Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

How many storefront widows has Trump Supporters Broken ? How many businesses have they destroyed ? How many car lots have they set on fire ? How many Police officers have they injured ? Home many people have they disturbed by invading restaurants and destroying everything in their path ? The answer would be Zero. The left needs to stop Steve Urkelling, "Did I do That ?" Yes to the liberal left, You did all of these things.
How many storefront widows has Trump Supporters Broken ? How many businesses have they destroyed ? How many car lots have they set on fire ? How many Police officers have they injured ? Home many people have they disturbed by invading restaurants and destroying everything in their path ? The answer would be Zero. The left needs to stop Steve Urkelling, "Did I do That ?" Yes to the liberal left, You did all of these things.

You'd think that after 160 years there would be an accusation more detailed, more accurate than "The Black folks did it"; even in these present times with video evidence to the contrary, splice the tape and scream "The Black folks did it".
You'd think that after 160 years there would be an accusation more detailed, more accurate than "The Black folks did it"
Well, that's exactly why ... because they don't THINK. They never think. Just point fingers in unison and say the same things together. They're against anything that includes science, as well. No evidence, no facts, just opinions they confuse as facts.
You'd think that after 160 years there would be an accusation more detailed, more accurate than "The Black folks did it"; even in these present times with video evidence to the contrary, splice the tape and scream "The Black folks did it".

I don’t think the implication was “black folks did it “ I believe the implication is Biden voters did it. It’s Dem government officials allowing it and Dem “peaceful demonstrators” that are trashing our cities.
Finally you said something that's right on the money . . . BLM is not responsible for all of the violence . . . BLM protests the violence perpetrated against black bodies. Then the anarchists and looters show up just lookin' for trouble.

And the more you discourage regular-ass people from protesting, the more that the only people still around are the anarchists, black bloc, false flag right-wingers, and weirdos.
How many storefront widows has Trump Supporters Broken ? How many businesses have they destroyed ? How many car lots have they set on fire ? How many Police officers have they injured ? Home many people have they disturbed by invading restaurants and destroying everything in their path ? The answer would be Zero. The left needs to stop Steve Urkelling, "Did I do That ?" Yes to the liberal left, You did all of these things.

there is no vaccine for stupidity

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so many people in the white house...people who have worked for trump....generals all republican...on and on.....recordings of trump saying ******* and lying repeatedly....comments against the military...against blacks...against women.....and yet to the dumb fucking trumptards they are ALL lying and out to get trump...… is that?...…...somewhere down the line doesn't a bell go off and say....something is not right

just more evidence of how dumb these trumptards are...….or else they are on the "bot" payroll
it should
Did anyone see the enthusiastic turnout for Trump in Nevada? Compare that to Joe who is stuck in his basement. Lol. During my daily walk yesterday I saw several Trump lawn signs. But not one for Biden. There is zero enthusiasm for him and Kamala. None.
Umm, I see how you have to lie to make Trump look like he should be winning. The Truth is a different story,
Biden did as many events as Trump and Pence did last week. Same states and even same event.
Trump broke the law to do his, Biden operates within the law and respects local governments.
Trump held a selfish and dangerous rally, Biden got a $100 million dollar boost from Bloomberg after setting a record breaking month of $300 million raised- in a month. Trump is strapped for cash and pulling ad time.
Reading is certainly not your forte', so here are some pictures: