Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I compare the similarities of two men, not politics i hope. That prospect scares me.
1 They both got started on a media forum. Hitler on radio half hour a week, Trump on a
scripted TV series where he presented himself like Hitler a know it all tough leader. One
who never makes mistakes.
2 They both attacked the free press, liars and out to get me. Hitler got them abolished.
3 They both blame a group, religion or race as the problem for the problems of all loyal
4 They both encouraged even violence against any group, person or thing they perceive
as a enemy.
6 Both attracted the most vile violent haters of others in the population. Hitler turned his into the SS
Trump mobs of heavily armed citizens directed to protest the virus restrictions, and now guard
against people exercising their right to protest .
7 Hitler declared martial law to put armed men on the streets to make Germany great again.
Trump's using the black lives matter protest. Encouraging people to go out and shoot, he
said paint balls and pepper spray, they are shooting bullets as well. You see they read between
the lines, violence is not something Trumps Opposed too.

Attaching this work of a Russian friend that i believe says it all.

In a word tripe.
MAGA people, please consider how you'd react if Biden said this. I mean, come the hell on

Yes and the last election he advised voters two vote twice because Democrats would be. Not fiction i sat through his whole rally in Tucson and heard it myself. When the investigation they made because Donald was sure of massive fraud because he didn't win the popular vote. They did find several cases of people voting more than once for Trump and NO real other voter fraud so minimal it was less than one point of 1%. It cost taxpayers millions to find that out. Why to soothe the ego of Donald.
Yes and the last election he advised voters two vote twice because Democrats would be. Not fiction i sat through his whole rally in Tucson and heard it myself. When the investigation they made because Donald was sure of massive fraud because he didn't win the popular vote. They did find several cases of people voting more than once for Trump and NO real other voter fraud so minimal it was less than one point of 1%. It cost taxpayers millions to find that out.

He was right that the election was “rigged” . . . in favor of him courtesy of his Ruskie friends!
Now will you look at this . . . I mean . . . I’m just speechless 😶!!! This dumb fuck is telling people to try to vote twice, which is fraudulent and illegal!! SMDH in utter disbelief!!! Every time you think you've seen and heard it all from this dolt he outdoes himself again, and again, and again!!!

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MAGA people, please consider how you'd react if Biden said this. I mean, come the hell on

that is against the law...….but again because it is trump...will be overlooked....he encourages hate and violence and people to break the law all the time....nothing said...… about the one encouraging a guy to punch another in the face and he would pay the legal fees.....or at least 2 mass shootings were from known trump about some of those at these riots?
I can feel the love for our President Trump already this morning . This is how this CNN report started. President Donald Trump on Wednesday appeared to encourage people in North Carolina to vote twice -- once by mail and once in person -- during the November general election to purportedly double check that their initial vote was counted, And this is actually what he said !! "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," He didn't say to literally vote twice, he said go to verify that your vote counted. The only thing wrong with his idea is, If we vote by mail it is because we aren't able to or simply don't want to vote at the polls. It is not against the law to make sure that your mail in ballot is counted, they need to have a way to allow everyone to verify a mail in vote gets recorded. I have already filled out an application for my mail in ballot, if the application is rejected I won't receive a ballot through the mail.
I can feel the love for our President Trump already this morning . This is how this CNN report started. President Donald Trump on Wednesday appeared to encourage people in North Carolina to vote twice -- once by mail and once in person -- during the November general election to purportedly double check that their initial vote was counted, And this is actually what he said !! "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," He didn't say to literally vote twice, he said go to verify that your vote counted. The only thing wrong with his idea is, If we vote by mail it is because we aren't able to or simply don't want to vote at the polls. It is not against the law to make sure that your mail in ballot is counted, they need to have a way to allow everyone to verify a mail in vote gets recorded. I have already filled out an application for my mail in ballot, if the application is rejected I won't receive a ballot through the mail.

one thing you DO NOT have is the way you read the news may not be how the rest of the world sees it

'Vote twice', Trump tells North Carolina voters
14 hours ago · US President Donald Trump has told people in the state of North Carolina to vote twice in November's election, despite this being illegal. Mr Trump suggested voters vote

Trump in NC: Try voting twice ::
Wilmington, N.C. — During his stop in Wilmington on Wednesday, President Donald Trump appeared to suggest North Carolina voters should vote twice -- once by mail and once in person -- in order ...

Trump suggests that North Carolina voters vote twice [Video]
14 hours ago · Speaking in North Carolina on Sept. 2, President Trump said voters should send in mail-in ballots and then vote at a polling location to make sure the mail ballot is counted. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions.
Had a long conversation this morning with the truck driver that dropped off a water heater here this morning. We started talking politics - he sad he was an Independent and was completely disgusted with the media outlets and how they portray the President - furthermore - he meets lots of people like me in the course of his day and tries to see how people in general feel about what’s going on in this country.
It was nice hearing him say that most people he talks to are on to the media and fairly disgusted with how the Democrats utilize the media - talk about COLLUSION!!!!!!! The upshot from our conversation was that most people even in this blue state see through the horseshite the media and Dems spew and are as sick of it as me. Was nice hearing I’m not alone in feeling like I do - the truck driver said most people he talks to feel the same.
@blkdlaur how do you feel about Trump telling supporters in North Carolina to commit felonies?

Is he still the law and order president?

President Trump did not say vote twice in North Carolina, no more than he did to ******* bleach as a cure for covid-19. You that lie constantly here day in and day out should get jobs at your Golden Idol CNN, you all would be right at home. My credibility is just fine, Everything that comes from the Democrats and the complete leftist media are lies. This is on the left's shoulders all because Trump defeated Hillary the confirmed witch and you all hate him. Good luck with that.
President Trump did not say vote twice in North Carolina, no more than he did to ******* bleach as a cure for covid-19. You that lie constantly here day in and day out should get jobs at your Golden Idol CNN, you all would be right at home. .
Videos don't LIE ... so maybe YOUR ENGLISH is different from everyone elses ... or maybe Fox News or Trump (as an afterthought) just told you to deny this.
Secondly, why is it ok for Trump to vote by mail-in, and support Florida for using mail-in, but its not for the rest of the country. Please Explain that!

President Trump did not say vote twice in North Carolina, no more than he did to ******* bleach as a cure for covid-19. You that lie constantly here day in and day out should get jobs at your Golden Idol CNN, you all would be right at home. My credibility is just fine, Everything that comes from the Democrats and the complete leftist media are lies. This is on the left's shoulders all because Trump defeated Hillary the confirmed witch and you all hate him. Good luck with that.

If you can't be objective (you can't) and own up to what a reasonable person would conclude, then you in fact don't have any credibility. But, we already knew that. Can you at least try to be reasonable and fair??? Well at least you aren't as bad as Submission52. I'll give you that much. Here, I'll set the example . . . what Pelosi did was wrong, and her explanation totally ridiculous . . . I'm really disappointed in her. It would have been better to admit that she made a mistake. Instead she went "Trump" on us, who can never own up to doing wrong. Maybe because he knows he would be doing it multiple times a day and looking like the ignoramus that he is :unsure:

President Trump did not say vote twice in North Carolina, no more than he did to ******* bleach as a cure for covid-19. You that lie constantly here day in and day out should get jobs at your Golden Idol CNN, you all would be right at home. My credibility is just fine, Everything that comes from the Democrats and the complete leftist media are lies. This is on the left's shoulders all because Trump defeated Hillary the confirmed witch and you all hate him. Good luck with that.

If he didn't say it, then why the need to walk it back then??? I say again . . . if you can't be objective . . . then YOU have no standing or credibility whatsoever!

President Trump did not say vote twice in North Carolina, no more than he did to ******* bleach as a cure for covid-19. You that lie constantly here day in and day out should get jobs at your Golden Idol CNN, you all would be right at home. My credibility is just fine, Everything that comes from the Democrats and the complete leftist media are lies. This is on the left's shoulders all because Trump defeated Hillary the confirmed witch and you all hate him. Good luck with that.

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@blkdlaur how do you feel about Trump telling supporters in North Carolina to commit felonies?

Is he still the law and order president?

Keep believing the media that takes everything he says out of context and skews it to their end - America is waking up to the misrepresentations that have been rampant since RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA.

Pretty apparent that the media speaks the crap that the Democrat Party dictates.