Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I've said before that politicians are full of ******* & all of them lie, but the democrats have a problem. I'm a moderate & think it's asinine to staunchly support either side. That said, right now I think Biden is a hair away from senility, & the Harris woman? I just don't like her at all. She was a DA hated by many black people for how many of us she put in prison in California whether it was justly or unjust, & I just can't trust anything she says. She was blowing some guy out there to help climb the ladder in Cali. She ripped Biden's ass when she was trying to win the nomination & had nothing good to say about the man then jumps when the party says she's going to be his running mate & now we're friends! Is nobody else bothered by this? That's awfully hypocritical. Make no mistake she was a party call not Biden's & he went with it because he's weak. She was chosen purely because she's a woman & she's a minority & that is what's supposed to be what pushes him over the edge. Never mind her character which is highly questionable. They picked the wrong woman I think it's going to backfire & when Biden's mind finally goes, the guy doesn't have 4 years of presidential stress left in his body, she becomes president. Fuck. That. Just my 2 cents.

Nice hearing the TRUTH in here - thanks !!!
97% of California forest are FEDERALLY MANAGED. Has NOTHING to do with local policy.
So, I guess that includes the current fires in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado, Montana Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Wyoming?
The entire West is literally on fire (not our liberal cities) Vast majority are federally owned and managed land. It's not a California thing, its a lack of vision and leadership from the top, again.
Trump saying ******* like science doesn't know what causes it, is dumb as fuck. Almost as dumb as you quoting Trump on anything.

We send firefighters from ma every year for as long as I can remember . blame the last 3 years
I provided a link. The problem with California is they don't deal with dry tinder ,it builds up and cannot be controlled. It never happened before Trump? If it were my state I would blame governor
I lived in Northern California most of my adult life. The place is a cesspool. People and businesses are leaving in droves. We had fires every year and the state government care more about a spotted owl than it does its citizens. The liberals have destroyed what was once one of the most beautiful states to live. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
I lived in Northern California most of my adult life. The place is a cesspool. People and businesses are leaving in droves. We had fires every year and the state government care more about a spotted owl than it does its citizens. The liberals have destroyed what was once one of the most beautiful states to live. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

This doesn't make sense. You think they didn't care about the environment enough, or cared about the environment too much?
Of course it's their plan. Anyone with half a brain can figure that out. Well except the libs with their collective heads in the sand. They can't see through the California "haze."

I'm not a "lib", but most people on the left know Biden's chances of making it through the term are like 50/50. It's just that literally anyone is better than Trump at this point.
Isn't putting people in prison 'justly' the goal?
Bush tore Reagan a new one in every debate. Reagan still picked him for his running mate. She ripped into him once, and that was that. Even stated should would support him if he is nominated- which he was by mostly black voters. Biden was going to choose a woman, and most likely a woman of color because it was time, and that's been his base and now the Democratic Party base.
Did you flip out when Trump chose a product of the Evangelical movement to be his running mate?
Her job was to put criminals in jail, she did that. Now you're saying she did it too well?
Senator Harris has been elected 3 times statewide in the biggest state in the nation, with the toughest primaries against multiple candidates. Somebody likes her out there.
We've seen proof Trump is loosing it. You got that proof on Biden?
Isn't putting people in prison 'justly' the goal?
Bush tore Reagan a new one in every debate. Reagan still picked him for his running mate. She ripped into him once, and that was that. Even stated should would support him if he is nominated- which he was by mostly black voters. Biden was going to choose a woman, and most likely a woman of color because it was time, and that's been his base and now the Democratic Party base.
Did you flip out when Trump chose a product of the Evangelical movement to be his running mate?
Her job was to put criminals in jail, she did that. Now you're saying she did it too well?
Senator Harris has been elected 3 times statewide in the biggest state in the nation, with the toughest primaries against multiple candidates. Somebody likes her out there.
We've seen proof Trump is loosing it. You got that proof on Biden?
Trump losing to a guy with brain worms who is basically dead is what will restore my faith in America at least a little bit.
I don't like Trump as a person either nor do a lot of other people that will vote for him. But I do love my country. If Biden-Harris win this country is fucked. Even more so if Hillary would have won! Here's a pic of the people who don't like Trump. The line was about a mile long. Swear on my children, I have yet to see one not one person with a Biden hat, flag shirt, or sticker. But I have seen many many Trump flags, hats, shirts, masks etc.. I was talking with my aunt the other day and before I said anything about it and she said..."you know what's funny. I haven't seen any support for Biden here."


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when Biden's mind finally goes, the guy doesn't have 4 years of presidential stress left in his body
If Biden makes no more effort at being a real president than Trump, he'll be more than just fine.
As far as Harris becoming President, I believe it is the ReThuglicans worried about having an x-prosecuting attorney as President. Although, if Biden gets elected, he might wish to start building a few more Federal prisons to house all of Trump's "drain the swamp" administration, starting with the AG Barr.
I lived in Northern California most of my adult life. The place is a cesspool. People and businesses are leaving in droves. We had fires every year and the state government care more about a spotted owl than it does its citizens. The liberals have destroyed what was once one of the most beautiful states to live. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Well, they got rid of you, so, it's been worth it. However, you're wrong and over exaggerating, umm lying.
According to estimates by the California Department of Finance, California's population grew by 7.3% (or 2.7 million) from 2010 to the end of 2019; this rate is slightly higher than the national rate of 6.3%.
And, in 2003, the state REJECTED the spotted owl as an endangered species.
You just can't help yourself, can you?