vast majority were medical officers at the VA. As a high school drop out, who probably finished later, we know you this isn't you. So looking at the departments I noticed that those jobs were highly specialized (lots of education and experience) and not really in your wheelhouse there Capt. Ron. So, you're lying. And, as someone who does make that kind of money- it's not a lot. Taxes, investments/savings, know it all ******* in college, decent home and cars, social life, and you find yourself looking to double that.

Oh, we already got socialism, so assholes like you can sit back in their shacks on the ocean, and expect the government to rebuild it, right there, after every hurricane. FEMA. Also, there is social security, medicare, baby labor laws, minimum wage, subsidies for agriculture and energy industries, bailouts for banks and businesses like airlines and auto industry, public universities, and many more but that's enough for your head. All of those things go against free market driven capitalism, and were considered socialism. So which program are you ready to throw out?
I noticed that those jobs were highly specialized .

Wrong again! I was in what is considered a highly specialized profession.
nothing wrong with the media as a whole...….they are doing what they have always done...keep politicians's just that trump does not want his corruption might discourage his idiots from supporting him

now yes......there are some...Limbuagh and O'reilly and others who just make a lot of money stirring the division....they get paid very well telling people what they want to hear....not the truth but what people want to hear

if we had the same laws that France did those assholes would be working in some quick trip somewhere

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Bullshit media owned by only 5 parent companies
nothing wrong with the media as a whole...….they are doing what they have always done...keep politicians's just that trump does not want his corruption might discourage his idiots from supporting him

now yes......there are some...Limbuagh and O'reilly and others who just make a lot of money stirring the division....they get paid very well telling people what they want to hear....not the truth but what people want to hear

if we had the same laws that France did those assholes would be working in some quick trip somewhere

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They are doing what they have always done...keep politicians honest ! If keeping all the politicians honest means leading all questions toward the Liberal left they far from that platform. Every news conference all they do is pound the same leftist propaganda over and over and over again. They are rude, crude and disgusting. CNN, MNSBC, CBS, ABC and NBC are all leftist media 100% period, FOX News plays the part of good cop and I watch very little videos from them either. Rush Limbaugh is definitely ring wing radio host and a Trump supporter and I enjoy listening to him, I don't agree with some of what he says. Bill O'reilly has always irritated me by his high and mighty attitude but he does know his stuff quite well, not all but most.
OK Mr know it all air traffic controllers pay is not tied to the General Schedule... DA. We have our own pay system. A typical government employee under FERS gets 1% of their high three. Controllers get 1.7%. mutiplied by years of service. It's a three tiered system. High three, Social Security Supplement and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Although I am not SS eligible the FAA pays me what I would get if I were eligible. I have the option to bow out when I am eligible and can wait until I am older to collect even more money. The majority of my fellow retirees have between $750,000-$1,000,000 in the TSP at retirement. The government matches up to 5% of contributions. I always maxed it out. We have the option to take an annuity from the TSP to add to our pension. My base salary was $187,000 including locality pay. So 20 years times 1.7% = 34% of the high three, TSP annuity and SS supplement. But wait there's more. I bought back my military time which adds 1% to the 34% for every year of active service which was 12 years. I know math isn't your strong point so 34% + 12% = 46%. You still with me? For me that means I get 46% of $187,000 which is roughly $86,000 per year just for my pension. I don't need the TSP annuity so there it sits. I have to withdraw a portion when I turn 72. Starting November I will start receiving my military pension which is about $1500/month. Here goes math again $1500 x 12 = $18,000. I know it's difficult but you'll be OK. $86,000 + $18,000 = $104,000 per year to sit my ass on the beach for the rest of my life. And that doesn't include the $2,000 or so a month I could withdraw as an annuity from my TSP.
When I was working my base pay of $187,000 did not include 10% night differential, 25% for working Sundays (roughly $ 9,000 per year and if I worked the 10 federal holidays, double time. About another $9,000 per year. When I trained a new controller I got 10%. The controllers in New York get a $3,000 bonus for every successful trainee on top of the 10% because it's difficult to one get people certified and two it's hard to fill the positions. And 10% controller incentive pay (CIP) (About $12000/year) Just my base salary and CIP comes to about $199,000/year. Add all the other pay (Sunday pay, night differential, holiday pay, trainer pay) and I was easily over $200k/year. Any "entitlements "over the $187,000 has nothing to do with the base pay salary cap. That doesn't include overtime which happened a lot.
The last couple of years of my career I was in management. If we got a raise in January I would be paid a lump sum payment because a raise would put me over the cap. Oh and if government employees do get a raise in January then the controllers get another raise in June of 1.6% per union contract. So lets say the January raise is 2% then the controllers will get an additional 1.6% the following June. Zero if there is no January pay raise. I thought it was pretty cool when Trump first got elected there was an employee borrowed by the FAA to do whatever job it was. He was the highest paid employee. More than Kellyanne and the rest because they fall under the GS. A totally different pay system. Again you're talking out of your ass with no idea WTF you're talking about.
  1. New Hampshire average air traffic controller salary: $147,350
  2. Virginia average air traffic controller salary: $139,520
  3. Illinois average air traffic controller salary: $136,390
  4. Georgia average air traffic controller salary: $136,210
  5. Texas average air traffic controller salary: $133,260
  6. California average air traffic controller salary: $132,300
  7. Minnesota average air traffic controller salary: $131,330
  8. Ohio average air traffic controller salary: $131,180
  9. New York average air traffic controller salary: $130,840
  10. Colorado average air traffic controller salary: $128,210
These average salaries do not include, night differential, Sunday pay, holiday pay, controller incentive pay (CIP), or locality pay.
OK jerk, I stand corrected.
I forgot about air traffic controllers. You would be old enough to have been eligible when there was a shortage (I used to deliver newspapers and would read) I remember when Reagan fired over 10,000 of them- sending many into poverty and banning them from working as an ATC in the States).

I actually thought about after my second year in college. I was missing labs and study group because of football practice and I ran across an article where you could make $100k without a degree. Plus, we were getting our ass kicked in football on tv and that was embarrassing. However, I switched majors from a real science (physics) to a faux science (Political Science) and they fired that terrible coach and brought in a winner. Long story short, I make more, less fucking stress, no mandatory retirement since I run my own little company. Plus when we fuck up, no one dies, well, not immediately.

Here's the deal O'Neal. NONE of that which you listed is a reflection of free market capitalism- it's government demands and assurances that it will take care of this group- very well. Socialism and socialistic values like a wealthy European country. From beginning to end, you have been well cared for by the government. If you were an employee directly of say, Boeing, you would have been a victim or their market. If you know the history of Air Traffic Controllers, you know that's very true.

You have benefitted from the heavy hand of government, get to sit on your ass at 56, and bitch about government helping others. What a fucking life.
I still believe you're more of a baggage handler but, whatever, enjoy your win here, and your socialism.
Yes need to vote before debates - so you’re not ashamed of voting for a defective candidate - understood.
Is that why the GOP is sending out notices to it's members to vote early?
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I have no idea what the press is like in Russia but they have become an embarrassment in America. I admit that President Trump doesn't appear as presidential as some might expect a president to be, but that so called media is disgusting and has no decorum in the least. P-outin did look annoyed at the end. We hear that loud rude female reporter scream out after the speakers have ended a press conference all the time and many have commented on how inappropriate the media is. Trump may have had 4 years in office, but he has had to withstand a barrage of attacks and scrutiny from the media and the corrupt politicians ever since he announced he was running for president. If he gets 4 more years, and if they think they hate him now, they will hate him more because he will be on the offence instead of having to defend himself every moment of everyday.
Trump has EARNED every bit of ink printed about him and more.
He is the worst President in history.
He is a prolific liar that has used racism and xenophobic.
Stop crying about the most powerful office in the world being covered and scrutinized. Poor poor multimillionaire head of government.