Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yeah - what we need is a presidential candidate that half the time doesn’t know where he is - or - what office he’s running for - hides in his basement most of the time - and - when he does go out and take questions they’re scripted and he reads the answers from a teleprompter - that’s what we need :LOL:

Yeah so we could be done with his ass by now! Oh wait a minute, wait a minute! He doesn’t respect things like THE LAW and TERM LIMITS. He’d rather be like his dictator buddy P.utin than respect and abide by the principles of American democracy. Change the Constitution to allow him to be president for life! Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!!!
Now Hiden Biden is blaming President Trump for the wild fires in California - you Dems are soooooooooooooooo REDANKULOUS !!!!!!

We know President Trump is responsible for EVERYFUCKINTHING that is wrong in your world :LOL:
Now Hiden Biden is blaming President Trump for the wild fires in California - you Dems are soooooooooooooooo REDANKULOUS !!!!!!

We know President Trump is responsible for EVERYFUCKINTHING that is wrong in your world :LOL:
Where exactly does he blame Trump?
Trump thinks we just have to sweep the forest floor. Stable Genius folks.
Now Hiden Biden is blaming President Trump for the wild fires in California - you Dems are soooooooooooooooo REDANKULOUS !!!!!!

We know President Trump is responsible for EVERYFUCKINTHING that is wrong in your world :LOL:

as he should be...he is head asshole doing nothing for the country except killing it citizens....he complains about the fires and poor land management.....yet the majority of it is federal land!....when they bring up heat and climate change he just laughed....that will get him some more votes....NOT!

and the great protector of America and cities and etc......he is in charge....and yet blames it on Dems

I really doubt anyone in his cabinet could tell you where the buck stops...….except in America's ass!