Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Keep believing the media that takes everything he says out of context and skews it to their end - America is waking up to the misrepresentations that have been rampant since RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA.
Like the 6 indictments against Russians who refuse to respond, and a Russian country that harbors and protects them. The way most of us believers in Russian involvement, either planA - the russians involved were not government employees and MrPUTIN would be more than glad to give them up rather than tarnish a US-Russian relationship with Trump. OR, planB - They were Russian agents and MrPutin simply denies and our fabulous ORANGE President takes his word over our US intelligence which said they were Russian agenst.
So, blkdlaur, which is it ... Plan A or Plan B for Trump?
Or, maybe you just deny it ever happened to begin with, is that IT?

Trump is working for RUSSIA, and if he sees himself losing and going to jain over state charges, he'll head to Russia ... trust me. Russia will still see a value in recruiting our leader, and when they're done with the worthless piece of stale meat, they'll collect the Russian way on that $1 trillion debt he owes everyone there.
President Trump did not say vote twice in North Carolina, no more than he did to ******* bleach as a cure for covid-19. You that lie constantly here day in and day out should get jobs at your Golden Idol CNN, you all would be right at home. My credibility is just fine, Everything that comes from the Democrats and the complete leftist media are lies. This is on the left's shoulders all because Trump defeated Hillary the confirmed witch and you all hate him. Good luck with that.

Yeah I hate it when the biased liberal media posts videos of Trump publicly saying things with the full context. Stupid dems, always believing that full unedited videos of what Trump is literally saying have anything to do with reality! Total lies and fake news

I mean seriously is there like a playbook for this?

It seems to always go

  1. He never said that! (even though there's videos and /or tweets of it)
  2. The democrats are hypocrites and said even worse! (even though there's never any source on that)
  3. The liberal media is lying and unfair!
  4. Ignore whatever is going on and get mad about something else instead (remember when 200k Americans died because of a shitty Covid response? yeah me neither)
Yeah I hate it when the biased liberal media posts videos of Trump publicly saying things with the full context. Stupid dems, always believing that full unedited videos of what Trump is literally saying have anything to do with reality! Total lies and fake news

The video speaks for our argument, President Trump Not one time says to vote Twice. What He was saying is as clear as the nose on your face, go and double check on election day to make sure everyone's vote is counted. I don't feel so bad about not have little more than a High School Education. You educated idiots use ZERO common sense. As far as the media goes, it is an insult to someones intelligence to consider any thing they broadcast as NEWS
The video speaks for our argument, President Trump Not one time says to vote Twice. What He was saying is as clear as the nose on your face, go and double check on election day to make sure everyone's vote is counted. I don't feel so bad about not have little more than a High School Education. You educated idiots use ZERO common sense. As far as the media goes, it is an insult to someones intelligence to consider any thing they broadcast as NEWS

Hold on let me go get my old math textbooks so I can do this arithmetic.
  • Vote absentee early
  • "Check up on the process of your ballot"
  • Vote again at the polls
Let's see, so we vote once with our absentee ballot, then we vote again at the polls. Was that... once? How many is 1 + 1 again?

MAGA math is interesting for sure. 1 + 1 is not 2. Reminds me of this story by a guy named George Orwell...
He literally says "Send it in early, and then go and vote"

That's totally not twice, you're right. It's once, two times. No problem. Liberal biased lying media confirmed.
He literally says "Send it in early, and then go and vote"

That's totally not twice, you're right. It's once, two times. No problem. Liberal biased lying media confirmed.

This is why we can't have any kind of reasonable conversation with these people . . . they don't want to hear or pay attention to the facts, so they come up with their alternative facts . . . well fuck 'um then :mad:!!!
No it's our fault for never seeing the nuance and believing that facts are real. It's so arrogant of us really to believe what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears.

No wonder they're mad all the time.
And think logically using our brains.

Oh man it was such a mistake to lay out a simple proof by contradiction earlier with cpl2010co. He still doesn't understand it. The whole concept of "well OK let's assume you're right, then we can conclude X which contradicts Y which you also said" is such a crazy mindfuck for him.

Like the idea that an argument can be constructed according to rules of logic and inference instead of character insults and generalizations is so far out of left field.
Oh man it was such a mistake to lay out a simple proof by contradiction earlier with cpl2010co. He still doesn't understand it. The whole concept of "well OK let's assume you're right, then we can conclude X which contradicts Y which you also said" is such a crazy mindfuck for him.

Like the idea that an argument can be constructed according to rules of logic and inference instead of character insults and generalizations is so far out of left field.

What happened to mail voting was safe and would not be fraudulent is it really that easy. I didn't hear ******* bleach or vote twice. So your right mail voting should not be allowed.
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What happened to mail voting was safe and would not be fraudulent is it really that easy. I didn't hear ******* bleach or vote twice. So your right mail voting should not be allowed.

Trump already requested his absentee ballots for Florida. So you think Trump should not be allowed to vote?

Also, encouraging people to commit election fraud is a... checks notes... Federal Crime
If you didn't hear "vote twice" listen to the video again. He says "Send it in early, then go vote".

Vote by mail, then go vote in person. That's two votes. That's illegal.

You might not like that he said that (I certainly don't), but he said it.
I still maintain trying to argue any point with a leftist is like trying to paint in a driving rainstorm using a hammer.

What point are you trying to argue exactly? That he didn't say what we can all clearly hear him saying in the video?