Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You should calm down with your oversized text. I never said I liked Trump but if I have to spell it out a little bit more clearly for you, what I said was I think Biden is going senile, & I can't stand Harris & by no means want her running the country. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump & find it amazing that his ego was able to fit through the white house door to begin with. Between what we've got on the table though? I take Trump because as a moderate the idea is the best option not a particular party. People need to check their emotions & pay attention to what's being said. Seriously, have you seen Biden's interviews? The man isn't all the way there. That's not what we need.

you didn't say all that was against biden and harris….so if you want to shoot your mouth off...or throw in your 2 cents as you say....back to you being a trump lover!

I am not saying biden and harris is the best there is...…..but as always you pick the lesser of two evils....and in this case no comparison....if you haven't seen the evil in are to deep in the trump cave
Yeah - REAL funny - Dems couldn’t get shite done but dumped tons of cash on Iran - in a month the Trump administration gets 2 Arab countries to sign a peace treaty with Israel with 5 or 6 more Arab countries to follow - must be HILARIOUS if you’re a Dem ;)

have you got all the facts twisted the way you want them....or want to change some more before the final post?
time has come for no more sitting on the fence or just plain sitting out

Scientific American backs Biden in first-ever endorsement

Scientific American backed Democrat Joe Biden for president on Tuesday, the magazine's first-ever White House endorsement in its 175-year history.

wow Biden gets Scientific America...….and trump gets thicblkdic…..fair trade!
Well, they got rid of you, so, it's been worth it. However, you're wrong and over exaggerating, umm lying.
According to estimates by the California Department of Finance, California's population grew by 7.3% (or 2.7 million) from 2010 to the end of 2019; this rate is slightly higher than the national rate of 6.3%.
And, in 2003, the state REJECTED the spotted owl as an endangered species.
You just can't help yourself, can you?

California’s Outbound Migration Continues, With Some In-State Diversions
The states with no income taxes gained the greatest wealth, while the states with the highest income taxes lost the most

By Katy Grimes, June 9, 2020 2:30 am

The California Legislative Analyst also reported that for many years, more Californians have left for other states than move here. According to data from the American Community Survey, from 2007 to 2016, about 5 million people moved to California from other states, while about 6 million left California. On net, the state lost 1 million residents to domestic migration—about 2.5 percent of its total population.
Now we are starting to see outbound migration from California’s big cities to smaller cities and towns, and to the state’s rural counties – if they even choose to stay in California.

Relocation specialist Joe Vranich, who used to live in California, for years has documented the outbound migration of businesses. “Business-flight appears to have gotten worse since I issued my recent report, ‘Why Companies Leave California’, which found that at least 13,000 companies moved out of state during the 2008-2016 period (the latest available figures),” Vranich wrote for Fox and Hounds last year. “The cost: $76.7 billion in capital was diverted out of California along with 275,000 Jobs – and companies acquired at least 133 million square feet of space elsewhere. All of those findings are greatly understated because relevant information often went unreported in source materials.”

Vranich knows how and why businesses leave California:

“California’s current crop of politicians point to the occasional economic development ‘win’ with pride while ignoring the overall business migration to other states. Let’s be candid about who they are – business-hostile Democrats who’ve never run a business, never raised capital, never built a building, never met a payroll, never arranged for employee health-care policies, never sold a product or service, never competed with lower-priced foreign competitors, and never paid any of the countless taxes and fees imposed by various levels of government.”
People also ask
Why are so many businesses leaving California?

Are businesses leaving California?
According to a new study by Spectrum Local Solutions, companies are leaving California due to its "difficult business climate," which only continues to worsen. The study claims that 660 different California-based companies have already moved their more than 765 facilities to other states.Nov 20, 2019

Well, they got rid of you, so, it's been worth it. However, you're wrong and over exaggerating, umm lying.
According to estimates by the California Department of Finance, California's population grew by 7.3% (or 2.7 million) from 2010 to the end of 2019; this rate is slightly higher than the national rate of 6.3%.
And, in 2003, the state REJECTED the spotted owl as an endangered species.
You just can't help yourself, can you?
Maybe you should re-check your facts. The state is a ******* hole as the liberals continue to destroy what once was probably the best state to live. And my spotted owl reference was to point out the idiocy of the liberal clowns in Sacramento.
Looking like PEACE in the Middle East !!!!!!


You might know or learn something about who you speak before buying the Kool Aid.....Bahrain has a population just over 1million, UAE just over 9 million; in both cases because they grant citizenship to their oil employees, somewhere between 80-90% of the population. Look at a map of the Persian Gulf.....that island named 'Manama' becomes Bahrain when you blow it way up.
Still two more Arab countries made peace with Israel and 5 to 6 more are preparing to. Democrats weren’t able to accomplish this and it’s really sad that they try to belittle something that is truly a great accomplishment. Just incapable of giving credit where credit is due.
Still two more Arab countries made peace with Israel and 5 to 6 more are preparing to. Democrats weren’t able to accomplish this and it’s really sad that they try to belittle something that is truly a great accomplishment. Just incapable of giving credit where credit is due.

for one thing....still doesn't mean Atilla the None will ever get a nobel peace prize...….and second it could all fall apart when they find out trump has been giving them nuke's not about peace for is about control...and now that trump has been giving the Saudi's help with the nukes....won't last long

so pull your pants up and quit trying to blow your own horn
Who is a more dedicated leftist - Sub or Ed - tooooooo close to call ???

You guys keep things interesting - maybe toooooo interesting ;)

I like how you don't bother to read anything they post because it hurts your feelings too much.

They could post an article from the NYT saying that jumping off bridges is bad for you actually and that would be the last we hear from you.
Still two more Arab countries made peace with Israel and 5 to 6 more are preparing to. Democrats weren’t able to accomplish this and it’s really sad that they try to belittle something that is truly a great accomplishment. Just incapable of giving credit where credit is due.

Yes it's so great that our president is able to make friends with the dictator of the country that orchestrated 9-11

Glad we cover for him when he orders the ******* of journalists.