Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yes it is very funny to have the president telling people to commit fraud. You have a great sense of humor.

It's good to see how much the law really matters to MAGA people
Why is this conversation even happening here?

I literally know zero MAGA people in my actual life, in my family or extended friends. I find it really interesting to see what they talk about and what they get all riled up about.

Plus the intersection of the current BLM stuff with the fact that everyone here sexualizes black dudes is super fascinating. Someone saying "hey black guy please fuck my wife while I watch" while also calling BLM a terrorist organization or whatever is worthy of study IMO. It's like the closeted republicans who pass laws to limit gay rights.
To address your one comment..I think it's kinda clear to see why white women and black men respond well to each other..stick with me a sec:
White men have run,and continue to run a TON of ******* in the free world,banks,airlines,etc.
Black men and White women were controlled,ignored,beaten,mistreated and bossed around by these same dudes."The enemy of my enemy is my friend" seems pretty cut and dry.
What you do not understand
Why would you expect any other conclusion? Putin and the KGB band only play anti Hillary/pro Trump songs, and they have the only station in the reconstituted USSR.

Now if we take the DeLorean back to 2020, the same song is topping the charts.....
Why would you expect any other conclusion? Poroshenko and the KGB band only play anti Hillary/pro Trump songs, and they have the only station in the reconstituted USSR.

Now if we take the DeLorean back to 2020, the same song is topping the charts.....
Wrong. We have a lot of papernews, internet, televisual and radiophonic medias. You just do know how you talk bad about our country and people in your anti-Trump and imperialist speeches. Those are other visions than yours, so accept it, if you want to make peaceful international relationship between our country. You are convinced that everyone must adhere to your vision of things even if you know nothing about the others.
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Wrong. We have a lot of papernews, internet, televisual and radiophonic medias.

Why do you support the oppression of Russian media and the exploitation of the country?

I do not know the situation in Chechnya but, in the rest of the country, the information only takes into account a difference of point of view partly shared by journalists but also by the population. You have to take into account how people are educated and respect. You see the world with American eyes but the world does not look at you like that
If you can't be objective (you can't) and own up to what a reasonable person would conclude, then you in fact don't have any credibility. But, we already knew that. Can you at least try to be reasonable and fair??? Well at least you aren't as bad as Submission52. I'll give you that much. Here, I'll set the example . . . what Pelosi did was wrong, and her explanation totally ridiculous . . . I'm really disappointed in her. It would have been better to admit that she made a mistake. Instead she went "Trump" on us, who can never own up to doing wrong. Maybe because he knows he would be doing it multiple times a day and looking like the ignoramus that he is :unsure:

OBJECTIVE, Interesting concept coming from someone on the left. Okay Then ! President Trump talks to much, either he likes the sound of his own voice or maybe he is simply driving his points across, this often supplies fuel for those waiting to twist what is said into false hope. Donald Trump the man has a huge ego, he always wants the last word. That is a flaw in his character but like a great athlete that ego drives him to win. Joe Biden, I never knew who he was until Obama chose him as a running mate, he was likable, low energy and the kind of man to stay in the shadows out of public view. If elected Kamala Harris will dominate Joe, she is not a nice person. Enough said about her other than I like nothing about that woman.
The video speaks for our argument, President Trump Not one time says to vote Twice. What He was saying is as clear as the nose on your face, go and double check on election day to make sure everyone's vote is counted. I don't feel so bad about not have little more than a High School Education. You educated idiots use ZERO common sense. As far as the media goes, it is an insult to someones intelligence to consider any thing they broadcast as NEWS
You're too old to be twisting your body like that.
Take it easy.