Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Off course ya don’t give a flying fuck if the media is misrepresenting or outright lying as long as it fits the Dem narrative - goes without sayin.

everything and anything bad about your false god is fake news....why is that?
same news people that have been around for years reporting on every politician for all of a sudden with trump they are fake news....when they are doing the same thing they have always done....especially presidents...…..they were not fake news when he was running for election and he was getting all that free press ...far more than anyone else running....but once he got there....all of a sudden they turned on surely are not that stupid you can not see a little some thing wrong with this picture
I never earned over $15.50 and but I don't hate those more successful, I think you have done very well and know how to control you finances very well.
$15.50....and you are a republican!....go figure
I do not begrudge anyone making all the money they can....legally......but I do begrudge companies giving their shareholders millions and paying their workers minimum wage

3 for you...….

I forgot about air traffic controllers. You would be old enough to have been eligible when there was a shortage (I used to deliver newspapers and would read) I remember when Reagan fired over 10,000 of them- sending many into poverty and banning them from working as an ATC in the States).

It was August 3, 1981. Many years before I was hired. President Reagan gave the controllers 72 hours to get back to work or be fired. The Democrat supported union executives told the controllers not to show up because there was"no way" Reagan would fire them. Well we know how that turned out. So again before you spout ******* you know nothing about read up on it a bit. It wasn't Reagans fault. It was the union!
I was in 5th grade. There was a shortage into the 1990's for air traffic controllers.
Reagan fired over 10,000 controllers and banned them from working for the FAA again. Clinton lifted that ban in 1994, though by that time only 800 were reinstated.
You called it a Democrat supported union. Wrong. PATCO, Teamsters, and the Air Line Pilots Association all endorsed Reagan in 1980 after he lied to them that he would support better hours, updated equipment and such. Of course a few months after taking office, he fucked them historically. Reagan didn't just fire striking controllers, he busted the Union. It set a precedent that watered down the power of bargaining units.
What were they striking for? EVERYTHING you enjoyed when you were there. EVERYTHING you enjoy in retirement (sans your military service). Better pay, better hours, better benefits. All of the things that made your life pretty good (unless you are horseshit with budgeting). It's the same story with most blue collar union members. You and them, act like it's the market forces that brought a wonderful wage and great benefits. No sir, it was the union. The socialist union. And when you think you've gotten enough, you start complaining about having to pay the union, or ignoring the endorsements and voting for candidates, who would leave you and others to the mercy of the company or market forces.
As I said when I started, you like socialist policies as much as the next guy. It's made your life pretty good. And why did you buy a shack on the beach in hurricane country? Because the government, will rebuild, if it's destroyed thanks to that socialist FEMA organization the government funds.
So lucky. See you May Day.

That's the truth.
LOL. The media is increasingly desperate to make Sleepy Joe seem popular.

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Took me a moment to look into this.
CBS was talking about Biden AND Trump and happen to be showing this Trump clip to show his (Trump) support among Latinos as the reason Biden is out there now.
It's a biased positive for Trump by comparing the two. Biden is not having rallies. There is no comparison. And this wasn't a pro Biden clip. Fuck CBS.