Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

what's your point...……...just more of trump taking care of America....virus not working fast ******* the environment to help things along.....although in trump's defense if there is such a thing...…...right at 75% of republicans do not believe in climate change....but they don't care about any of that....they just want big biz to do good so they get their "pocket" money
He called him a “Climate Arsonist” today in Wilmington Delaware - get current Ed.
He is a denier of Climate Change while the forests his administration are supposed to be managing are on fire. Haze could be seen across the nation all the way to New York. And he is talking about sweeping the forest floor.
You were saying something like, he was blaming Trump? Looks like there is blame there.
But you go on and cheer him on from deregulating environmental policy.
what's your point...……...just more of trump taking care of America....virus not working fast ******* the environment to help things along.....although in trump's defense if there is such a thing...…...right at 75% of republicans do not believe in climate change....but they don't care about any of that....they just want big biz to do good so they get their "pocket" money

I provided a link. The problem with California is they don't deal with dry tinder ,it builds up and cannot be controlled. It never happened before Trump? If it were my state I would blame governor
I provided a link. The problem with California is they don't deal with dry tinder ,it builds up and cannot be controlled. It never happened before Trump? If it were my state I would blame governor
97% of California forest are FEDERALLY MANAGED. Has NOTHING to do with local policy.
So, I guess that includes the current fires in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado, Montana Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Wyoming?
The entire West is literally on fire (not our liberal cities) Vast majority are federally owned and managed land. It's not a California thing, its a lack of vision and leadership from the top, again.
Trump saying ******* like science doesn't know what causes it, is dumb as fuck. Almost as dumb as you quoting Trump on anything.
I provided a link. The problem with California is they don't deal with dry tinder ,it builds up and cannot be controlled. It never happened before Trump? If it were my state I would blame governor

Who doesn't deal with it???
I heard a story on NPR this morning, and did some quick research to confirm . . . most of the forests in California are owned by the FEDERAL government (57%) . . . the state of California owns only 3%!!! Again, you dumb ass Trumptards never deal with facts. You just ******* up :sick: whatever your ******* head leader says . . . DER FUHRER! IL DUCE!!! But the truth, based on fact, is that it seems like "they" has a lot to deal with guess who? The Feds and Trump the chump who doesn't believe in science and climate change, and who seeks to withhold funding from Californians (AMERICANS) to deal with probems because they don't like his ass and wanna fight him :) In the same NPR story, Trump was asked about climate change, and his response was, "It'll get cooler. You just watch. I don't think science knows." So, his strategy with respect to climate change is just like with coronavirus . . . it will all just go away one day POOF!!! What an incredibly fucking moron . . . can't even say he's trying to lead from behind. He isn't even trying to lead at all! We just had the hottet summer ever recorded. We need this dolt gone so that America truly can be made great again, with a leading role in the world on important issues like climate change and world health. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

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I've said before that politicians are full of ******* & all of them lie, but the democrats have a problem. I'm a moderate & think it's asinine to staunchly support either side. That said, right now I think Biden is a hair away from senility, & the Harris woman? I just don't like her at all. She was a DA hated by many black people for how many of us she put in prison in California whether it was justly or unjust, & I just can't trust anything she says. She was blowing some guy out there to help climb the ladder in Cali. She ripped Biden's ass when she was trying to win the nomination & had nothing good to say about the man then jumps when the party says she's going to be his running mate & now we're friends! Is nobody else bothered by this? That's awfully hypocritical. Make no mistake she was a party call not Biden's & he went with it because he's weak. She was chosen purely because she's a woman & she's a minority & that is what's supposed to be what pushes him over the edge. Never mind her character which is highly questionable. They picked the wrong woman I think it's going to backfire & when Biden's mind finally goes, the guy doesn't have 4 years of presidential stress left in his body, she becomes president. Fuck. That. Just my 2 cents.
I provided a link. The problem with California is they don't deal with dry tinder ,it builds up and cannot be controlled. It never happened before Trump? If it were my state I would blame governor

like I said 70% of the fires are in or came from federal of those things that......people in glass houses do not throw rocks......trump is very quick to overlook his shortcoming to find a way to blame a dem

also calif always has a fire season in the hot part of the year...and fire season just now getting there.....they got there early because of triple digit temps.....climate change!
I've said before that politicians are full of ******* & all of them lie, but the democrats have a problem. I'm a moderate & think it's asinine to staunchly support either side. That said, right now I think Biden is a hair away from senility, & the Harris woman? I just don't like her at all. She was a DA hated by many black people for how many of us she put in prison in California whether it was justly or unjust, & I just can't trust anything she says. She was blowing some guy out there to help climb the ladder in Cali. She ripped Biden's ass when she was trying to win the nomination & had nothing good to say about the man then jumps when the party says she's going to be his running mate & now we're friends! Is nobody else bothered by this? That's awfully hypocritical. Make no mistake she was a party call not Biden's & he went with it because he's weak. She was chosen purely because she's a woman & she's a minority & that is what's supposed to be what pushes him over the edge. Never mind her character which is highly questionable. They picked the wrong woman I think it's going to backfire & when Biden's mind finally goes, the guy doesn't have 4 years of presidential stress left in his body, she becomes president. Fuck. That. Just my 2 cents.

why don't you just go ahead and admit you are a trump supporter and quit trying to bullshit the rest of us

more of your reliable sources?

Fox News CEO Admits That The Network Is Not In The News ...
Apr 10, 2015 · Ironically, Fox News was labeled as an entertainment channel way back in 2007 by TV Guide, a magazine that was owned at the time by Rupert Murdoch. There was a reason that Murdoch might have deliberately categorized his own “news” channel as entertainment. It mainly centers around the fact that entertainment programming always outperforms news programming.

Fox News To Add ‘For Entertainment Purposes Only ...
Apr 01, 2017 · Fox News will begin airing a disclaimer later this month, declaring that its programming is "for entertainment purposes only," according to sources close to the cable channel.
why don't you just go ahead and admit you are a trump supporter and quit trying to bullshit the rest of us

You should calm down with your oversized text. I never said I liked Trump but if I have to spell it out a little bit more clearly for you, what I said was I think Biden is going senile, & I can't stand Harris & by no means want her running the country. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump & find it amazing that his ego was able to fit through the white house door to begin with. Between what we've got on the table though? I take Trump because as a moderate the idea is the best option not a particular party. People need to check their emotions & pay attention to what's being said. Seriously, have you seen Biden's interviews? The man isn't all the way there. That's not what we need.
I've said before that politicians are full of ******* & all of them lie, but the democrats have a problem. I'm a moderate & think it's asinine to staunchly support either side. That said, right now I think Biden is a hair away from senility, & the Harris woman? I just don't like her at all. She was a DA hated by many black people for how many of us she put in prison in California whether it was justly or unjust, & I just can't trust anything she says. She was blowing some guy out there to help climb the ladder in Cali. She ripped Biden's ass when she was trying to win the nomination & had nothing good to say about the man then jumps when the party says she's going to be his running mate & now we're friends! Is nobody else bothered by this? That's awfully hypocritical. Make no mistake she was a party call not Biden's & he went with it because he's weak. She was chosen purely because she's a woman & she's a minority & that is what's supposed to be what pushes him over the edge. Never mind her character which is highly questionable. They picked the wrong woman I think it's going to backfire & when Biden's mind finally goes, the guy doesn't have 4 years of presidential stress left in his body, she becomes president. Fuck. That. Just my 2 cents.
Isn't putting people in prison 'justly' the goal?
Bush tore Reagan a new one in every debate. Reagan still picked him for his running mate. She ripped into him once, and that was that. Even stated should would support him if he is nominated- which he was by mostly black voters. Biden was going to choose a woman, and most likely a woman of color because it was time, and that's been his base and now the Democratic Party base.
Did you flip out when Trump chose a product of the Evangelical movement to be his running mate?
Her job was to put criminals in jail, she did that. Now you're saying she did it too well?
Senator Harris has been elected 3 times statewide in the biggest state in the nation, with the toughest primaries against multiple candidates. Somebody likes her out there.
We've seen proof Trump is loosing it. You got that proof on Biden?
You should calm down with your oversized text. I never said I liked Trump but if I have to spell it out a little bit more clearly for you, what I said was I think Biden is going senile, & I can't stand Harris & by no means want her running the country. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump & find it amazing that his ego was able to fit through the white house door to begin with. Between what we've got on the table though? I take Trump because as a moderate the idea is the best option not a particular party. People need to check their emotions & pay attention to what's being said. Seriously, have you seen Biden's interviews? The man isn't all the way there. That's not what we need.
Another Trumptard. Shocking.
Still not seeing where Trump is gaining. Even FOX and Rasmussen got him down, and I'm sure they tried to massage these numbers as much as possible.
General Election: Trump vs. Biden

PollDateSampleMoEBiden (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average9/2 - 9/13----50.042.9Biden +7.1
FOX News9/7 - 9/101191 LV2.55146Biden +5
Economist/YouGov9/6 - 9/81057 LV3.85243Biden +9
USC Dornsife9/7 - 9/132648 LV--5242Biden +10
JTN/RMG Research*9/10 - 9/12941 LV2.84843Biden +5
The Hill/HarrisX9/5 - 9/82832 RV1.84739Biden +8
Monmouth*9/3 - 9/8758 LV3.65144Biden +7
Reuters/Ipsos9/3 - 9/8823 LV3.95240Biden +12
Rasmussen Reports9/2 - 9/82500 LV2.04846Biden +2
CNBC/Change Research (D)*9/4 - 9/61902 LV2.34943Biden +6
Law and Order man, not doing so well with the voters.
He fanned the flames of the protests, and it backfired on him. 😂 😂 😂
He is a denier of Climate Change while the forests his administration are supposed to be managing are on fire. Haze could be seen across the nation all the way to New York. And he is talking about sweeping the forest floor.
You were saying something like, he was blaming Trump? Looks like there is blame there.
But you go on and cheer him on from deregulating environmental policy.

Yes President Trump is at fault for EVERYFUCKINGTHING - we KNOW - that would include the pimples on Dems arses ;}