Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

According to the liberal left if we reelect President Trump, He will become a dictator. The Trumpsters want to deal with the Socialist agenda that has infiltrated our public schools and basically taken control of them along with colleges. Now these Socialists have grasped onto the extreme liberal movement to successfully take over the Democratic Party from within. These gullible young people causing all of the nationwide rioting are under the control of sources way beyond their understanding. This election is without a doubt a tipping point, the possibility of Trump winning in November is much higher then the corrupt media reports. If Joe Biden wins, the America of the past which we are still holding onto by a thread will be gone. If President Trump wins again the riots in the streets will be unbelievable because everything is in place, America will reap what it has sown.
yeah...... you tried pretty hard to get it all I'm sure it just irritates the hell out of you

I have so many in a folder I could post 3 or 4 a day for a year and not run out....and most describe you to a "T"
You know what Sub. You can accuse me of whatever your cold dead heart wants too. You are wrong because I have never tried to stop anything you have posted. If you are convinced that I have, present your evidence, you can't because there isn't anything to present. Put your money where you mouth is.
You know what Sub. You can accuse me of whatever your cold dead heart wants too. You are wrong because I have never tried to stop anything you have posted. If you are convinced that I have, present your evidence, you can't because there isn't anything to present. Put your money where you mouth is.

well lets think about this a claimed that my avatars were annoying you and were more avatars...lot of my meme's are definitely political...….and yet they somehow ended up offensive according to those that be...…..say what you want I know what I know....have had a lot of "issues" with those on the right....and they hate to lose and resort to anyway possible to get a their petty
still trying to sway a US election I see....for what purpose?...what do you have to gain....being paid maybe
I am just against russophobia and pro-war candidates. Since I saw some political posts in here about Russia and our president, I read a lot about the antirussian sentiment in United States and your electoral debates. I want just to share an other opinion while defending my country, even if I do not work or live there most of the time
Seems kind of impressive huh? Until you realize that consensus has Oregon solidly in Biden's camp . . . in November Oregon's 7 electoral votes will go safely to Biden/Harris ;)

You have no idea what will happen, at least what I post is not fake news propaganda . It is impressive because it is an extremely small amount of the huge number of Trump supporters in this country.
I am just against russophobia and pro-war candidates. Since I saw some political posts in here about Russia and our president, I read a lot about the antirussian sentiment in United States and your electoral debates. I want just to share an other opinion while defending my country, even if I do not work or live there most of the time

pro-war?...….trump is trying with about every country except Russia...….that is because p.utin owns trumps ass!

yes anyone against trump is against Russia....that has a big part in why people do not like trump....his ass kissning of p.utin

share all the opinions you want...but when you push trump and is NOT going over real well
pro-war?...….trump is trying with about every country except Russia...….that is because p.utin owns trumps ass!

yes anyone against trump is against Russia....that has a big part in why people do not like trump....his ass kissning of p.utin

share all the opinions you want...but when you push trump and is NOT going over real well
The people Sub, Russian people are important too, nothing she said is negative towards America. I don't want to live under the Russian communist government, the Chinese government or any of the Socialist regimes either. I don't hate the people, I dislike the systems.