Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yeah socialism be way better - state run media šŸ˜†

The way the media is so one sided prolly wouldnā€™t be much difference though šŸ˜¬
OK jerk, I stand corrected.
I forgot about air traffic controllers. You would be old enough to have been eligible when there was a shortage (I used to deliver newspapers and would read) I remember when Reagan fired over 10,000 of them- sending many into poverty and banning them from working as an ATC in the States).

I actually thought about after my second year in college. I was missing labs and study group because of football practice and I ran across an article where you could make $100k without a degree. Plus, we were getting our ass kicked in football on tv and that was embarrassing. However, I switched majors from a real science (physics) to a faux science (Political Science) and they fired that terrible coach and brought in a winner. Long story short, I make more, less fucking stress, no mandatory retirement since I run my own little company. Plus when we fuck up, no one dies, well, not immediately.

Here's the deal O'Neal. NONE of that which you listed is a reflection of free market capitalism- it's government demands and assurances that it will take care of this group- very well. Socialism and socialistic values like a wealthy European country. From beginning to end, you have been well cared for by the government. If you were an employee directly of say, Boeing, you would have been a victim or their market. If you know the history of Air Traffic Controllers, you know that's very true.

You have benefitted from the heavy hand of government, get to sit on your ass at 56, and bitch about government helping others. What a fucking life.
I still believe you're more of a baggage handler but, whatever, enjoy your win here, and your socialism.
There's a huge difference between getting a paycheck from the government for actually working and a capable person sitting on the couch waiting for the EBT/unemployment deposit.

I still believe you're more of a baggage handler but, whatever, enjoy your win here, and your socialism.

It's really sad. You are so use to the non-stop lies of Democrats. You believe everything they say and everyone else is a liar. I certainly can understand why you think that way. It's the liberal curse! So if we use your theory then Biden and Harris are mooching off the government? Biden who has for almost 50 years and didn't do *******. Their pension and benefits from the same government who pays my salary are extraordinary..
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Trump surrounds himself with he says the very best we have. Amusing some are previously convicted felons, convicted felons he pardons and my personal favorite a religious bigot 5f639f4a280000ea129d2e27.jpg
Yeah socialism be way better - state run media šŸ˜†

The way the media is so one sided prolly wouldnā€™t be much difference though šŸ˜¬
Trump is in office because of the media giving him about a billion dollars of free press in 2016 with about .35 cents of scrutiny.
There's a huge difference between getting a paycheck from the government for actually working and a capable person sitting on the couch waiting for the EBT/unemployment deposit.

I still believe you're more of a baggage handler but, whatever, enjoy your win here, and your socialism.

It's really sad. You are so use to the non-stop lies of Democrats. You believe everything they say and everyone else is a liar. I certainly can understand why you think that way. It's the liberal curse! So if we use your theory then Biden and Harris are mooching off the government? Biden who has for almost 50 years and didn't do *******. Their pension and benefits from the same government who pays my salary are extraordinary..
That is exactly what your side says.
Lies? Trump is up to 20,000 of them. Some of them have killed people. Your side has the market cornered on lying to the American people buddy.
There's a huge difference between getting a paycheck from the government for actually working and a capable person sitting on the couch waiting for the EBT/unemployment deposit.

I still believe you're more of a baggage handler but, whatever, enjoy your win here, and your socialism.

It's really sad. You are so use to the non-stop lies of Democrats. You believe everything they say and everyone else is a liar. I certainly can understand why you think that way. It's the liberal curse! So if we use your theory then Biden and Harris are mooching off the government? Biden who has for almost 50 years and didn't do *******. Their pension and benefits from the same government who pays my salary are extraordinary..
You are right. However, taking care of people is taking care of people.
The point here is that government makes sure that market forces do not solely determine your reward for work.
I don't see it as mooching. You performed a service and was compensated for it, backed by the government. Socialism works the same way. Capitalism would not have the government interfering.
NONE of that which you listed is a reflection of free market capitalism- it's government demands and assurances that it will take care of this group- very well. Socialism and socialistic values like a wealthy European country. From beginning to end, you have been well cared for by the government. If you were an employee directly of say, Boeing, you would have been a victim or their market. If you know the history of Air Traffic Controllers, you know that's very true.
True šŸ‘†šŸ»
You support a person, both of you, that could give a ******* less about your lot in life, or your children's ability to be better. He can't help it, he's never had to struggle or know anyone that has, that he didn't put in that position.
Why do I care what he can do for me? That's where the breakdown is. I care about the country not what's in it for me unlike liberals... As I have said in previous posts that is exactly why I voted for Romney. I didn't care that Obama and the Dems were huge union supporters. Comments from co-workers were " I guess you don't want a raise or a good contract." No I didn't give a *******. I didn't think Obama was doing a good job (no need to respond with the thousand excuses why. I have heard them all.) I voted for my who I thought would be best for the country and it wasn't Obama.

Liberal- All government all the time. All I want from my government is to do what it was originally intended. Protect the country, police and fire services, manage the economy etc.. I am very capable of doing things for myself. And before you make another idiotic statement that I collect pay from the government. It's no different than when you applied to Walmart. You fill out an application, hopefully get hired, and then get paid for WORKING. I was an employee. It's quite the concept. Other than paying me for what I earned the government can stay the fuck out of my business!
OK jerk, I stand corrected.
I forgot about air traffic controllers. You would be old enough to have been eligible when there was a shortage (I used to deliver newspapers and would read) I remember when Reagan fired over 10,000 of them- sending many into poverty and banning them from working as an ATC in the States).

I actually thought about after my second year in college. I was missing labs and study group because of football practice and I ran across an article where you could make $100k without a degree. Plus, we were getting our ass kicked in football on tv and that was embarrassing. However, I switched majors from a real science (physics) to a faux science (Political Science) and they fired that terrible coach and brought in a winner. Long story short, I make more, less fucking stress, no mandatory retirement since I run my own little company. Plus when we fuck up, no one dies, well, not immediately.

Here's the deal O'Neal. NONE of that which you listed is a reflection of free market capitalism- it's government demands and assurances that it will take care of this group- very well. Socialism and socialistic values like a wealthy European country. From beginning to end, you have been well cared for by the government. If you were an employee directly of say, Boeing, you would have been a victim or their market. If you know the history of Air Traffic Controllers, you know that's very true.

You have benefitted from the heavy hand of government, get to sit on your ass at 56, and bitch about government helping others. What a fucking life.
I still believe you're more of a baggage handler but, whatever, enjoy your win here, and your socialism.
I forgot about air traffic controllers. You would be old enough to have been eligible when there was a shortage (I used to deliver newspapers and would read) I remember when Reagan fired over 10,000 of them- sending many into poverty and banning them from working as an ATC in the States).

It was August 3, 1981. Many years before I was hired. President Reagan gave the controllers 72 hours to get back to work or be fired. The Democrat supported union executives told the controllers not to show up because there was"no way" Reagan would fire them. Well we know how that turned out. So again before you spout ******* you know nothing about read up on it a bit. It wasn't Reagans fault. It was the union!
They are doing what they have always done...keep politicians honest ! If keeping all the politicians honest means leading all questions toward the Liberal left they far from that platform. Every news conference all they do is pound the same leftist propaganda over and over and over again. They are rude, crude and disgusting. CNN, MNSBC, CBS, ABC and NBC are all leftist media 100% period, FOX News plays the part of good cop and I watch very little videos from them either. Rush Limbaugh is definitely ring wing radio host and a Trump supporter and I enjoy listening to him, I don't agree with some of what he says. Bill O'reilly has always irritated me by his high and mighty attitude but he does know his stuff quite well, not all but most.
Trump surrounds himself with he says the very best we have. Amusing some are previously convicted felons, convicted felons he pardons and my personal favorite a religious bigot View attachment 3615203
So? I'll bet there are a few on this site who would ******* bricks if their personal lives were exposed. So he liked watching his wife get banged and threw back a few during. Did he do his job well? Was he fucking with employees? Like maybe a BJ in the oval, I mean office. Sorry don't care!