Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

this from someone who specializes in false information....

well lets think about that false number put out by P.utin and company...…
most of the country 54% has had underlying conditions for a long time.....but only a few deaths
now you have covid and 180,000 plus die.....we all know covid attacks those with underlying conditions...……….
and yet only 6% of the country actually died of covid…...dumbest fucking statement the right and p.utin has ever put out

removed from twitter for being false...….but I guess p.utin and comp[any think we are more gullible?

False COVID-19 claim retweeted by Trump removed from Twitter
1 day ago · In truth, the CDC data says 6% of death certificates that list COVID-19 indicate it was the only factor in the fatality. The other 94% percent of patients had, on average, two to three...

False claim shared by President Trump that only 6% of CDC ...
1 day ago · only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid, the rest had other serious illnesses Flawed reasoning: Because 94% of COVID-19 death certificates listed comorbidities, the author of the claim incorrectly reasons that only 6% of the deaths currently attributed to COVID-19 were actually caused by the disease.

Why it's misleading to say only 6% of COVID-19 deaths are caused by the virus

Misinformation is spreading online after a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated 94% of the people who died from COVID-19 had contributing health conditions.

The statistic does not mean only 6% of patients died from the coronavirus, as some have falsely claimed. It simply means that the other 94% had preexisting medical issues or developed another health condition as a result of contracting COVID-19, such as pneumonia or a respiratory illness.

Some death certificates may have listed both COVID-19 and obesity, both COVID-19 and diabetes, or both COVID-19 and heart disease.

Trump’s Looks to Divide America to Win the Presidency ...
Jun 12, 2020 · The theme of divide-and-conquer – or at least just divide – so distressed a former Trump cabinet member, onetime Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, that he issued a statement to The Atlantic ...

'Appalled' Jim Mattis Says Trump Has Divided The Nation ...
‘Appalled’ Jim Mattis Says Trump Has Divided The Nation “We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership,” the former defense secretary wrote to The Atlantic.
Just How Divided Are Americans Since Trump’s Election?

One year after Donald Trump’s upset election victory, it’s not unusual to hear people wonder out loud if the United States is really one country anymore. Last month, the Republican senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake, gave a speech on the Senate floor about the “state of our disunion.”

Recent polls have confirmed that Americans are feeling bitterly split. A Gallup poll conducted just after the 2016 presidential election found 77 percent of Americans see the country as “greatly divided when it comes to the most important values,” up from 66 percent in 2012. A Washington Post-University of Maryland poll, conducted nine months into Trump’s presidency, found that seven in 10 Americans think the nation’s political divisions are as bad as during the Vietnam War.

Some historians are also raising the alarm over division in the country. They say the rise of social media, combined with the decline of the central institutions that once defined the borders of political debate, have created a potentially dangerous moment in our public discourse. Today, even disasters seem to pull us apart more than bring us together. In the wake of mass shootings in Sutherland Springs, Texas, and Las Vegas and the devastation Hurricane Maria caused in Puerto Rico, social media was full of partisan debate over how to think about the events.

Each side has proven adept at deploying information in ways that back up their points. In July, journalist Carl Bernstein, famous for his reporting on Watergate, suggested that we’re now in a “cold civil war” with different groups of people unable to agree even on the basic facts of what’s happening in the country. Could this be true?

How's nbc saw it on local news this morning too

they "explained" trump's and p.utins misleading statement...…...but not before the Russian bots get it all over the net.....even though it was removed from social media for being false.....but you have to earn your "bot' pay putting out the trash and the lies
Twitter Removes Claim About CDC And Covid-19 Coronavirus ...
1 day ago · “Only 6%” was trending on Twitter, because a QAnon supporter made inaccurate claims regarding a CDC statement about Covid-19 coronavirus deaths.

CDC Has Not Reduced The Death Count Related To COVID-19
13 hours ago · As of Aug. 26, the CDC said, there were 161,332 deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate. Social media users over the weekend posted an older screenshot of the data that showed 153,504 deaths. The posts used the 6% figure to claim the U.S. death toll was much lower 9,210.

New CDC report shows 94% of US COVID deaths had ...
The CDC data table is based on an analysis of death certificates that mention COVID-19 as a cause. For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned, the CDC notes. The other 94% list...
Twitter Removes Claim About CDC And Covid-19 Coronavirus ...
1 day ago · “Only 6%” was trending on Twitter, because a QAnon supporter made inaccurate claims regarding a CDC statement about Covid-19 coronavirus deaths.

CDC Has Not Reduced The Death Count Related To COVID-19
13 hours ago · As of Aug. 26, the CDC said, there were 161,332 deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate. Social media users over the weekend posted an older screenshot of the data that showed 153,504 deaths. The posts used the 6% figure to claim the U.S. death toll was much lower 9,210.

New CDC report shows 94% of US COVID deaths had ...
The CDC data table is based on an analysis of death certificates that mention COVID-19 as a cause. For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned, the CDC notes. The other 94% list...

So the major news outlets must have retracted right
No you don't.
They have to pose a reasonable threat. Saying that *******, doesn't give you a right to ******* them.
No one else in that neighborhood felt the need to come out with guns, and there was no reported complaints from neighbors on trespassers. Their house is not the first one or last one in the neighborhood.
Again, a peaceful march through the neighborhood, and you're pissing your pants. No wonder you need a gun.

Ed I hate to tell ya this cause ya think ya know everyfuckinthing - but NO one got killed.

Breaking down a gate does NOT indicate peaceful.

You weren’t there - you DON’T know shite.

Based on what had been happening - looked like they had EVERY right to defend their home and themselves.
this from someone who specializes in false information....

well lets think about that false number put out by P.utin and company...…
most of the country 54% has had underlying conditions for a long time.....but only a few deaths
now you have covid and 180,000 plus die.....we all know covid attacks those with underlying conditions...……….
and yet only 6% of the country actually died of covid…...dumbest fucking statement the right and p.utin has ever put out

removed from twitter for being false...….but I guess p.utin and comp[any think we are more gullible?

False COVID-19 claim retweeted by Trump removed from Twitter
1 day ago · In truth, the CDC data says 6% of death certificates that list COVID-19 indicate it was the only factor in the fatality. The other 94% percent of patients had, on average, two to three...

False claim shared by President Trump that only 6% of CDC ...
1 day ago · only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid, the rest had other serious illnesses Flawed reasoning: Because 94% of COVID-19 death certificates listed comorbidities, the author of the claim incorrectly reasons that only 6% of the deaths currently attributed to COVID-19 were actually caused by the disease.

Why it's misleading to say only 6% of COVID-19 deaths are caused by the virus

Misinformation is spreading online after a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated 94% of the people who died from COVID-19 had contributing health conditions.

The statistic does not mean only 6% of patients died from the coronavirus, as some have falsely claimed. It simply means that the other 94% had preexisting medical issues or developed another health condition as a result of contracting COVID-19, such as pneumonia or a respiratory illness.

Some death certificates may have listed both COVID-19 and obesity, both COVID-19 and diabetes, or both COVID-19 and heart disease.

Spoken by an EXPERT on false information!!!!!
Another great letter Allforthewifey. The left needs to take a good look in their mirrors. Everything they blame their President Trump for is coming from the hugely corrupt, completely divided liberal left. That party is and has always been the racist party. Facts!!! There is no such thing that comes from the left controlled media and the hate filled DEMOCRATS. Antifa is your group not the conservatives, They have been spreading hate and violence over the last 4 years and now they are mixed in with the deceptive and false BLM hate group. Where are the violent Riots Happening? Democratic run cities lead by ineffective Democratic Mayors and Governors , Period. Those caravans were the real attempts at peaceful demonstrations, Oh there were some who had paint guns or, Oh they kept going when Antifa stood in the road trying to block 5000 pound automobiles. Keep Fighting President Trump Real Americans are all behind you. To all of you that believe your always right,😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
Another great letter Allforthewifey. The left needs to take a good look in their mirrors. Everything they blame their President Trump for is coming from the hugely corrupt, completely divided liberal left. That party is and has always been the racist party. Facts!!! There is no such thing that comes from the left controlled media and the hate filled DEMOCRATS. Antifa is your group not the conservatives, They have been spreading hate and violence over the last 4 years and now they are mixed in with the deceptive and false BLM hate group. Where are the violent Riots Happening? Democratic run cities lead by ineffective Democratic Mayors and Governors , Period. Those caravans were the real attempts at peaceful demonstrations, Oh there were some who had paint guns or, Oh they kept going when Antifa stood in the road trying to block 5000 pound automobiles. Keep Fighting President Trump Real Americans are all behind you. To all of you that believe your always right,😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
If you love licking boots more than you care about free speech, sure.
That is not free speech. Police officers are our Fathers, Mothers, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers, Sisters, Nephews, Nieces, Grandsons and Granddaughters, I hate that boot licking foolishness. I have always respected law enforcement and because I am not a criminal, I have always been respected. Peaceful demonstrations are not Riots destroying property and hurting cops and other Americans.