Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The very existence of The “Squad” is reason enough for ANY reasonable American to NEVER vote Democrat again.
Unbelievable that Irish, Italian, Jewish, women, catholics, black and brown women would be rightfully elected to Congress.
He should come to Chicago and run commercials in Illinois. Blue stronghold and all.
Then San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, NYC, Buffalo, Miami, Atlanta, etc. Spend all of those dollars here.

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I think I have seen one Harris sign on my walks. Plenty of Tump signs though.

Well there's a clear sign of who's going to win . . . a far better predictor than say professionally managed polling . . . just kind of a feeling . . . just like how Trump "governs" (if you can even call what he's doing that) :rolleyes: Don't worry about those stinkin' polls! Just look at how many MAGA hats and signs you see 😁
Commies - race has NOTHING to do with it.
We haven't elected Communists here.
Aren't you the one who supports an actually Pro-P.utin Russian?
Aren't you the one who supports the pro-P.utin President?
Do you know that P.utin was the head of the Communist Anti-American spy agency, KGB?
I wonder how much ******* is on his hands?
You match these women, dutifully elected by their constituents (Omar's is mostly white and lots of Jews) with an anti-Westerner killer like P.utin.
Can you go any lower?

I said resources and the candidate, not a few idiots. We all got those.

re-elect him on the economy!

Jobless claims tell us 30 million people are unemployed ...
Jul 09, 2020 · Consider jobless claims. Although they have fallen from a peak of nearly 7 million in late March, more than 1 million new applications for unemployment benefits are being filed each week.

U.S. jobless claims, including federal filings, rise third ...
Sep 10, 2020 · Continuing jobless claims, or the number of people already receiving benefits, rose by 93,000 to a seasonally adjusted 13.39 million in the seven days …